
Bibi Dong's Disciple: My Martial Soul Is My Heart!

What happens when someone dies, is it the end? Do they just cease to exist? Do they end up in heaven or hell? Do they get reincarnated? Or does something else happen? Well, for our protagonist, a just-barely-out-of-his-teens young man named Ali Lightborne, or Ali Ashborne, it's the third option! When he died in his world of nothing but ordinariness, a R.O.B casually picks someone up, and it happened to be him! One of his wishes was to have his soul be separated into as many pieces he wanted, and sent to different universes, with their own wishes! And this Ali, wished to be reincarnated in Douluo Dalu 1 (Anime) in Martial Soul City!

That_One_Alive_Ali · Anime et bandes dessinées
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45 Chs

CH 27: Ah Li VS Bibi Dong

<I tried, okay? I seriously tried. And I hope this is good. But believe me, when it's not a death battle, or a battle where he can go batshit crazy, shit just can't be pushed to a higher level. Also, poor guy's enemy was kinda too much, too fucking overpowered. But there will be a few death battles soon though!

We can't have a crazy, insane and psychotic MC if blood ain't spilled! Gallons of it>


"Alright, are you ready?" Bibi Dong asked while standing several meters away from the grinning Ah Li :"Do you even need to ask?" Causing her to chuckle.

Raising her delicate hand gently, she motioned for him to start with a small smile :"Then feel free to attack anytime you want, little guy." And Ah Li didn't waste a moment.

Raising his hand with an excited and serious smirk, his jet black and dark purple Majestic Tyrant Axe appeared in his hand! With the release of his martial soul, his 10,000-year black soul ring also rose from his feet to his head before descending back to his feet to float around him.

He didn't stop though. An intense hotness radiated from his chest as he released his Majestic Heart! The 10,000-year black soul ring of his Majestic Heart didn't appear from his feet like the soul ring of his Majestic Tyrant Axe. It instead appeared from his chest and floated around his chest.

With the release of a wave of intense and overbearing soul power, his Majestic Incubus was also released! The 10,000-year black soul ring was released as well. But this time, from his forehead before floating on top of his head like a black halo.

He didn't waste a single moment. Not wanting to disappoint his master, he immediately activated his Majestic Heart's 1st soul ring: Majestic Heart's Blessing, to its full potential! Multiplying all of his physical attributes by 125 times!

That wasn't enough for him though. As the 1st soul ring of his Majestic Incubus shone a black light, he also activated his 2nd martial soul's 1st soul ring: Illusion Manipulation!


(1st soul ring)


Illusion Manipulation: the power to manipulate illusions. Users can manipulate illusions/hallucinations, causing targets to see, hear, touch, smell or taste things differently from what they truly are. At its base, users can distort the shape and size of an object or area.


The moment his Majestic Incubus's soul skill was activated, several other Ah Li's appeared out of nowhere, all of them looking exactly like him and even giving out the same soul power fluctuations and auras!

He didn't waste anymore time. Gripping his jet black axe, he kicked the ground and suddenly disappeared in place along with his illusions before all of them reappeared around Bibi Dong, trying to confuse her from which Ah Li was the real one. The x125 in all physical attributes had made his speed and strength skyrocket!

The moment he reached her, he swung down his axe in a hammering motion before he activated his Majestic Tyrant Axe's soul skill and raised its weight to the maximum amount.


(1st soul ring)


‌Majestic Tyrant Slash: a slash with 200% more than its normal strength. For every 10 levels, an extra 200% attack will be added.


(Years = 5ⁿ tons)


100 years) x5¹: x5

1,000 years) x5²: x25

10,000 years) x5³: x125


Majestic Heart's Blessing + Majestic Tyrant Slash + Controllable Weight:

400% x 25 => Unusable for soul skills

125 tons x 125 => 15,625 tons

15,625 tons x 5 (400%) => 78,125 tons


Looking at Ah Li and his several illusions that appeared out of nowhere around her and swung their axes without hesitation, Bibi Dong simply smirked :"Good, very good. A soul skill and illusion even stronger than Nana's even though you have two less soul rings."

In response to his attack, Bibi Dong simply raised her right hand while holding up her spread middle and index finger. But shockingly, not only did she raise it towards the real Ah Li, she actually managed to grab his incoming axe by the blade with only her fingers without showing a hint of discomfort!

"But you should know, forget about illusions of that level, not even the illusions of a normal titled douluo will work on a limit douluo like me." She smiled lightly. Bringing her ring finger to his thumb while holding the blade of the axe with her two fingers, she flicked the sharp blade directly with her finger!

The durability and defense of a soul master's body would obviously get stronger and stronger as his or her level would rise. Obviously, the normal defense of a limit douluo like Bibi Dong was not something that Ah Li, a level 20 soul master without a second soul ring could pass.

Forget about Ah Li, not even a normal and new titled douluo could ever wish to put a scratch on her skin!

The Majestic Tyrant Axe was flicked back along with Ah Li, but with a smirk, he used the momentum of her attack to spin in place before bringing his axe from below to her instead.

To the middle of her thighs at that!

Seeing where the little bastard was aiming at, Bibi Dong's face flushed before she directly punched the axe away with a glare, causing the axe and its wielder to go flying away and spin uncontrollably in the air.

But he didn't stay in the air for long, he actually managed to balance himself out in the air before striking the ground with his axe, stopping himself from going any further and getting on the ground.

"You. Damn. Little. Bastard~." His milf of a master gritted out, glaring at him with a red face while clenching her fist so hard that cracking noises were heard :"You actually dare to try and attack like that?!"

Not being able to contain his smirk from the excitement of both the battle and pulling such a reaction from the goddess, Ah Li just shrugged with a scoff :"I know that I can't win, but that still won't stop me from attacking as hard and as much as I can! Dirty attacks are on the table as well!"

'This little...' Bibi Dong's face twitched as she glared :"Fine. Just be careful of what will come after this fight is over, you little brat." Deciding that she has a point, he decided to stop.

Not the dirty attacks. The illusions.

She was right about illusions not working on her, since the mental power of a titled douluo was already freakishly strong to the point where they could easily see through illusions. Just imagine the mental power of a monstrosity called limit douluo.

Not only would it not work, it would only waste his soul power. So he stopped using illusions and went for close combat. He swung his axe from everywhere, performing moves that could only be used by experienced fighters and axe users.

However, Bibi Dong would only use one hand to block all of them. She would even use her soul power to cover her jade hand so the blows wouldn't cause an irritating sensation.

But even though she could block his attacks without any problems, she was still surprised by a few things. Ah Li, despite not having any fighting experience or an experience in using an axe, a two handed battle axe at that, was fighting as if he had years and decades of experience. <No, it's not related to his past life.

Why should every reincarnated be an assassin, soldier or a whatnot martial artist and cultivator? Why can't an absolutely normal man with a normal life get reincarnated? Ah Li was a normal person, and that's it. Why he's experienced will be explained>

That wasn't what surprised her the most though. It was the fact that all of Ah Li's blows always had the same strength and weight. There was no decrease in the terrifying weight no matter from which direction he swung his axe from.

Ah Li's Majestic Tyrant Axe, despite its amazing Innate Ability, Controllable Weight, which allowed it to multiply its weight to a terrifying weight, had but one single weakness. Ah Li's own strength.

Sure, his Ultimate Strength would allow him to have a terrifying... Well, strength. But it would be nowhere near enough at his current level to easily swing an axe which had a horrifying weight of nearly 80,000 tons.

Without getting its maximum weight multiplied by Majestic Heart's 1st soul ring, that would be different. He would definitely have a hard time using an axe that weighed 125 tons. So how could he use an axe that weighed 78,125 tons when he would have a very hard time using an axe that only had a weight of 125 tons?

Not only did it shock her, it left her completely confused. But she decided to ignore it for now and ask him about it later. Instead of blocking the next blow, she punched Ah Li and sent him flying.

Quickly balancing himself, the pain immediately disappeared thanks to his Ultimate Regeneration before he looked at his master. Cracking her fingers with one hand, Kaneki style, she looked at her disciple with a calm but slightly serious face :"That's enough defending.

You've had your chance to attack, now it's my turn to attack and for you to try and fight back." Most people would either get very serious, or would be very afraid. But that wasn't the case for Ah Li.

His smile only grew more excited at his master's words.

Gripping his axe even tighter, he looked at the sexy goddess with a battle thirsty smile :"Them bring it!" Hearing his hearty response, the corner of Bibi Dong's plump lips rose slightly :"Then be prepared."

Kicking the ground, she rushed towards Ah Li before throwing a fury of punches at him. But the red eyed boy, with the soul skill of his Majestic Heart still active, still managed to barely dodge her fists.

When she threw a kick at his side, he used the handle of his axe to block the kick before actually spewing fire from his own mouth. Seeing the incoming Ultimate Fire, Bibi Dong stepped aside and quickly dodged before throwing another kick.

Ah Li blocked again, but this time, jumped up and used the momentum of the kick to his axe to spin in place and attack. Bibi Dong was done with defending though. So even when she smiled at her disciple's combat instinct, she still didn't let him off the hook.

Punching the axe away, she didn't waste a single moment before punching Ah Li in the stomach and sending him flying away. With a wince, he quickly balanced himself out before his master showed up in front of him again.

Gripping the hell out of his axe, he decided to go offensive. He wouldn't get injured anyway, and the pain would only exist for a single second before fading away. W for the Ultimate Regeneration.

He swung his Majestic Tyrant Axe at his master multiple times, but all of them got blocked. He didn't stop though. Even when she punched or kicked him, he still stood his ground and fought back.

Blocking was off the table for him. But dodging, reflecting and parring were still some things that he used. He would spin in place, or spin the axe to land some unexpected attacks.

But his opponent was just too overpowered. She was just as strong as high heaven. How the hell was he supposed to fight against that beautiful monstrosity?

Gritting his teeth to distract himself from the pain of the punch that just landed in his guts, he brought his axe down on her head for who knows how manyth time :"Haaa!!"

But just like the numerous times that she had done, she just blocked it. But this time, instead of striking back, she just held the jet black axe in the air along with Ah Li :"Okay, that's enough for today."

Hearing her, the panting and slightly tired Ah Li just went limp in the air while holding onto his axe. Still smiling though, causing Bibi Dong to chuckle at his battle thirsty nature before gently lowering him to the ground and letting him sit on the messed up little battlefield.