

Kristhina & Jack get married and lived a true love, with companionship, friendship, fidelity, but in this period they went through moments of sadness, obstacles that will shake the relationship. The more the love that exists speaks louder. You will discover what a true love can win the battles of life. come and read this exciting story based on real events of love and companionship between a loving couple.

Noize_Cristina · Histoire
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Chapter 23 Perfect Family

2 years later...

Two years had passed I had already returned to work at the school not as a teacher but as a coordinator and psychologist everything is going well at work at home and speaking at home my prince always a loving and present husband and not to mention the matter of father I don't think he has a father like him, our daughters love him and a playful and loving father and not to mention a protective and careful father,

Today and Saturday we are going to go for a walk in the mall with the girls and have lunch there, taking a shower, and going to see how my princess is doing, but as soon as I leave the room with a laugh coming from my kitty's room and stop to listen and shield my prince as long jokes for them that makes her lose her breath from laughing so much, from her father, I open the door and come in already talking,

- and even you didn't leave me there and came here, I heard my kitten said,

- my cat sleeps with daddy and he doesn't have to stay with us for a while,

- wow who said that to you, my mother's beautiful kitty,

- nobody I'm talking about,

- there is love, I am from you, a little bit of each one,

- and even a little bit,

- Yes,

- love I thought you were already at the company, the agent will no longer have lunch together,

-we did, I left to go there later, I'm going to put you in the shoppign while I go to the company there we meet at the restaurant for lunch,- all right then, girls let's get ready to go out, and so it was a party for them, We left towards the shoppign so we got there Jack left us at the door and we went in, as I had to buy clothes and shoes for my princesses we went straight to the children's shoe store that had it, and it was that fuzuê to try on shoes until they chose and we followed for the clothing store, Andri no longer wants to wear children's clothes just for young women, so just try my clothes on in this store and go on to another one and it was her turn to try it on, and for a second I forgot my clothes, and I looked for her everywhere and no one thinks anyone saw her I started crying and we went looking for her everywhere, it was already past the hour I didn't know what else to do when one of the security guards arrived and asked me,

- lady by chance she is dressed in a pink dress and a ribbon tiara in her hair and boots,

-yes this one, and as soon as I spoke he informed me on the radio, turned to me, and said,

- we found her,

- wherein the park kids as a boy,

- with whom?

- yes it can be her father

- no, my wife would never do that without letting me know, since another security guard may be a kidnapper,

- no lady for what I was told he is taking care of her, And I started to think it could be, and so I went to where she was most when I got there, I got a fright because the person who least expected this with my daughter,

- what are you doing with my daughter I almost died,

- well I found her looking and she couldn't tell me where you were so I decided to bring her here until you found us and it worked, said João. look you should have informed the security guards because it's time that I'm looking for her I didn't know what else to do we're already calling the police when a security guard passed the radio informing her where she was,

-well she is fine now take care of her because and a golden girl like her mother I really enjoyed spending this time with her, I still have the feeling that she could be my daughter,

- look João very Obrigado you can take care of my daughter but I need to go, my husband must have already arrived and is waiting for us at the restaurant,

- girls come on daddy must be waiting for us, and I left there he held my arm and snorted me, next to him,

- Let me go, please- boy let mom go, my daughter said and I looked at him more he didn't let me go and he held me even tighter I said,

- let go of my arm for the favor, and I started to struggle, and that's when I heard it,

- release my wife now you idiot,

- I looked to the side and saw Jack looking like he was on fire through his nose in anger,

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