
Beyond Earth:The horizon

The protagonist was chosen as the representative of a higher being and now he has to help it gain power and influence while traveling the multiverse. Why didn't the being just do everything alone? Go find out! Really, it's on the first one-two chaps... The first few chaps are rather cringy, not because of the MC but because I tried to incorporate situations from the anime show into the book and that didn't go very well... But later? Oh boy, that's where the fun begins! [NOT wish-fulfillment at least in my head] [NOT harem at least.... in my head] No romance for now NO cultivation worlds-at least the strong ones Worlds SPOILER! IS-Infinite Stratos Monster Hunter. JOJO! Attack on Titan TAGS Action-a little bit it depends on the situation Adventure-......... Reincarnation-Duh Magic-later Tech-read Mech-read Martial arts Heavy Language(If you are a kid) Time-skip Slight emotional development(for character development) Slight cringe(At the start, due to the original source being well... a harem romance) Superhumans(Someone who can disassemble a mech with their hands isn't human) And possibly more I will add later if I bother I don't own the characters, the worlds, and the cover image, all the credit goes to their respective authors English isn't my first language I am not gaining money with this(writing this mostly for my boredom and for practice, and I don't have a bank account) Thanks for checking by, please no review spawn nor shit-posting

Abadom · Anime et bandes dessinées
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126 Chs

Save my Child

I entered a combat stance when I heard the voice.

-No need to be defensive, as you said, you already own no? We only have five minutes until dawn, I don't think there is anyone capable of taking you down in that time.

-Why are you here then?

-I want to make a deal.

-What type of deal? Be quick, else I will leave.

-No need to be so hasty. He said that as he took something from his jacket.

It was…

-The Stone Mask!

-Not only that…

He also took some papers from pockets.

-In my left hand, I have the stone mask, on the other I have the research papers that we perfected over the course of two thousand years.

-So, again. I would like to present a deal. My name is Cirsus, nice to meet you.

-... What do you want from me?

-Straight to business, I see. I wonder how advanced the humans are now, considering a child like you caused us so much damage.

-I need your help. And in return, you can have any one of those.

-Only one? What about the other?

He smiled widely.

-How greedy. Two items, for two requests. Their values are quite similar dont you think?

-...Fine, but I will only decide after hearing it.

-That's fine, I would do the same.

He then grabbed a leaf and blew it. But no audible sound came, but if there were some bats around here, they would certainly hear it. I might be much stronger than a normal human, but my ears aren't so mutated yet.

/Swish Swish/

From the bushes, a small figure cautiously walked out. Starting from its tiny head to the rest of its body.

-This is… My daughter.

-What's the silence? I know she is gorgeous, but get your eyes away from her. She is too good for a human like…

-The little girl kicked the man's legs.

-Ouch, that hurt sweetie…

-Time is running out.

-Yes yes. You see, Just like her mother, she is a Half-vampire, but different from her, she doesn't have any of the vampire characteristics. She doesn't need blood, nor does she have our bodily mastery. She is just a little weak to the sun, but she can stay in it for several hours. But this is the greatest thing about her. Show it to him sweetie.

She breathed in and out…

Don't tell me…

A small spark was created in her fingers, but it was soon extinguished, due to her coughing.

/Cough Cough/…

She looked quite pitiful like this.

-Because of this trait of hers I have determined that she is Human. But not exactly, she still has immense physical prowess and intelligence. But her disease…

-As you saw she can't really breathe very well, even with her body enhanced regeneration, she can't heal herself. And here in this place, we don't have the best medical facilities…(since everyone can just heal themselves). I am also afraid that one day they will find her special traits and…

-Well. No matter, since that won't be happening. My deal is simple then. Bring her with you and cure her disease. For the first task I will give you the stone mask, as for the second…

He burned the papers.

-She will tell you everything, when she feels like it!


-Did you think I was only going to give you these two items and leave her with you? I don't trust you as much as you don't trust me. So I made her memorize all of the papers. When you cure her, she will tell you. Do we have a deal?

… I will immediately gain the mask, and I can bring this mutant human with me and research her as an excuse in order to figure out the secrets of vampires, as he said, she doesn't seem to have any vampiric trait but…

-You are probably thinking about what she ate all of these years right? Well let me give you a briefing. I have a secret underground passageway out of the mountains, the reason why I didn't look for a cure was because of my vampiric characteristics, and I don't feel it's safe to just leave her with anyone...

-And I am your best choice?

-Not the best, but the only one now.

-She never ate human flesh, she had a very normal diet. So don't feel estranged okay?

-... I will do it, but I will tell you this, if she shows any vampiric tendencies for even a moment, I can't guarantee her safety any more.

-That 's fine by me.

-... Daddy…

-Shhh. It 's okay. Now go, introduce yourself. Just like we did previously.

-... I am Julietta Osmanthus Goldcastle…

-Nice to meet you, I am John…

-Are you an Orphan Human kid? Asked the Vampire

-Yes I am...

-Now let's go, before those zombies come.

-Indeed, it's time Ju… We talked about this.

She just kept hugging her dad very strongly… But she eventually let go.

-This is it. Now…

-I need you to kill me.

-What? You are making less sense as time goes by.

-There is no future for me anymore. The sun is almost up, so I cant run far away from the city on time, if I go back without results then Alexius will start to suspect some things, he isn't as dumb as you imagene, but he is realy hotheaded.

-If I stay I will die, if I leave I will die later. If I go back, I will become the scapegoat for Alexius' anger.

-Thus, I would prefer if you killed me with the Ripple. At the very least I will be able to go to heaven and meet my wife once again.

-Vampires don't go to heaven.

-Who knows. I chose to become a vampire so that me and my wife could rule our territory forever in our youth, not to join some stupid war. I learned to suppress my desires, but not my wife… She eventually died, not to Hamon users, but to normal Vampire hunters. I just wanted to give my daughter a better life.

-Now do it, they are coming.

-... Give me your hand then vampire.

I started to channel the wave into his body.

-I won't lie. I hate vampires, but coming here I met with some rather honorable ones. So I won't kill you with a battle technique, the wave I sent into your body will disassemble the energy that maintains it. It's the most painless death I can give you. It will also take some time, so use it well.

-Thank you…

I left the dying man with his daughter while I sat on the trunk of a distant three.

A minute later she started to walk back without looking behind. At this point Cirsus was almost fully decomposed into smoke, I could see his face from here, he was saying something by using his lips. At the end of it, he had a very macabre grin on his face.

When the girl reached me she grabbed my shirt and looked back to see her fathers head turn into smoke while the sun started to rise from the highest mountain in the valley.

-Lets go. She said.

(No romance! She is a plot device! I don't even know why I am writing this over here. GO AWAY LOLI LOVERS! NOO! SHE ISN'T AN OLD LOLI, SHE IS JUST A CHILD!)

On the mountains, a boy and a girl of similar ages were scaling a steep precipice. It was a rather strange scene. But neither the boy nor the girl seemed tired.

Upon reaching the top he said to the girl

-Alright, we're here. From now on stay close to me, otherwise those guys might do something. Also, nice to meet you. Previously it was quite awkward, but I would like to say it again anyway.

She just gave me a slight nod.

-By what you told me, your disease could be a series of things, so I will have to take you to a hospital in order to analyze it properly. Coincidently, I will be leaving China soon.

She seemed confused.


-You don't know where you are?

She shaked her head.

-Damn. Alright, time for a very quick world geography lesson.

-So the world isn't flat?

-No. Some might disagree, but I am pretty confident about it. Some may even say it is a cube, but don't listen to them.

We were almost at the plain right outside of the city, it was at that moment when a shadow appeared from the side.

-What do I do with you? You disappear at night and in the morning you come back with a girl? Should I praise you or punish you?

-It's nothing like that, perverted old man. Let me explain.

She will have a plot use.

I swear. I don't like loli vampires.

I don't like Loli in general.

Send Ideas for techniques.

And to interesting places to go!

I thought of some places to go on a quick go. Like One Piece and Hunter X Hunter. I think they are interesting places to go on a quick run, but bad places to stay in the long run, since I want to avoid staying in these already overused worlds. But I wouldn't mind if that was the collective feeling.

Anyway. I am currently stuck on the production, not because I am out of ideas, but because one of my friends who tend to help me review the novel is away. It has been over a week since he left his friends behind to who knows where.

I keep writing but I still need his inputs.

Today there were 1500 words.

After I wake up I will post another chap.

Now I shall sleep.

Thank you for reading!

If you read so far then you don't care about a tiny spoiler.

..... last chance




She won't appear for at least several chapters. At least 15.

Abadomcreators' thoughts