
Beyond Earth:The horizon

The protagonist was chosen as the representative of a higher being and now he has to help it gain power and influence while traveling the multiverse. Why didn't the being just do everything alone? Go find out! Really, it's on the first one-two chaps... The first few chaps are rather cringy, not because of the MC but because I tried to incorporate situations from the anime show into the book and that didn't go very well... But later? Oh boy, that's where the fun begins! [NOT wish-fulfillment at least in my head] [NOT harem at least.... in my head] No romance for now NO cultivation worlds-at least the strong ones Worlds SPOILER! IS-Infinite Stratos Monster Hunter. JOJO! Attack on Titan TAGS Action-a little bit it depends on the situation Adventure-......... Reincarnation-Duh Magic-later Tech-read Mech-read Martial arts Heavy Language(If you are a kid) Time-skip Slight emotional development(for character development) Slight cringe(At the start, due to the original source being well... a harem romance) Superhumans(Someone who can disassemble a mech with their hands isn't human) And possibly more I will add later if I bother I don't own the characters, the worlds, and the cover image, all the credit goes to their respective authors English isn't my first language I am not gaining money with this(writing this mostly for my boredom and for practice, and I don't have a bank account) Thanks for checking by, please no review spawn nor shit-posting

Abadom · Anime et bandes dessinées
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126 Chs

Close call

-You better not leave this place too, I know you can teleport and whatever, I have placed bombs all around the place. You do something strange, and everything goes boom.

-This could cause a war. All sorts of students from all around the world are here. I said while using my clones outside to check on the bombs. And like she said I soon found one.

-HAHA! You think I care? I know you are trying to buy time for your…, what are they called? "Clones", to work. But that isn't going to work.

-So what do you want?

-What if I said your life?


-Why are you laughing?

-That's the least worth thing here.

-Tell me what you truly want.

-... Straight to business huh? I like that. I know you are taking many measures against me as we speak, but you better tone it down a little. She took out her phone.

-See this? If this buzzes, then your head will receive a new hole.

-Your plan is so stupid, in so many senses…

-But I got you here, no?

-You aren't going to live after today, you know that right?

-Threatening me now?... YOU SHOULD KNOW YOUR DAMN PLACE! She took out a knife and plunged it into my shoulder. It was very sharp, even with my body, it pierced my flesh with no problems.

I didn't even make a sound. Her pistol was still dangerously close to my face. And I could recognize a special sensor system, if I move, the gun will shoot on its own and I can't really hack it since it's an independent system, very well protected too. Normal EMP isn't going to work. And I don't want to take risks.

But I am not going to take this lying down. This bitch is going to die today. But I need to secure the lives of the students and teachers first. Did the phantom task infiltrate the hotel?

-UFF… You are a tough bastard aren't you? She said a little tired of putting so much force in her strike.

-Can we start this already? I was getting impatient.

And with this I finished my preparations for her death. The problem is, even if she dies, her gun is still going to shoot.

-Fourth-Generation IS. I want them all.

-Good luck getting your hands on Akatsubaki and Tsukanoma no Yume, they only respond to their users and no one else.

-You think I'm an IDIOT? I know very well you can get over any sort of barriers in their systems. And you made Tsukashit. So get them in my hands, now.

-You want me to get you two Fourth gen IS without alerting anyone in the process?

-That's your problem. Else your life is forfeit.


-Why the fuck are you laughing!

-You are so stupid that I couldn't restrain myself.

-You… She took the knife and twisted it. With difficulty.

-arg..aHH! What the fuck are you made out of?! You piece of shit.

-I work out.

-... I really can't… Goodbye, you fucking bastard.

-Wait a minute. Are you going to shoot me, then what? Do you think you can escape a collective attack of all IS users in the Hotel?

-Begging for your life? They are just a bunch of brats.

-You are really confident. I guess you aren't an elite member of Phantom task for nothing huh?

-That isn't for you to decide.

The moment she was going to press the button I flexed all of my muscles and tried my best to jump up. The gun obviously fired but as the bullet moved inside the barrel My body moved upwards, effectively changing the aim of the gun from my head to my neck.


/Tearing sounds/

I quickly moved my hands in order to take the gun from her hands, but of course, it wasn't going to be easy. The gun was still aimed at me, and with its sensors, it noticed my movement and it started to shoot at max fire rate.

Thankfully the girl was still confused as only two shots hit me. The next ones after that missed, due to my movements and the gun recoil.

I don't know why she didn't come with a silencer. Nor why I didn't put any defenses in the room. I followed the original story too closely and ended up paying for that. But now isn't the time to think about details.

I quickly got the girl's gun and shot, but before the bullet could hit her a light flashed and she entered her spider-like IS.

I was bleeding from my shoulder due to the knife, and bleeding in my neck, chest and arm due to the gun. I can't breathe and I will soon asphyxiate. Normally in half an hour due to my extended lung capacity, but here I am doing heavy physical activities.

I partly summoned my IS, since it's faster, and shot using my fastest weapon. A plasma shotgun.

She was hit right in the center of her body and flew across the ceiling towards the outside.

My clones had long deactivated the bombs and I received reports of multiple teachers and personal users coming.

Now I just need to wait for her to get away, that is, if she can. Her life will only be prolonged if she is captured. I will kill her regardless.

But I really miscalculated this time. My pride got the most of me, in essence. I was dumb, a fucking idiot. Because I thought I was the best in every sense(which I technically am)I decided to act as if no one can beat me, apart from those at the very top. Phantom task? Just a bunch of lunatic mercenaries. But here I am, beaten down to a pulp because of some fodder.

My injuries started to get healed. But my neck isn't going to heal fast enough, and I also lost a shit ton of blood. I looked at the blood pooling on the ground. I had more blood than a normal adult, but it isn't infinite.

I can feel my body changing, evolving in order to survive this situation. But even so, it isn't going to be enough. I tried to control my blood in order to make some of it return to my bloodstream, but the recovery rate was slow, slower than what I was losing. I can either stop a fraction of it leaving or control a part of the spilled blood to come back. I can't do both together…

In the first place, this blood-controlling ability is only a minor side effect of one of my powers, nothing too great.

But I had an idea.

Using several drops of blood around me I summoned multiple clones. For what purpose? To help me manipulate the blood. A clone stopped the bleeding on my neck; Another clone helped the blood come back to the shoulder. Together and with my body natural regeneration. And so, I became stable again.

After that I made the clones disperse since I was fine.

I started to hear gunshots on the outside. Fuking hell. Did she bring support? But my clones did not report… I see, traitors. I imagined there were some, but I never imagined they were going to use them in this operation. The implications of this… Are they going all out?

I can't stay put. Kona is still growing and can't kill a human. Neither does any of the girls. Chifuyu has retired and Maya doesn't have a personal unit. None of the useful personal IS users are here, since most of them are in the second year and above.

My body is stable, but I am still trembling a little. With my regeneration, it would take half an hour to recover from this. Time that I don't have.

I'm in no condition to use my IS. I might end up truly going to see Satan if I use it.

I looked at the flashing lights on the outside and got ready to move, when the sounds started to die out. Some of my clones started to make reports as they moved around the place.

(Initially, I only had one clone running around, then this clone summoned more clones in order to stop the bombs. After that, I had to summon them to help me heal. Then they dispersed to help people around.)

The situation outside was better than it looked. The "support" was just a bunch of armed mercenaries without an IS, they were taken care of easily by the students, and the spider girl managed to escape somehow. In truth, Chifuyu ordered the students to stop the pursuit and leave it to the teachers. But she didn't leave unscathed. She was attacked by multiple third-gen IS's and two fourth ones… How did she even manage to escape… Then a clone came and said she was only engaged by Laura and Kanzashi before she escaped, the others were helping everyone all around.

I will praise you for being able to escape but your days are counted... I gave the order to my hand watch, and in 5 minutes she will die. If you try to kill someone you must be prepared to suffer the same fate. I won't just kill everyone on my way, but she is different. She doesn't deserve any sort of pity.

(The clones can converse mentally, but most of the time they talk using a special communication device that allows them to see what the other sees and vice versa. It also allows for transferring of information between themselves quickly.)

Soon enough, a girl came bursting through the door. It was Laura, who just had a fight against the female agent. Behind her was Kanzashi.

-Are you okay Seiichi?! Answer me! Screeched Laura

But they soon saw me lying in a pool of my own blood.

-N-N-N-N-O… Kanzashi looked as if she had broken down.

1660 words

What do you all think?

Sometimes the MC needs a challenge no?

At least the bitch died... Right?

Anyway. See you later!

Enjoy! Don't forget to like, subscribe and ring the bell...

I mean, just use your power stones...

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