

It really not a story of heartbreak and vengeance but of real happenings the materialize in the world read and follow up on the slow but steady life adventure of Hayley Cris Kush.

LITTLE_HAY · Fantaisie
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You honestly didn't make friends hay learn how to socialize with people stop being a Lone Wolf it is better to be with a pack than being a rouge hay.

Okay stop your lectures already this is my first day and thanks to the documents you sent I've been busy but Dad you need to stop giving me your work I still have mine in case you have forgotten it not fair.

Why are you so ungrateful I'm teaching you how to handle the company and your complaining you are to be smiling while doing it, it's for your own good so stop complaining.

Dad how is you dodging your work to spend time with mom and to a be a good public figure and opportunity for me please elaborate .

you don't know anything leave me alone I don't like talking when the car is moving and prepare yourself I'm just going as a director you the person in charge.

No way I'm not in support of this you've been doing this alot why do you want those blood sucking and energy draining board of directors to channel their frustration on me not you I don't want it.

Sweetheart it for your own good I'm preparing you for the future you are the heiress of the Cush business you have to be ready for anything I'm doing this because I love you okay princess.

Don't just princess me your doing this to save your own a** I know that toffins Inc at City B stock has dropped do you think I'm stupid I don't it want let swap place I will go as a director you will lead the meeting.

You already know so why do you want to give your father a hard time there's no way I'm leading that meeting

And the battering continued until the covoy got to the Cush tower. The Cush tower is a seven star hotel that is made of glass from top to bottom. At last Kendrall won the argument and Hayley would lead the meeting as the acting CEO.

Coming out from one of the suite Hayley wore an hand made white business suit black heels and black bag her hair was tied up in a ponytail with white shade glass she looked like a real business woman that she was.

Inside the meeting room Kendrall was already sitting with the board of directors the only empty chair was that of the CEO.

Where is the person that will lead this meeting who do they think they are to keep us waiting it been twenty minutes since the meeting started where's that person I would give him/her a piece of my mind when I see them one of the director said and as if on cue the door open and Hayley elegantly walked in.

The directors were surprise to see her but they all stood up as an act of respect for the CEO, while Hayley didn't even glance at them and just sat down on her sit before the directors sat down.

The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the fall of stocks in three of our subsidiary companies in the past three weeks they have been changes in the stock sales which is bringing loss to us. After the annocement the directors started complaining and Hayley just sat down watching them as they kept on arguing like kindergarteners after five minutes they noticed that she has not said anything they all channeled their frustration to her

why aren't saying anything are you lost

is the issue to much for you to handle

Get up from that sit and get out

I don't know why your parents made you the acting CEO when you are incapable what nonsense

stupid young girl

Kendrall just sat there watching but he was already scared that she would do something beastly if those directors don't watch their mouths

They kept on coming at her until she opened her mouth and said only four words


she said it not to loud but enough for them to feel shivers running down their spine and the whole room went silent not just because of the authority that come out with the words that she spoke but because of the way her aura change from calm and collected to dangerous and blood lust and the evil smirk that was dancing on her lips didn't help at all.