

Shinji, a 16-year-old teenager from the City of Ghuso, is an ordinary young man. He noticed a massive tower one day as he was going down the street and stopped to look up at the sky. The tower fell between the Earth's continents, and as it did, volcanoes erupted, continents fragmented into islands, and massive tsunamis struck tall skyscrapers. As humanity fell apart, the gates of Hell opened, letting all the demons out. Human minds have been overtaken by despair. God is dead.

Hoon_Berserker · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Death Itself Cannot Interrupt This Event

[City of Ghuso] [Asia]

*Alarm rings* Ah.. Good Morning! Wait let me check the time first. Oh shit! It's now 9:30 am i'm late for class! I need to take a bath and prepare my things first. Okay, everything is ready. A massive hourglass appeared in the sky as Shinji hurried to school while leaving the house. The timer was set for one hour, who knows what will happen when the hour has passed? When Shinji finally gets to the school, he discovers that the gates are closed and he wonders why. He checks his phone, and notices that the government has sent him a lot of notifications.

I laughed when I saw the message that stated a large hour glass had emerged in the sky when I first opened it, but then my friend Akira messaged me and asked, "Have you seen the message from the government?" I said, "Yeah, I saw it, but I think they're just kidding," to which Akira answered, "They aren't kidding Shinji, look up in the sky now." I was surprised to discover that there was, in fact, a massive hourglass floating in the sky. I messaged Akira right away and asked him where he was at the moment. He replied that he was in the city's capital. I visited the city's municipal center and noticed a large crowd there. Mayor Hiroshi mentioned the huge hourglass. Hello Ghuso residents! We've gathered here today to discuss the absolutely huge hourglass floating in the sky. In fact, there are only 30 minutes left. I'm not sure what will happen after that, but you can be sure that we are all safe.

Mayor Hiroshi gave us the option of returning to work, school, or other activities or staying at home to be safe. Of course, I preferred to stay at home since I believe something horrible will happen when the timer runs out. There are only 10 minutes remaining, according to the timer, which I checked. At least I have this pendant with me if everything goes wrong. The only reason I survive alone is because of this pendant, which gave me hope for life. When my parents and I walked outside to eat ten years ago, a vehicle hit my parents and killed them. After that, a random stranger rescued me and took me. But sadly, he passed away a few years ago from stage 4 lung cancer. I received a precious item from him before he passed away, and that is the pendant I'm holding in my hand right now. He said that this pendant belonged to my parents and that the police had been given it by them after discovering it while examining their bodies. He died telling me to never surrender on this world.

I checked timer and the timer stopped exactly when I checked it. I stepped outside to take check the hourglass when I suddenly heard glass breaking. I turned around to see where the sound was coming from and looked up towards the sky, and I saw an hourglass shattering. The hourglass finally broke, letting the sand fall and transform into lava. A enormous tower appeared. The tower fell between the Earth's continents, and as it did, volcanoes erupted, continents fragmented into islands, and massive tsunamis struck tall skyscrapers. As humanity fell apart, the gates of Hell opened, letting all the demons out. Human minds have been overtaken by despair. I'm thinking that God is dead.

[City of Ghuso] [Mayhem Continent]

After two years. The World Leaders of all nations came together to create a new rule. They created two new money units known as Yytos. With this money, you can get practically everything you'll need to get by for ten years. The Constellation Currency is the name of the other currency. Only those who made it through each story of the tower can obtain this cash. Rare things can be purchased using this currency. Twelve ranks have been created out of the entire population. Constellation, Godlike, Demonic, SSR, SS, AA, A, B, C, D, E, F. The majority of the population relocated to new continents, such as the Housoon Continent, which is the best continent in the world. The worst of all continents, Mayhem, is where I currently reside. The reason Mayhem Continent is the worst place on Earth is because it is the gathering spot for demons, war criminals, warlords, monsters, and disasters from all over the planet. I'm here, but why? The reason F ranking people live here is because it is required of everyone below an E rank to do so. The world's leaders determined that F-rated people should reside in Mayhem Continent since they are uninteresting. The story has ended, therefore I should go buy some life potions.

"How much are these life potions?" "I'd like to buy these life potions," Oh these? If you buy 15 of them it will cost 155 Yytos, since if you buy them all they are worth 500 Yytos. 'Well, I'll pay for everything'. 'Thank You dear customer!' [500 Yytos have been deducted from your account]. Alright time to put this in my inventory. Wait before I go to the tower I'll check my things first. *Opens Inventory* 50x life potion [A], 5x poison injection [A], 1x Broken Sword of The Fallen King [SSR], 10x Bread [C], 7x Mana Potion [A], 1x Wooden Sword [F], 1x Wooden Shield [F]. I think these are all enough, but I have accidentally found an SSR Tier Sword, but it's broken and if I tried to tell someone or ask someone to fix it they'll take it away from me. For now I should hide this. I should save money now I currently possess 1000 Yytos, with this little money, I can't even purchase a proper set of equipment. Those who will enter the tower, "To ye! The tower is about to open. ' Oh tower will open now I should go! "Come here, all you folks; each of you needs to be stamped!" "You're going to enter the tower as well, boy?" Me? "Well, Ya!" Oh, i'll also enter the tower sir Takeo! "Oho, be careful then boy here's your stamp" Thanks sir Takeo.

[Tower of Despair: 1st Floor] [City of Ghuso] [Mayhem Continent]

As I walked into the tower, I noticed a variety of people who were there to help subjugate the boss. Then, somewhere on the first floor, I start to smell strange, like rotting flesh. The stench makes me want to throw up.

Something then abruptly flew next to my face. An ice spike was used. I discovered the boss room was the source of the stench. That explains why there aren't any monsters in this area because the previous explorers killed them all. I entered the boss room as soon as I arrived I observed many innocent people getting slain by a beatiful woman. Her face looks innocent but her intent to us makes it unpleasant. I heard a random adventurer yell at me to leave, but I underestimated the boss's power, so I rushed in and utilized my ability [Overflow] [E]. But she casted a strong spell at me before I could use my talent. I died on the spot from it.

Where am I....? Right... My cold hands are covered in the blood of the innocent... I should've ran. I underesrimated those ice spikes that pierced my torso, it also was also embedded with poison. The only thing I can recall is that a woman was looking at us from atop a throne, as if she had been waiting for this very moment. Her hair which was white as snow was dirtied and stayed crimson red, pale white lips, sky-blue eyes and an ash-covered dress. I couldn't forget that woman, that woman who took my sanity, the woman who took everything away from me. She was smirking as she called forth the ice spikes. The innocent people that entered the tower on that day. died without getting another chance.

If only I could have another chance. A chance to change my fate. A chance to

destroy all the people who stands on my way. Suddenly I felt illuminated from below. A light talked to me. Do you want a second chance to live in this unpleasant planet, the light asked. Naturally, I accepted the deal because I wanted to exact revenge on that woman. The light disappeared. I woke up from my bed and I checked my phone, I travelled back in time. This time for sure my fate will be change.