
Beyond The Beyond

Working class genius goes to Mars and beyond with the help of Android and human companions

Anthony_Leaman · Romance
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In the unoccupied office at the conference centre where the veterans are holding their reunion. and where A B the cleaning droid is writing its book, during her official break, A seven foot tall chimera humanoid with the head and neck of an ibis walks in.


"Hello, hello, hello, Why are you doing computing when you are supposed to be cleaning? HMmmm !


"Please excuse me sir. I am writing a book to tell the multiverse the story of A A and Xenon as I remember it".


"You mean how you saw it? Your version of events".



Another of the veterans, named Da Doo Ron Ron.

one half of a pair of reptilian humanoid chimeras bursts in, also in a joyful mood after swallowing her soma tablets. ( A legal chemical relaxant)

Da Doo Ron Ron.

"Yeah! My sister and I were there, too. What about us? We want to have our say too."

A rowdy chorus of voices echos the sentiments of DDRR.


"You are very welcome to help me, I just thought that, as I am a Droid, my version would be more impartial."


"Typical of A I.droids always think they are better than humans, huh ? We humans invented impartiality."


Very well, you are all welcome to "pitch in."

The room gradually became filled with coloisation veterans, from a diverse range of species that had been listening to the conversation.

"Don't worry, we will, they say in unison".

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