
Beyond The Beyond

Working class genius goes to Mars and beyond with the help of Android and human companions

Anthony_Leaman · Romance
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5 Chs



A picture of a three mile high building is displayed.

INT. (Interior scene)

A three-mile-high building on planet10.

Inside the building on the three hundreth floor is a worker droid named A B. The droid is taking a break from its chores. This droid has a passion for writing, and has been working on a biography of two celebrity VVIP's

A B.

That was a snippet from the Movie script version of my book.

Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is A B. I was the second ever prototype artificially intelligent android to be produced at Ace Industries, the company that made the famous A A.

I did not get a lucky break in life like A A got, all those upgrades from Xenon so, I still do this job because It's what I was created for, and they have much better droids than me now. Don't get me wrong. I am happy with my lot, whoever or whatever I am, I like my work. This is just my day job.

Maybe I'll be famous as well one day if the movie version of this book gets made, That would be so cool. If It does, see if you can spot me? I'll do a Cameo performance.

I did not get a lucky break in life like A A got, all those upgrades from Xenon so, I still do this job because It's what I was created for, and they have much better droids than me now. Don't get me wrong. I like my work. It's my day job.

Deep down inside, in my Artificial Intelligence arrays, they allowed for a little creativity so in my spare time I am a writer. Every chance I get I am bashing the keys of my typewriter, just kidding , we don't use them anymore, it's all thought and voice activated of course.

Oh no ! here I go again rambling on about myself when I am supposed to be talking about A A and Xenon. I was always in confidential communication with A A, she was like a sibling would be to me, if I was human. So I do feel qualified to tell the incredible story of A A and Xenon.

First let me give you a little backstory as they say in the writing world.