
Beyond Death: a love defying fate

In a world where fate intertwines, Hikaru Kojima finds solace as he was suffering from unique phenomena making him fed up from his life. However, his perspective on existence takes an unexpected turn when he encounters Ayumi Kaneko, a girl who was also suffering from a unique but dangerous phenomena, because of that she was trapped in her own house by her own parents As their eyes meet, Ayumi's yearning for adventure and to see outside world a sparks connection that transcends the boundaries of their individual struggles. Together, they embark on an extraordinary journey, facing unforeseen challenges and discovering the resilience that lies within them. In this tale of intertwined destinies, follow Hikaru and Ayumi as they navigate the mysteries of life, each seeking something profound beyond the constraints of their own realities.

MythBeast · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

Chapter "Waves Of Embrace"

Hikaru and Chika were sitting on a bench outside the school. Chika was wiping her tears, and Hikaru was just sitting. He looked at her and said, "If you're done crying, let's head back to school." She looked at Hikaru and asked, "You really never loved Ayame?" Hikaru didn't respond, stood up, took a sigh, and said, "No, I didn't, because I knew if i did then I would end up like you." She stood up and said, "So you are saying you will never love someone?" Hikaru responded saying, "I don't know, but I can't make myself love anyone; it's unconditional." Chika nodded and said, "Yeah, you are right." Hikaru asks, "Can we go back now?" Chika smiled, nodded, and both started walking.

At the end of class, Hikaru came out of his class, walking and holding his bag. Yuta came and started walking next to him, but Hikaru completely ignored him. Yuta said, "Hikaru, last time when you left Ayame crying, she went outside running and crying. I followed her to stop her from doing anything stupid, tried to comfort her, and we came close in all this." Hikaru kept walking with no interest. Yuta looked at him and said, "Oh, come on. I'm sorry; it just happened. I promised her that I won't leave her, so we just came into a relationship, it was unintentionally." Hikaru stopped and looked at him, saying, "Why are you apologizing to me? You should apologize to Chika. You comforted Ayame, got close, fell for each other, and in all this, only one person got hurt, and that is Chika" Yuta said, "I'm sorry; I told you it happened unintentionally." Hikaru said, "Just apologize to Chika." Yuta smiled and said, "Ayame was in love with you." Hikaru still looking at him with no reaction. Yuta added saying, "It just happened; she and I fell for each other and i unintentionally hurt Chika. It all happened too quickly; I couldn't handle anything. I'm such a terrible person." Suddenly, Ayame's voice came, saying, "Yuuta." Hikaru and Yuta looked at Ayame who slowly said, "Let's walk—" Suddenly, Chika's voice interrupted Ayame's, saying, "Hey, Hikaru, I wanted to ask you something." Yuta and Hikaru's attention turned to Chika. Hikaru asked, "What's that?" Chika said, "Im having trouble with my progress test. Would you please help me?" Yuta and Ayame looked at Hikaru, who said, "I'm busy right now; I will help you tomorrow." Chika smiled, excitedly nodded yes, then walked away, completely ignoring Yuta and Ayame. Hikaru said, "Later," and walked away as well, leaving Yuta and Ayame.

After dinner Hikaru entered his room. He was eating chips, walked, and stood by his window, gazing at Ayumi's window, which was close. Hikaru then walks away.

After an hour, he was sitting t on the bed, reading a book he then glance at the wall clock, he then closed the book and lay on his bed, closing his eyes.

After some time, his eyes opened. He sat on his bed, stood up, walked, and drank some water. Checking the time, it was midnight. He looked at his window and think for a while and walks towards the window and as he looks from the window he saw Ayumi standing on her window upon seeing Hikaru she Excitedly waving at him, it seemed like she was waiting for him. Hikaru, with wide-open eyes, watched her. She quickly picked up a book and showed it to Hikaru, with "Why are you late?" written on it. Confused, Hikaru thought to himself, "She doesn't seem shy at all."

Hikaru picked up a paper, wrote "Were you waiting for me?" and showed it to her. After reading, she quickly wrote something and showed it, saying, "Of course i was" Hikaru became more confused, thinking, "I can't understand her. She's not shy, She wants to make friends, so why doesn't she come out of her house?"

They continued looking at each other. She wrote something again, saying, "I always think about you, Hikaru." Hikaru's eyes widened. She quickly wrote something again and showed to Hikaru and "Wait, let me show you something," was written on it she then quickly ran away. Confused, Hikaru waited for her. After a few moments, she returned, holding something. As she showed it to Hikaru, his eyes widened in complete astonishment, his jaw dropping. It was a painting of Hikaru, drawn perfectly. She held the painting tight, hugging it. Hikaru was shocked, thinking, "That's unbelievable. Did she draw it?" Quickly, he wrote, "Did you draw it?" and showed it to her. She smiled and nodded yes. Hikaru, still in shock, glancing at her. A breeze blew, and Ayumi's hair floated with the air, closing her eyes. Hikaru was gazing at her, suddenly his heart skips a beat. After realizing something His eyes widened.