
Beyond The Beyond

Working class genius goes to Mars and beyond with the help of Android and human companions

Anthony_Leaman · Romance
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My name is A.B., and I was one of the first artificially intelligent androids ever made. Some highly innovative scientists in a top-secret facility that is jointly owned by multiple countries developed me. I won't tell you what year because a lady does not like to reveal her age. But enough about me. I want to share a story with you about two of my buddies, Xenon Cronos and Aberdeen Angus. (A.A.) and their friends and relatives.

As you can probably tell, A.A. Or Aberdeen Angus as she is now known, and I are related because we both came off the same manufacturing line. As with all humans, so with A I droids too, how we are raised determines how we behave in the years to come. Doh! Once more, I'm talking about myself again. Enough already!

It is said that most people who are still living can recall where they were and what happened on the evening of July 24, 1969. They might have learned later that year was the one when Apollo 11 made history by sending the first humans to the moon, if they weren't too young to recall. I have the utmost sympathy for anyone who does not recall, or has not since learned about that historic event. They must have gone through some form of severe adversity that has kept them socially inactive.

Fewer people are likely to recall or be familiar with a weirdly prescient song that Rick Evans and Zager and Evans played. It was the biggest hit in the world a week before Apollo 11 landed. The song was on the album Exordium and Terminus (Beginning and End). Zager's lyrics to the song depict an Earth population that is racing toward extinction.

I would publish the Lyrics but I am not sure about copyright. I am sure you can find the song online..

As this song shows, there was a new awareness of the harmful impacts of this overconsumption in 1969, although there was a dearth of proper information and many misconceptions regarding the value of animals and the food chain, which led to the Dodo's demise around the year 1680. Earth-time.

Despite efforts to alert the majority through songs, protest marches, and heroic direct action by organisations like Sea Shepherd and Greenpeace to warn the world about this risky behaviour, we continued to rape the land in the years that followed. 15th Century Farmers knew the land well enough to leave one field fallow so that it may recover sufficiently for them to use it again. With the technology of the 20th, 21st and 22nd centuries, even that was impossible because every available piece of ground was being concreted over or otherwise mistreated.

Even though there was still a long way to go before humanity realised the song's promise, when I was born in the year, (whoops nearly told you ). I mean when I was born too few people were making heroic efforts to get there in time to rescue the earth. Unfortunately, human selfishness and a lack of international cooperation contributed to humanity's famous "lemming-like" journey to extinction.

Tens of thousands of people fled disasters and wars brought on by climate change in search of a better life in wealthy countries, only to be mocked because some misinformed political parties persuaded the public that refugees were all parasitic criminals who accepted subsidies and "jumped the queue" for housing, ignoring the fact that most of these people would prefer to remain in their original country and are compelled to seek a home elsewhere because of these circumstances.

They misled the people by pretending to operate under a fair and straightforward merit-based system of government that is easy to understand for the average person, and they used fear of population expansion to influence the populous in order to get votes. They misled the public into thinking that if they let the oligarchs have the lion's share, they would get a good deal via the trickle-down effect, but other greedy individuals made sure that would never happen. The public believed rightly that if they worked hard and abided by the law, they would be entitled to a good deal, which was true in theory.

Known as the merit system, it had weaknesses, which academics were well aware of. Politicians who wanted to appear fair but really just wanted to further their agenda hid behind it. Most people, unfortunately, were not much different from their abusers and were so focused on accumulating their own wealth and possessions that they were wilfully unaware of the fact that the elites were spending hundreds of billions of dollars on advertising expenses to promote and feed this consumer greed.

The elitists, who lived in remarkable comfort and indulged in a lifestyle that the poorer majority is foolishly trying to replicate, thought they were on the moral high ground. Some people in colonial times found it perplexing how a small white minority could rule over vast swathes of land inhabited by first nation populations.

Most of these countries eventually gained their freedom and were emancipated from their oppressors. It is sadly ironic that the people of those nations have too often once again become the servants of some elites who belong to their own ethnic group, just as they frequently were before the appearance of the colonisers.

They market the affluent lifestyle as the goal, according to the commonly held notion that "those who die with the most toys have won the game of life." To stop this apparent unfairness, political systems like socialism, liberalism, and communism have been created and fought for, but they consistently relapse to authoritarian elitism.

Regardless of the fine type of administration that was in place, elitism always seems to have prevailed. Many people realised that the global monetary system was being used by the elites to enslave them with invisible chains, contributing to the solar system's degeneration.

It may seem challenging to establish a society where individuals do not seek or require compensation for their labour and where rewards, monetary or otherwise are unnecessary, yet this is exactly what some new thinkers were calling for. Because they believed that utilising money as an incentive would always lead to corruption, they advocated for a "moneyless" society.

Government-run social care facilities adopted A universal stipend that barely covered the necessities for the poor, jobless, and disabled who had no other source of income. According to the attitude they wanted to instil in the populace. They could tweak it by increasing or decreasing this amount, depending on the mood of the people, which both met their responsibilities as a government to care for the people while also serving as beneficial to them to control and deter insurrection.

Many people who could work struggled to make ends meet on this meagre stipend and supplemented their income illegally, well aware that the police would be powerless to prosecute those responsible for minor offences because of the prohibitively high cost of doing so. In response, some people-built security barriers like gated communities, which further promoted an elitist hierarchical society and made the common populace feel less secure.

This protected them, but exposed the average person to high crime rates. However, other people still get employment and make efforts to raise their standard of living while being taken advantage of by powerful organisations who only pay the minimum wage which is not much higher than the government handout. Meanwhile, the ultra-rich, who made up 1% of the population, continued to lead lavish lives.

There were many well-known persons known as celebrities who sincerely wanted to live well themselves, make the world a better place, and connect with or sympathise with the disadvantaged; because of their quirky personal ideologies, they and their followers did not see them as oligarchs, and of course they resented that suggestion. They successfully distanced themselves from that image through self-serving activities like organising fundraisers, pop concerts and auctioning off their "hand-me-downs," attending media and charity events, competing on television, and donating their winnings, they engaged in "popular cause shopping," embracing and promoting causes.

While they intended it to help and show to their fans how charitable they are, deliberately or not, it advanced their own careers, reputation, and popularity. Most of these supposedly "caring" activities made the problems they professed to assist worse. by encouraging wasteful fashion fads that their many followers slavishly emulated, raising manufacturing of additional hazardous materials to make the accessories that completed their false personalities.

These activities simply increase the popularity of those who organised such events. By consistently advancing the cause, they also increased their own wealth while deluding themselves into believing they were doing it solely in defence of the cause. Some maintain their support; others neglect the charity chosen after it served its publicity purposes. The primary goals were to show the world their decency and ease their guilt.

Celebrities mistakenly supported those regimes that were the root of human misery; however, by performing these selfless acts out of ignorance, the situation worsened because some of the world's elitist leaders were corrupt criminal tyrants and oligarchs who were looting wealth for their own purposes.

The celebrities were no match for the deceit such people are capable of, so they inadvertently supporting those regimes that were the source of human misery,

They have established a celebrity status that grabs the media's attention by acting as 'pseudo envoys' playing leadership roles that lead to nothing. When significant danger occurred, they lacked the skills, qualifications, or experience to deal with the situation. Instead, after visiting and stirring up hope, they left the area to its fate, causing the population's morale to crash after their expectations had been raised.

These charities and voluntary initiatives also frequently exposed vulnerable people to unqualified volunteer helpers disguised as predators.

A. B.


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