
Sympathy for a Rival

Aside from the hatred between me and idiot, who also happens to be named Rocco Tamone, if you were wondering, don't know why you would though, things are pretty boring. I am not really one to do nothing, so I frequently fill my time with random things. Typically my free time is comprised of learning languages, and stretching as well as exercising, shadow fighting, playing with toys, actually I'll do pretty much anything to really fill the time, most of the time inside.

Playing outside is fun, problem is, I don't have many neighbors that I actually know or get along with. The people who live next to us on the left are an odd old couple. They are superstitious to a fault and are always going on about the end of the world. They even installed security cameras all over the neighborhood, because of their collective paranoia. They have eyes on almost everything, and if I didn't know them I would be a little creeped out. Bright side is, no one on this street has ever been robbed for the past twenty three years since they were installed. There a kind, funny pair, they get along really well and from what I have heard they've been married for a little over sixty years, and have five children, Some grand-/children, and even some great-grandchildren children. Point is, they aren't the kind of people up for a game of tag.

Then there are the houses to our right and in front of us that are vacant, and other than that there are an assortment of families we don't know that well in the neighborhood. Most of them don't have children, and the few that do, have children way older than me, and we haven't really met. This Ultimately results in me being forced to entertain myself, and I don't like my toy friends to get covered in grass.

In the past few months I have gotten really flexible and I can now fully do the splits. It's weird to actually do them though, especially because in my last life I accidentally did it a few times and every time it hurt way more than a little, and I couldn't walk afterwards. If anything it's just a little traumatic because I expect pain, but it doesn't hurt. That's starting to go away now, but it is still a little freaky. I've also gotten a little pbetter in my language classes. They're the kind that you can do on your own time and progress at whatever speed you need, which I really appreciate. I spend a solid block of about an hour a day on it but it's still confusing, and oftentimes I can focus on it for too long. I have nothing else to do, so I will continue to try my best.

Today is special because, I am on a stakeout. School finished, and now that I am left with nothing else to do, I am going to investigate the new neighbors. Apparently someone new is supposed to be moving in beside us, and I want to know who. People always come to look at the houses and never buy them, but my parents are positive that someone is moving in this time, so I want to know how they were so sure that someone would buy it. I've learned that my parents are perceptive but not omniscient so they have to have something to base that off of. The most logical thing to do is observe the house and ask the people directly, no need to be discrete. Just act like a curious kid.

My stake out had actually began a few days ago and I haven't seen anyone yet, but I have this feeling that today is the day. I am super excited. I live in a suburban neighborhood, with lots of trees that are all pretty tall, so I use them as perches to do my stalking, I mean selective people watching. No matter, I took the toy binoculars that I got as a birthday present last year, with lenses that have a surprisingly absurd magnification for a toy, and labor to climb up a tree to the point where I can have a clear view of the other house and an array of windows into their home. Not creepy at all.

After about fifteen minutes, I head a car coming. I had hope that it was the people who were coming to move in. My hopes were rewarded as they drove into the driveway, unfortunately I couldn't really see the people, but I swore the car looked familiar. It's probably just a coincidence. I was going to wait for them to come into my view but another sound set off an alarm in my head. It was the sound of a sliding glass door opening, and my mother calling my name. She hated when I would climb up into the trees, because I was five and the best branches were about ten or so feet off the ground, and I was to be grounded if I did it again. I had to get down completely undetected.

As my mother continued to call for me I silently made my way down the tree and tried to play it off like I was doing something I was totally supposed to. I regrettably didn't get to see the new neighbors, and the light brown wooden fence that surrounded our backyard got in the way of continued observation, after the narrow evasion of my mothers eyesight.

"Fenris, Respond when I'm calling for you, understand." My mother said as she finally found me behind the tree. " Anyway, You have a cute little visitor."

My mothers concern was immediately replaced with a almost childish excitement as she pulled me inside. I was confused about what on earth she could have been talking about until I walked into the Livingroom and I saw Lilly. Suddenly, it made sense.

"Fen-Fen!" Lilly saw me and immediately ran to give me a hug.

"Lilly?!" I was both excited and confused. I didn't allow that to impede the hug however. Who in their right mind wouldn't accept a hug, especially from someone so cute.

"Why are you here lilly?" I asked astounded at the fact that she was right in front of me. I wasn't told they would be coming.

" They just moved in next door." My mother answered my question. I spun and looked at her like she was crazy.

"They're the new people!?" I asked unable to hide my excitement. I was practically on cloud nine. I would finally have a friend nearby and it was Lilly of all people. I can safely say that I was satisfied with the identity of the new neighbors.

" Yes! Now we can play together all the time!" Lilly gave me a bright smile and grabbed both of my hands.

"Lets go play right now!" Lilly said looking to her mother for permission.

"Fenris, you can bring Lilly to your room, Just be careful you two." My mother called out to me as we started to climb the stairs to where the bedrooms and office were.

" Ok, mom." I called back, as we made out way to the door.

"Come on in." I invited lilly into my room. Now that we were alone I was feeling a little awkward. What was I supposed to do now?

Lilly started to wander around an look at things. I felt a little apprehensive about having someone else in my room. It was silly, but no one has ever been in my room aside from my mom and dad, still I was irrationally nervous.

"~Gasp~ Its so cute." Lilly said out loud, breaking me from my thoughts. I didn't notice that I was stuck in my head, so I suppose I wasn't as anxious as I thought. Lilly was holding my fox plushie, so I decided to introduce her.

" Thats Miho. Miho and I have had lots of Adventures together, she's my best friend." I said to Lilly

"I'm not your best friend?" Lilly gasped again, this time it was weird, but I didn't want her thinking that I didn't like her.

"No, I ..." I realized I didn't know how to explain how I felt. I didn't want to tell her I like her or Miho more, though Miho may be a stuffed animal, she is still something I hold very close. Do I just lie? Do I like Miho better? I started to panic.

" I'm kidding." Lilly said, in a lost tone, like she wasn't sure she was doing something right. "Mommy said that it's called a joke. I don't quite get it, but she said it was fun. I think I'm doing it wrong, it wasn't fun at all. Sorry."

"Umm, so Miho is like Ellie?" Lilly said trying to change the subject.

" Who's Ellie?" I ask.

"Ellie the Elephant. She's my best friend. Then there is also Beni the Giraffe, he's my best friend too. Your my best friend too." She seemed rather excited when talking about them.

" I want to meet them." I smiled, Lilly and I continued to talk about our stuffed animals. I then introduced her to Chika, and Joey, and the others who I had given names to. I feel a little ridiculous now that I am facing the fact that I have developed some serious relations with majority of the stuffed animals and toys in my room, but Lilly was talking about some of her friends who are dolls so maybe I'm fine? No, I should be past these things. I may be a child but I can't ignore the fact that I have probably lived longer than both of my parents.

"Fen-fen, do you want to play house?" Lilly broke me out of my thoughts. She had a pleading 'puppy dog eyes' expression and her lower lip quivered slightly, she had her hands laced and there was obvious expectation, and excitement in her eyes.

"Umm ..." I honestly didn't really want to but the face Lilly was giving me was too much I couldn't just blatantly tell her off. " I g-"

" Fenrir, Lilly come back downstairs." I heard my mother call out to us

I mentally thanked my mother for saving me from the fate of such an activity as playing house. "Come on." I say, Grabbling Lilly by the hand I pull her out of my room and back down the stairs.

When we reached the bottom of the stairs Lilly's mother kneeled down and gave her daughter a hug "Were you two having fun?"

" Yeah! Fen-fen introduced me to all of his friends like Miho and Joey, then I told him about Ellie and Beni!" Lilly gave her mother a little twirl then an idea popped into her head. Running to her mothers leg she grabbed hugged it tight looking up at her. " Hey mom do you thing I could go bring Beni, and Ellie over?"

" I'm sorry dear, but we have to go home and help daddy with all the boxes. You'll see Fenrir later tonight during dinner and you can play together tomorrow, so say goodbye for now."

" But mom, We didn't even get to play." Lilly cried in rebellion.

" Lilly, you can come back another time to play with Fenris." Vivillian was forceful in her tone, yet Lilly refused to relent.

" No! I wanna play with Fen-Fen!" Lilly screamed at her mother. and ran away hiding behind me.

" Lilly Noelle Katz, you will come over here, in the next three seconds or your grounded." Her mother was harsh, but I suppose it was warranted from the way Lilly was acting.

"No!" Lilly refused to accept

" One."

" Fen-Fen, help." She clung to me trying to get me to help her.

" Two."

Giving Lilly a hug, I tried to pry her hands off of me, but not fast enough.

" Three. Lilly, if you don't get over here now, your getting a spanking."

Lilly froze and it was enough for me to unlatch her hands and drag her over to her mother. I gave her one last hug, as Lilly looked at me as if I had betrayed her. Hopefully she'll understand, eventually.

Like that, Lilly and her mother left. I stared at the door, hoping Lilly didn't get into too much trouble. I was actually anxious about it. I started to pace thinking about the trouble she might have gotten in, and if she would be mad at me for pushing her away.

My mother found my distress over Lilly positively adorable, if the muffled coos and squeals. I was soon after informed that I wouldn't be seeing Lilly for a week because she had been grounded for yelling at her mother. I tried to argue her case, but unfortunately my mother couldn't do anything and although I tried, mother didn't let me try and convince Lilly's parents otherwise. It wasn't our place.

I pushed the incident to the back of my mind and tried to focus on something else. Tomorrow, we had school so I would be able to see her then, and hopefully she will accept my apology.

The next day came at a grueling speed, and walking into class I was so nervous I was shaking. I had thought about what I would do if She didn't forgive me, and I hated all of the options I was given. I was one of the first ones in class and the only other person in there was Winter and Miss. Amanda. I told them of my troubles and they both tried to comfort me which was reassuring. Other kids slowly started to funnel in and I stood in dismay as the pressure and anxiety built in wait of Lilly's arrival. It seemed as if fate was screwing with me, because despite the fact she is typically one of the first kids here in the mornings, she was the last today.

As soon as Lilly walked into the room I wanted to run up to her and apologize, however I knew if I was too eager, it may annoy her even more, so I decided to be strategic I let her say hello to Penny and Winter, then I would go say hello and apologize. I thought it was a good plan, and I executed the simple maneuver perfectly, however I hadn't anticipated the response she gave me, she looked at me then turned and walked away completely ignoring my apologies. I heard a few snickers from some of the kids in the class, that includes Penny, who was smacked by Winter for being rude. I felt my heart shatter and I dropped to the floor lifeless. I died the end.

Just kidding, however it did sting far worse than I had anticipated. Resolutely collecting myself I decided to keep trying until I got her to listen to me. All the while I could feel the condescending eyes of Rocco peering into my soul and attempting to crush my wounded ego. Unfortunately for him, I have looked death in the face, so I would not be hindered by such a simple setback. I held strong and continued my otherwise fruitless endeavor until I started to see a crack in the guise of Lilly. It was becoming harder for her to keep ignoring me, and that was all the reassurance I needed to pester my way into her attention.

That evening I baked some cookies with my mother and walked next door to formally ask for forgiveness, as well as to bring a peace offering. It took some coercion but I managed to get Lilly to accept my apology and her mother even reduced the grounding she got for talking back, allowing us to play together for the rest of the day. It was fun and we were finally back to liking each other again, which just the thought made me happy.

The day after we made up Lilly and I were going to carpool with her mother since both of my parents needed to work, so school passes as normal. However, during recess Rocco asked Lilly to meet him at the playground after school alone, and asked me to tell her mother where she was. I was a bit dubious about what he wanted. Thinking it sounded really creepy, I decided to follow her, and try and ease drop on what was going on. Hiding in the tube slide right next to where they were going to meet I stayed extra quiet.

"Rocco? What did you want?" I heard Lilly's voice echo in the slide

" Will you be my girlfriend?" I could hear a nervous Rocco, and honestly I was rather impressed at his brazenness.

" Sorry, but I like Fen-Fen." Lilly said innocently. I Had to cover my mouth to keep myself from making any noise. I actually felt really bad for the poor guy. He may be irritating, but this was brutal even for a five year old.

Silence ensued, then Lilly called out again. " Sorry, I need to go" Lilly said I I heard her walk away, the sound of gravel moving from footsteps growing fait as her left.

"I hate him!" I heard Rocco scream and the Slide shook a bit. The tremors occurred a few times before I heard him walk off too. Sliding down the slide completely I apologized to the place where Rocco once stood. I thought for a moment and Realized I understood him more than I would have thought. Considering the pain I felt when Lilly was ignoring me, I ended up feeling a little bitter.

I needed to head back to ensure no one began to freak out that I was gone, so I headed back ensuring to go around the school to enter the front. I wasn't going to risk someone exposing the fact I was spying. Privacy is important and I definitely overheard something I shouldn't have.