
Beyond The Beyond

Working class genius goes to Mars and beyond with the help of Android and human companions

Anthony_Leaman · Romance
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It is said that most people who are still living can recall where they were and what happened on the evening of July 24, 1969. They might have learned later this was the date Apollo 11 made history by sending the first humans to the moon.

I have the utmost sympathy for anyone who does not recall that day or has not since learned about that historic event. They must have gone through some form of severe adversity that has kept them socially inactive.

Fewer people are likely to recall or be familiar with a weirdly prescient song that Rick Evans of the musical duo Zager and Evans played. It was the biggest hit in the world a week before Apollo 11 landed.

The song was on the album Exordium and Terminus (Beginning and End). Zager's lyrics depicted a population that was racing toward extinction.

I can not immediately locate the original lyrics. I was told to delete them from my database during a full service and upgrade I had recently,due to copyright concerns. I am sure you can find them somewhere.

A dearth of proper information and many misconceptions regarding the relevance of different species of animals in the food chain led to the demise of the Dodo around sixteen eighty, and many others since.

This song showed that by 1969, there was a new awareness of some of the harmful effects of overconsumption. Even though songs, protest marches, and direct action by well-organized groups like Earth Shepherd and Green Revolution warned the world about this dangerous behaviour, we continued to rape and pillage the Earth on a grand scale in the years that followed.

Humans reduced the diversity of species on the planet, encouraged by the religions of the day, which told that humanity was entitled to help themselves to the bounty of the Earth, as that is what God put it there for. Most people then were more than ready to obey this tenet literally.

It was just as primitive a religious belief as the one that was often bandied about that claimed a husband had conjugal rights which provided a licence for rape.

In the year 2025, although now humans were very aware of they had almost completely destroyed the planet they still were not making the effort needed to halt the process, the lack of cooperation between countries due to ignorance, caused it to be an insoluble problem, it meant that unless something miraculous happened to rectify the situation the future for planet Earth did not look rosy, to say the least.

Tens of thousands of people fled man-made disaster areas, seeking refuge in countries that were still functioning, but they faced rejection because political parties convinced the populace that refugees were parasitic criminals who were a burden on the economy.

Corrupt governments encouraged the fear of a population explosion to get votes and stay in power. Once the refugees were ensconced are in their new homes, they, like everyone else, became part of the problem.

The public believed rightly that if they worked hard and abided by the law, it would entitle them to a fair deal, which was lovely in theory but never happened in practice. Instead, they get exploited and misled, their governments told them that if they let oligarchs have the lion's share, they would get their dues via the trickle-down effect.

Despite it never happening, just like the proverbial donkey, they repeatedly fell for the same old trick of a carrot dangled by a string in front of their noses. Governments misled the public by operating under a so-called system of government that was popular because it was easy for the average person to understand.

Known as the merit system, it sounded good but had weaknesses, which its advocates were fully aware of. On the surface, it seemed reasonable, but academics raised concerns about how people from disadvantaged backgrounds could compete. Politicians who wanted to further their agenda but also wanted to appear fair made use of it. Political parties in the west supported it, but other countries didn't need to bother doing that and installed dictatorships that were often overturned by their populations only to be reelected or install another that would do the same as their predecessor.

In colonial times, a small group of white people could rule over huge areas of land where previously black people lived. They compared it to the elephant whose leg we chained to a fragile post on the ground. It could have removed the post, but had become accustomed to it and accepted it as the way things were. Ironically, some countries emancipated from their former colonial oppressors became servants of elites that belonged to their ethnic group, just as they were before the colonizers arrived.

Many of these oppressors followed the credo that if they did not enjoy being sheared, they should not have become sheep. They promoted their affluent lifestyle as the way to happiness, according to the commonly held notion that those who die with the most toys have won the game of life.

Most people, unfortunately, were not much different from their exploiters, engrossed in entertainment consumerism. The product of hundreds of billions of dollars spent on advertising, they became that way. The population of the world became divided between the "haves" and the "have-nots" and the "have-nots" wanted very much to be "haves". Socialist or communist systems got rejected. They had a "been there, done that", "got the T-shirt" and "look how that turned out" mindset. There was little else to choose from. Elitist capitalist democracy or military/benevolent dictatorships were the alternatives. Elites lived in remarkable comfort, indulging in a lifestyle that the poorer majority tried to emulate. Oppressors and the oppressed lived in a delusional bubble that would eventually burst when the Earth's resources became depleted.

Many creatures had developed systems that regulated their effect on the environment to ensure their survival. Humans had no such system. Humanity was mostly oblivious to the harm they were doing to their home. This made some question whether we were even from Earth. concluding that we were an alien species that originated elsewhere. To stop unfairness, political systems like socialism, liberalism, and communism got fought for, only to revert to authoritarian elitism. Regardless of the type of administration that was in place, elitism always seems to have prevailed.

Global monetarism enslaved the people with invisible chains and was killing the solar system. Government-run social care facilities for the poor, unemployed, and disabled who had no source of income gave everyone a small amount of money that barely covered the basics. They adjusted the amount doled out to quell the populace, always the minimum possible to meet the government's responsibility to care for the people and deter insurgency. It caused some people to turn to illegal ways to make more money, knowing that the police would not go after people for minor crimes because of the cost involved. In response to all this. Individuals who could afford to live in gated communities to keep out criminals and governments built twenty-foot-high walls between countries to deter economic migrants from countries that had no such provision.

This further promoted elitist hierarchical societies. It protected the wealthy but exposed the average person to high crime rates. Despite this, some people still strived to get employment and made efforts to raise their standard of living. But the heads of powerful organizations that paid the minimum wage exploited them and believed that there was only enough room for a few at the top to enjoy the fruits of life and that the rest were there to service their needs. The 1% ultra-rich believed they were deserving of their lifestyles because of their higher intelligence, business skills, talent, or inheritance.

Many celebrities genuinely wanted to make the world a better place, connected with, or felt sorry for, the less fortunate. However, they didn't want to recognise the fact that they were also oligarchs. They went popular cause shopping, organised fundraisers such as pop concerts and auctions selling off their hand-me-downs, and other media events, Whilst they intended to show their fans how kind they were, they instead seized this opportunity to advance their careers, reputation, and popularity. Most of these supposedly caring activities made the problems they professed to assist worse by encouraging wasteful fashion fads that their many followers slavishly emulated. It increased the use of hazardous manufacturing materials required to make the accessories that completed their false personalities. These activities simply boosted the ego of the organisers. They increased their wealth while deluding themselves into believing they were helping. Their primary goals were to show the world their decency and ease their guilt. In so doing they often supported regimes that were the root of human misery; by performing these so-called selfless acts out of ignorance.

They have established a celebrity status that grabs the media's attention often encouraged by western governments to act as pseudo envoys; playing leadership roles that placated the disadvantaged temporarily and lead to nothing. even robbing them of their rage, which may have caused them to revolt against the corrupt regimes that controlled them. When significant danger occurred, they lacked the skills, qualifications, or experience to deal with the situation. After visiting and stirring up hope, they leave the area fearing for their safety, causing the population's morale to crash after their expectations were elevated. Voluntary initiatives always subjected vulnerable people to unqualified volunteer helpers who were predators in disguise. Funds raised rarely went to the intended recipients and, if they did, were insignificant compared to the vast sums that the charitable organisation spent on themselves because they had also monetised charities to provide an elitist lifestyle to the individuals who were engaged in its management.

It may seem as incredulous an idea as John and Yoko Lennon's peace project, to set up a society where people do not get paid for their work and do not need money to be happy, but this is exactly what some new thinkers wanted to achieve. Because they believed that using money as an incentive would always lead to corruption, they advocated for a moneyless society. This was the world Wendell William Wallop envisaged. A world that was run by scientists, engineers, and professionals employed by the planet to manage the Earth and solar system sustainably for the benefit and survival of the planet first, and its inhabitants second. I say the solar system because space had already become so littered with debris; it was fast becoming as bad as being on Earth.

Fortunately there were people that dedicated their lives to form a belief system and political awareness in the hope of rectifying this march to oblivion. One of these people was Mr Wendell Wallup. Leader of the newly formed real real world party.

Wendell knew he was unlikely to get support from the unenlightened and that there was no time to educate them and wait for them to catch up. To save the planet, legislation was the only hope and it would be necessary to be more authoritarian.

To not be so concerned about the rights of humans. To be more concerned about the rights of the planet. To make humans secondary. He had observed that elitism was always the outcome of human social systems that had emerged throughout human history, if he were to save the planet, he would need to accept that fact, embrace it and use it.

He concluded that humanity needed an elitist management system that worked on behalf of the Universe, not humanity.

That humanity could co-exist as a secondary player, as it had lost its right to be the primary one.

The main door to the office AB was cleaning burst open, and in came a rowdy bunch of misfits and strange-looking half-human, half-creature beings, plus a few of more traditional appearance. They were in a joyful moodm, having a reunion of veterans from the universe colonisation days. Anubis, a retired captain of one of the first star ships to go to the edge of the known universe comes across A B, a cleaner droid sitting at a computer, instead of cleaning.

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