
Beyond Death: a love defying fate

In a world where fate intertwines, Hikaru Kojima finds solace as he was suffering from unique phenomena making him fed up from his life. However, his perspective on existence takes an unexpected turn when he encounters Ayumi Kaneko, a girl who was also suffering from a unique but dangerous phenomena, because of that she was trapped in her own house by her own parents As their eyes meet, Ayumi's yearning for adventure and to see outside world a sparks connection that transcends the boundaries of their individual struggles. Together, they embark on an extraordinary journey, facing unforeseen challenges and discovering the resilience that lies within them. In this tale of intertwined destinies, follow Hikaru and Ayumi as they navigate the mysteries of life, each seeking something profound beyond the constraints of their own realities.

MythBeast · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

Chapter "Ocean's Embrace"

Hikaru and Ayumi were sitting in a taxi driving towards Tamakura beach. Ayumi seemed very excited, and Hikaru was looking at her. As Tamakura beach came into view, Ayumi's eyes widened at the sight of the ocean. She was in silence, and Hikaru smiled, saying, "That's the ocean." She seemed too surprised. Eventually, the taxi stopped, and Hikaru and Ayumi came out. Both glanced at the sea, and Hikaru smiled, saying, "Let's go." Hikaru started walking towards the beach, but then he realized Ayumi wasn't with him. He looked back and saw Ayumi still standing, looking surprised and scared. Hikaru smiled, walked to her, stood in front of her, and raised his hand towards her, offering her his hand. He said, "Let's go, Ayumi." Ayumi smiled, held Hikaru's hand, and they both started walking towards the beach. As they got closer, her nervousness increased. When they reached the edge of the ocean, a wave came towards her, making her more nervous she was stepping back but Hikaru held her hand tight, put his arm around her, Ayumi tightly close her eyes in fear and as a small wave passed their feet, Ayumi felt relief. She slowly opened her eyes to a beautiful view, feeling the cold winds and hearing the waves. She was astonished, lost in the beauty of the ocean. Hikaru looked at her with a smile, and they both started walking forward, with waves wetting their feet. Ayumi was out of her senses, just smiling and walking forward while holding Hikaru's hand. Eventually, the water reached their knees. Hikaru smiled and said, "Isn't it beautiful?" Ayumi slowly nodded, and tears started falling. She began crying, and Hikaru smiled. She said, "Thank you, Hikaru, thank you so much." Hikaru smiled made her put her head on his chest. She kept crying, and Hikaru kept smiling.

After some time, Hikaru stood looking at Ayumi, who was playing with water with her feet, smiling. Hikaru glanced at her with a smile and said, "Ayumi, we should go now." Ayumi looked back at Hikaru, nodded, walked towards him, and stood facing him. She said, "I have no words to thank you." Hikaru said, "There is no need. If you want to thank me, thank me after I help you achieve every dream." She smiled brightly and nodded.

After some time, Both were sitting in a restaurant, waiting for food. Ayumi was excitedly observing everything and asked, "This is an amazing place." Hikaru said, "Just wait for the food; I'm sure you will love it." She seemed excited, and finally, the food arrived. As she took a bite, her eyes lit up, and she quickly started savoring everything. Hikaru glanced at her, smiling, and both enjoyed their dinner.

At night, both entered a hotel room. She excitedly ran and opened the window, revealing a sea view. Her eyes lit up with excitement. Hikaru entered, smiling, and asked, "Did you like it?" She replied enthusiastically, "I love it!" Hikaru said, "Alright, you should rest now. Tomorrow, I will take you to another exciting place; I'm sure you'll love it." She nodded in excitement.

In the morning, Hikaru was sleeping on the ground when a pillow came flying, hitting his face. He quickly woke up, saying, "What?" It was Ayumi laughing, hitting him with the pillow. Hikaru exclaimed saying, "Stop, what are you doing?" She kept hitting, saying, "Wake up, wake up; we have to go now." Hikaru held the pillow and said, "Alright, alright, I got it." She smiled brightly.

After sometime, Ayumi ran towards the station, and Hikaru followed. They entered the train, Ayumi looking excited, and Hikaru gasping as he looked up and saw Ayumi's smile. Hikaru also smiled. Ayumi looked out from the train with an excited face and a big bright smile.

After a few moments, Hikaru and Ayumi entered the park. Her eyes lit up, and she quickly ran. Hikaru followed her, and both played shooting games where Ayumi won lots of prizes. She looked excited and happy, and Hikaru was also smiling. Then, they went to a photoshoot, clicking lots of photos, both enjoying their time.

After sometimes, Hikaru sat under a big tree, and Ayumi lay on the grass, looking relaxed. Hikaru looked at her with a smile and asked, "So, where do you want to go next?" She quickly opened her eyes, sat up, and said, "I want to experience snowfall." Hikaru smiled, nodded, and said, "Alright, then I will see where we can go for that. Soon, we will be there." She smiled brightly, hugged Hikaru, who hugged her back. While hugging, she said, "I wish this time never ends." Hikaru smiled and nodded. Ayumi stopped hugging and said, "And then, after snowfall, we both will visit somewhere you wish." Hikaru smiled and said, "But..." She interrupted him, saying, "No, I won't listen to anything." Hikaru smiled and said, "Alright, I'll think where I want to go." She smiled and asked, "Hikaru? You are doing all this because you are my friend, right?" Hikaru seemed confused and said, "Yes, of course." She smiled and signaled him to come close. Hikaru seemed more confused. She continued the signal, and Hikaru leaned in. She said, "Close your eyes." Hikaru's eyes widened. He was about to say something, but Ayumi quickly covered his mouth with her hands, not allowing him to speak. She gently said, "Close your eyes." Hikaru closed his eyes, and she took her hand off. Hikaru's heartbeat raced, and he was gasping.