
Bibi Dong's Disciple: My Martial Soul Is My Heart!

What happens when someone dies, is it the end? Do they just cease to exist? Do they end up in heaven or hell? Do they get reincarnated? Or does something else happen? Well, for our protagonist, a just-barely-out-of-his-teens young man named Ali Lightborne, or Ali Ashborne, it's the third option! When he died in his world of nothing but ordinariness, a R.O.B casually picks someone up, and it happened to be him! One of his wishes was to have his soul be separated into as many pieces he wanted, and sent to different universes, with their own wishes! And this Ali, wished to be reincarnated in Douluo Dalu 1 (Anime) in Martial Soul City!

That_One_Alive_Ali · Anime et bandes dessinées
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45 Chs

CH 23: Qian Daoliu P2

"So when he started talking shit, I beat his ass right there! Hahahaha!" Jinzi Eyu laughed loudly, causing the other worships along with Ah Li to laugh as well. They weren't just laughing at the old man's old stories either. They were drinking while listening.

Ah Li too...

None of the super douluos were drunk, as you'd expect from a bunch of guys only a little bit away from godhood. But surprisingly, Ah Li wasn't showing any signs of being drunk either.

Jinzi Eyu's secret alcohol stash wasn't actually filled with light alcoholic drinks either. Saying that they were the kind that would get people drunk in a few sips wouldn't be an exaggeration.

But surprisingly, Ah Li wasn't showing any signs of being drunk even after drinking a few glasses! Even though Jinzi Eyu had given him the weakest drink, it was still pretty surprising since he was just a kid.

Guess his Russian genes had been reincarnated with him. Now he just needed an Adidas tracksuit and he'd complete the full set! Then he'd be able to pull the legendary skill once again, Slav Squat!

"Heh, you were a real troublemaker when you were young, huh?" Ah Li smirked, causing him to snort smugly with a grin :"Of course! Would I, the Golden Crocodile douluo, act weak and not fight?!

I was picking fights left and right back then! But honestly, most of the fighting came from bastards who didn't know when to quit. I would just fight them and leave after winning. But those assholes would just keep coming back with more people.

There was also this dumbass thing they would do which was bring their elders and hit. Dumbasses. You got your ass kicked and you're not embarrassed to let your entire clan and family know?"

'Lol, bro literally just roasted the entire Young Master race.' The black haired boy laughed inwardly, taking a big sip from his drink before the fourth worship, Jian Shizi the Lion douluo, a man resembling Jinzi Eyu in looks and figure but just with golden hair instead of brown, laughed aloud :"Hahahaha, old crocodile, you were just too much of a troublemaker! Don't blame others because you asked for trouble!"

"Screw you, Jian Shizi! Of course I'd give a beating to whoever asked for it!" Jinzi Eyu snorted, jokingly glaring at his old friend before shrugging :"But oh well, that was all in the past.

At some point in time, it got boring to just travel everywhere and fight. So I finally settled down in Martial Soul Hall and stopped beating other people."

"Yeah, settled down and got your ass handed to you by Qian Daoliu instead! Hahahaha!" Ah Li laughed loudly, causing everybody else but Jinzi Eyu to laugh as well.

The fierce looking man's face twitched as he slapped the back of the kid's head :"What do you know, kid?! Don't make fun of old people!"

But just as everybody was laughing, the door to the hallway was suddenly kicked open :"Xiao Li!!" And a beautiful but angry voice was heard as two figures walked in, Qian Renxue and Qian Daoliu!

"Y-you?! W-why are you drinking?!" She pointed at the drink in Ah Li's hands, surprise, worry and a little bit of fear apparent in her voice and eyes.

"It was his idea!" The red eyed boy didn't waste a single second before pointing at Jinzi Eyu next to him, startling the old man who knew he had messed up and glared at him :"Damn kid, you!"

"Oh no, mom is going to kill me..." Qian Renxue face palmed :"... This is literally one of the worst outcomes that could happen... Why, uncle Eyu...? Just why...?"

"... Jinzi Eyu, are you retarded?" Qian Daoliu spoke up in disappointment after a moment of speechlessness :"Who in their right mind would let a child drink, you idiot? Especially one of your drinks..."

"Shit, that's right!" The blonde seemed to realize something, quickly rushing towards her junior brother and checking his body :"Are you alright?! You don't feel weird, right?! Dammit, uncle Eyu's drinks are not for normal people, forget about a child! What is wrong with you uncle Eyu?!"

"Geez, calm down, Xiao Xue..." Jinzi Eyu raised his hands in surrender :"I obviously checked his body to see if he'd be able to handle my drinks without a problem. Only when I was sure did I give him a drink.

Otherwise, you really think I'd give him any of my drinks? Wouldn't that be asking for death? Xiao Xue, I'm battle hungry, not stupid. Old Daoliu and the Pope would kill me if I did."

"Yeah, sister Xue. Don't worry, I'm fi-" Ah Li smiled awkwardly, but he was silenced by the blonde angrily pinching his cheeks and pulling :"Don't you of all people dare to talk! I'm definitely telling mom so she'll give you a piece of mind!"

"Ow ow!" He frowned in pain, grabbing her hands and pushing them away :"Why would master even know? We're the only ones who know, and we could just keep it a secret!"

"You little idiot!" She called out, her hands going to his cheeks again and pinching cruelly :"You think mom, a level 99 limit douluo, won't be able to pick on the smell of alcohol! Thanks to you, she's going to kill us both now!"

"Ow ow ow! Calm down!" He shouted, trying to push away her hands but failing before Qian Daoliu spoke up :"He's right, Xiao Xue, calm down. Don't worry, I'll get rid of the smell, so you don't need to worry."

"Huh? You can do that, grandpa?" The blonde looked at her grandpa, hope evident in her beautiful purple eyes. The ancient man nodded calmly :"Yeah, soul power is pretty convenient and can be used for many things. How do you think this place doesn't stink of alcohol when Jinzi Eyu drinks most of the day?"

"... You're right! Phew, I nearly had a heart attack..." She sighed in relief, finally letting go of the kid with the red and annoyed face :"You're just overreacting."

"Screw you!" She knocked on his head, causing him to rub it with a pained expression :"If you had just stayed put, none of this would've happened!"

"Screw you! What was I supposed to do till you returned!" He glared back at her. Seeing the sparks flying around them, Qian Daoliu decided to interfere again :"Sigh, children, calm down already. There's no need to act like this. Situation is already solved, so stop worrying, Xiao Xue."

"Hmph, only because grandpa said so!" With a small angry pout, she whipped her head to look away. Rolling his eyes, Ah Li finally decided to pay attention to the elephant in the room, Qian Daoliu :"Hello, young Ah Li.

It's nice to finally meet you. As you probably figured out already, I'm Xiao Xue's grandfather, Qian Daoliu. It's great to meet you in person. Hahaha, Xiao Xue had made me curious after how much she complimented you and bragged about how amazing you are in the past few days."

"Grandpa! You promised to not tell him that!" Qian Renxue blushed deeply, quickly whipping her head to look away when Ah Li raised an amused and smug eyebrow at her :"Oh? Is that so?"

"H-hmph!" She scoffed, but he could clearly see the blush that had stretched to her beautiful ears. Deciding that it's not the right place to tease her, he just playfully rolled his eyes before turning to Qian Daoliu with interest.

He looked to be a very calm person, and the fact that not even a single drop of soul power fluctuation was leaking from his body was just fascinating :'So this is the famous Qian Daoliu, huh? One of the three limit douluos in the continent, and the one known as the supreme in the sky.'

Smiling politely, he gave a gentle bow of his head only :"Hello, uncle. It's great to meet you as well. I've also heard a lot from sister Xue about you."

"Hahaha, well, aren't you a polite child? Good, that's good." He nodded with a chuckle :"As expected from a child who Bibi Dong herself picked as a student. I wouldn't expect anything else."

"Hahaha, you're exaggerating, uncle." He chuckled back nonchalantly :"I just wouldn't want to embarrass my master and bring shame to her name."

"Mhm, that's even better." He nodded with satisfaction :"Tell me, Xiao Li, do you know why I asked Xiao Xue to bring you here today?"

'Because you were too fucking lazy to come to me yourself?' He rolled his eyes mentally. But obviously, he wasn't stupid enough to say that out loud. The reason why he could talk like that with Jinzi Eyu was because he was a chill dude who only thought about having fun. He didn't know that much about Qian Daoliu yet.

Ah Li, calmly and nonchalantly :"Sister Xue said that you wanted to see my talent and martial souls for yourself."

Qian Daoliu, nodding calmly :"That's correct. There has never been a soul master who was born with quadruplet martial souls. Do you know what is the condition to be born with more than one martial soul?"

Ah Li :"Master said that it happens when the martial souls of a person's parents either have an amazing level of compatibility and similarities, or are very different from each other and barely, maybe even not any, similarities between each other."

Qian Daoliu :"That's correct. Your master and Xiao Xue have said that all of your martial souls are equal to our Seraphim martial soul, which is a god bestowed martial soul. If it's true, you could be the strongest genius in the Martial Soul Hall to ever exist."

Ah Li, interested :"Really?"

Qian Daoliu, nodding calmly :"Of course. The reason why Martial Soul Hall is so strong is because of the Seraphim martial soul. In case you didn't know, Martial Soul Hall was created long ago by the Angel God before she ascended to godhood.

All the big clans have become so strong thanks to their martial souls. Take the Three Upper Sects for example. Hao Tian Clan has the strongest tool martial soul. Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan has the strongest beast martial soul. And the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan has the strongest auxiliary tool martial soul.

Because of their martial souls, even though they're only sects, their power has made it so that even the Tian Dou Empire and Xing Luo Empire must pay them respect. Even our Martial Soul Hall doesn't mess with them for no reason.

Their martial souls have made them so strong and important in the soul master world. The Seraphim martial soul is the greatest example of what only the quality of the martial soul can achieve.

Now Bibi Dong claims that each of your martial souls is as strong, and maybe even stronger than this god bestowed martial soul. Can you imagine how strong a soul master with four martial souls each equal to the Seraphim will be in the future?"

Ah Li :"Ooh. It's really badass when you put it like that. So you basically want to see if it's true or not?"

Qian Daoliu, shaking head :"Not really. Bibi Dong is not somebody to lie about these kinda things. She's also definitely not a bragger. Since she's the one who has said it, I can't really not trust her words.

I just want to see it for myself. If it's really true, then as I said, you are the greatest genius in our Martial Soul Hall ever since its creation. That's no joke considering how long the Martial Soul Hall has existed for.

If it's true, I will spare no effort in making you the greatest soul master for the Martial Soul Hall. After all, it would be illogical to hold back in nurturing such a genius.

But there is also a problem that we'll need to solve. The way to absorb soul rings for multiple martial souls. Bibi Dong has already solved this for herself, but she only has twin martial souls while you have quadruplet martial souls.

If we don't find a way to solve this problem in the future, not only can it be extremely dangerous in the future, but it can outright threaten your life and kill you. That's why me and Bibi Dong have already discussed this and your teaching. I just wanted to see you myself."