
The Journey Begins

"Noah why do you want to go to Kerel city, you know it may be dangerous as we don't know much about it after the war, that city is in mystery after the war," Alia said

"I know aunt but I want to go and see myself what outside our village looks like, from the start, I never left only heard from you guys outside look like. I also want to stop this mastermind as soon as possible so that our village can be at peace." Noah replied

Seeing Noah has made up his mind Alia sighed and said: "Since you have already decided to be careful in whatever you do always remember that your aunt is waiting for you at home."

After 3 days

Noah and Greg were ready to embark on their journey to Kerel city. They had been preparing for this mission for a long time and were eager to gather information about the mastermind behind the Wolf gang. Before leaving the village, they went to meet the high priest.

"Grandpa, we are leaving today. Bless us that we will be able to gather whole information about the mastermind Wolf gang," Noah said.

"My blessings are always with you," the high priest replied.

"Before you leave, take this with you," he added, handing Noah a mask.

Noah was confused by this gift. "Why did you give me this mask?" he asked.

"While Greg was standing aside and watching this, he also got surprised by this and wanted to ask, but seeing the high priest looking towards him, he stopped and thought that this high priest is not normal," Greg thought.

"You take this with you and make sure that your face is not seen by anyone once you leave for the mission, especially in Kerel city. Never remove this mask," the high priest said.

"I know you have many doubts. These will be clear when the time comes. With this mask, you may be able to avoid unwanted attention and remove some danger. Since you have nothing to do now, go. I need to rest," the high priest added.

With some confusion, Noah and Greg left the village for Kerel city. As they walked towards their destination, Noah couldn't help but wonder why the high priest had given him the mask. But he trusted the old man and decided to wear the mask as instructed.

Meanwhile, inside the high priest's chamber, he sighed and looked towards the god statue. "What needs to come will always come. We can't bypass that and have to tackle this sooner or later. I hope that kid will be safe in the future. Deeta, I can only help this much. What he needs to face will come to him sooner or later," he said to himself.

Noah and Greg continued their journey toward Kerel city, determined to uncover the truth about the Wolf gang's mastermind. But little did they know that their journey would be filled with danger and unexpected twists.

After traveling some distance from the village, Noah asked Greg, "Uncle Greg, why didn't we take that jeep, but now we are walking to Kerel city?"

"Before, my plan was also to take the jeep to Kerel city, but after meeting the High Priest, I have changed my mind. The jeep may make us stand out and attract unwanted attention. We don't want that. I know you have many questions right now about the High Priest giving you that mask, and I also have some. Let's just wait for the time being and do what we need to do," Greg said.

With Greg saying this, Noah also stopped that matter and left it aside. "So uncle, you want us to travel on foot till Kerel city?" Noah added jokingly.

"From our Kunj village to Kerel city, we have around 20 km distance, and we have to pass through one town and three villages with some forest area in between. In one of the villages, we have already gone before during one of our operations, so we better be careful and not disclose any information about what we're doing. We will try to get a lift or any other vehicle in these places. If we don't find any, then we have to move on foot only," Greg gave some basic info to Noah.

Noah didn't say anything further and moved on with Greg

As Noah and Greg made their way towards Kerel city, they stopped at a small village they had visited before during one of their previous operations. The village was nestled between lush green hills, and the air was filled with the sweet fragrance of wildflowers.

As they entered the village, Noah noticed that the villagers were all busy with their daily chores. He saw a group of children playing by the riverbank, while some women were washing clothes in the river.

Noah and Greg made their way to the village's central square, where they saw a group of men gathered around a well, engaged in an animated conversation. They seemed to be discussing the recent shortage of crops which affected their livelihood.

As Noah and Greg approached, the villagers turned to look at them, curiosity evident in their eyes. Noah and Greg introduced themselves as travelers passing through the village and asked if they could rest and get some food.

The villagers welcomed them warmly and offered them a place to rest and some food. As they sat down to eat, Noah and Greg struck up a conversation with the villagers. They learned that the village had been struggling due to the recent shortage of food, and many families are on their last reserves.

Noah and Greg empathized with the villagers and decided to help in whatever way they could. They asked the villagers about the current scenario of the shortage of food and where they are procuring.

They tried to find the basic details of the village for a better understanding of the situation.

The village head was hesitant at first, but he soon realized that Noah and Greg genuinely wanted to help. So give them the complete details of the village.