
Beyond Death: a love defying fate

In a world where fate intertwines, Hikaru Kojima finds solace as he was suffering from unique phenomena making him fed up from his life. However, his perspective on existence takes an unexpected turn when he encounters Ayumi Kaneko, a girl who was also suffering from a unique but dangerous phenomena, because of that she was trapped in her own house by her own parents As their eyes meet, Ayumi's yearning for adventure and to see outside world a sparks connection that transcends the boundaries of their individual struggles. Together, they embark on an extraordinary journey, facing unforeseen challenges and discovering the resilience that lies within them. In this tale of intertwined destinies, follow Hikaru and Ayumi as they navigate the mysteries of life, each seeking something profound beyond the constraints of their own realities.

MythBeast · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

Chapter "Chasing Dreams"

Ayumi quickly packed her bag, took out her shoes, and was ready. Hikaru said, "Before leaving, I will also bring some important things from my house." Ayumi nodded, saying, "Alright, I will come with you, but first, wait a bit." She quickly ran towards her cupboard and started searching for something. Hikaru looked on as she returned with a handful of money. Ayumi extended the money towards him and asked, "Is this enough?" Hikaru replied, "Well, that's a lot." She explained saying, "I never used them, so I don't know if it's enough or not. Here, you should keep this." Hikaru took the money and asked, "How do you have this much money?" She replied, "I never got chance to use them, but I love collecting them, so I used to collect them, and my father also gave me some." Hikaru nodded and said, "Alright, let's go then." She nodded, and Hikaru added saying, "I will go first." Hikaru looked out from the window at the surroundings, then started descending using a bedsheet rope. As he came down, he signaled for her to come down. Ayumi smiled as she descended and said, "I can't believe I'm about to live my dream." Hikaru responded saying, "Alright, let's go."

Quietly entering his house, both walked upstairs and entered Hikaru's room. Hikaru signaled Ayumi to keep quiet; she nodded. He quickly packed his bag, putting in some clothes and necessary items. He picked up the key with a big keychain, put it in his pocket, opened his cupboard, took out more money, and pocketed it. Then, he took a paper and started writing something. Ayumi asked, "What are you writing?" Hikaru explained saying "A letter telling my parents that I am going for something important and will be back in a week, so don't worry about me." Ayumi asks, "Should I write the same letter for my parents?" Hikaru smiled and said, "Do you think after reading your letter, your parents will sit calmly?" She shook her head in no. Hikaru added saying, "So it's not needed. I know they will all try to find us. Even my parents will try to find me, and everyone will eventually know that we both have run away together. So, basically, it's not needed, but at least for a while, my parents will sit quietly, and it will help us." She nodded. Hikaru then said, "Alright, let's go now." Ayumi confidently nodded.

Both came out from his house, glanced at each other, and Hikaru sat on his bicycle. Suddenly, they heard someone approaching with a torch. Ayumi worriedly asked, "Who's there?" Hikaru held her hand, and with confidence, he said, "It's the watchman; we have to go now." She nodded, quickly sat on his bike, and Hikaru confidently started pedaling. He rode his bicycle with Ayumi in front, and they rode away from their area.

The next morning, Ayumi's mother opened her room, saying, "Ayumi, your bre—" She stopped, her gaze widened as she realized Ayumi wasn't in her room. Looking worried, she whispered her name.

In Hikaru's house, his family stood in his room, with Mizuhara reading his letter. she said "He's out for something important?" His mother added asking, "What? At late night?" Hikaru's father looked worried. Suddenly, they heard commotion from outside the window. They all went and looked outside, seeing Ayumi's parents searching around their house, looking worried. Hikaru's father said, "What's happening there?" Yamada quickly ran off, saying, "I will get the information." He exited the room, leaving Hikaru's father looking concerned.

Hikaru put his foot on the pedal and started riding, moving fast with Ayumi sitting in front. Glancing at his watch, he remarked saying "Damn, my family would be up by now." Hikaru increased the speed even more.

In his house, Hikaru's father's eyes widened, and he exclaimed saying, "What? Her daughter is missing? And Hikaru is also missing." His parents exchanged worried glances, and his mother said, "No, Hikaru can't do this." Hikaru's father quickly walked out of the room, muttering, "What is he thinking now?" Upon exiting the house, he spotted the police at Ayumi's house. They had found the bedsheet rope Hikaru and Ayumi used. A policeman stated, "It's clear your daughter ran away from the house." Ayumi's parents looked increasingly worried. Hikaru's father, deeply concerned, thought to himself, "Hikaruuu." Suddenly, Yuta approached and said, "Hey, Sir, can you please call Hikaru?" Hikaru's father, looking at Yuta, replied, "Yuta, he's already off to school." one of the policeman noticed them and started glancing at them Yuta said, "But there is still time before school; I just wanted to ask him some questions regarding our today's progress test." His father's eyes widened, and that policeman started approaching them.

Meanwhile, Hikaru was riding his bicycle at a high speed, thinking, "I have to reach there as quick as possible." He continued riding, encountered a red signal, paused for a moment, and then took a shortcut.

Back at Ayumi's house, the policeman said, "Call your son." Everyone turned their attention to Hikaru's dad, who was visibly sweating. The policeman ordered another officer saying, "Check his house." Hikaru's father attempted to stop them, but the police entered his house.

Hikaru was taking every possible shortcut, riding through streets and narrow paths.

The policeman helding Hikaru's letter, reading it with a smile. He looked at Hikaru's worried father and said, "Ayumi and Hikaru ran away together." Ayumi's parents were shocked, and Hikaru's family looked concerned. The policeman continued saying "Ayumi is 17, so she is underage, and Hikaru, who is 19, this might be a kidnapping case." Hikaru's father exclaimed saying, "What are you saying?" The policeman signaled him to keep quiet. Ayumi's father angrily stated, "Officer, it might be kidnapping, and I want my daughter back safely." The policeman smiled and said, "Mr. Kojima, for taking away an underage girl, your son Hikaru Kojima might be in deep trouble." Hikaru's father looked angry, and the policeman, still smiling, ordered saying, "Officers, let's start the search operation." He added saying, "I will bring that girl back safely, even if it takes anything, even if I have to kill your son, I won't hesitate." Hikaru's father eyes widened in disbelief staring at him with anger.

Hikaru continued riding his bicycle with confidence and determination, thinking to himself, "I won't stop until I fulfill every dream Ayumi saw. I won't stop, even if it takes anything."