

She knew she must run faster. Or else, she'll never survive the night. Running against time, slicing the wind and steps on the jungle. Her head turns often, as she wants to assure she is safe before the next stop.

Just a mile away, just a freaking mile away!

She rushes at night, crossing the river and the border, too. She has no choice but to, for herself. Surviving within the grid. At least she knew, with a good explanation, they will understand. This is a dead-end for her.

One chance of a life savior.

Howling sounds make her feel nervous. But, she feels glad. She saved someone's life. Currently, she needs to save herself too! Or things will get worst.

Talking about the worst!

It's the Misty Road, just in front of her.

She stops herself and stutters a bit.

It's impossible to run into the thick, humid air. She can't switch again. She used all of her energy fighting all those intruders. Her eyes got blurry.

Misty Road is the area with the highest level of humidity among the entire reservation. At a certain time, it will be at the maximum point, creating the thick mists that cover the whole area. Local people believe it is bestowed by Heaven to protect the only way to enter the reservation area. However, frankly say, the ancestor knew the area well!

More likely, they have been using nature wisely.

Someone's coming!

She has no choice but to speed inside the humid. Eyesight limits at her disadvantage, big time. She pants, looking around. Maybe she shall try hiding somewhere? If she was blinded by thus thick mists, so did them.

That's what she thought.

But, it's not.

All she can do right now is scream.

And her wolf howls under a huge, bright red moon.



The scream kills the night. Sweats dripping from his forehead. He pants as he quickly roses up, running towards the drawer.

He takes out his dreamcatcher while sliding down and crouching against the drawer. His body moves front and back, emotionally. Lips shaking and pupil enlarges.


Someone's opened the door. Looking at the poor boy who just got startled by his nightmare. The man slowly approaches him and kneels in front of him.

“Are you okay?” Twix looks at the man. He is unable to speak anymore. The man slowly touches his forearm.

And that's when he bursts into tears. He hugs the man tightly, sniffing his long hair, so he can soothe himself.

“I'm… I'm afraid! Help me…”

“Tell me why? Slowly…”

“I need to go home… I need to!”

“We will. Just one more day…”

“No! Right now!” he begins crying hysterically. Justin caresses his head, trying to calm him down. But deep inside, he is worried about Twix.

They connected a long time ago, during the alien invasion, until today. Eventually, whatever Twix feels right now, he too can feel it. Not as much deeper than Twix's own, but they did share the happiness and sorrow.

Right now, both are away on a mission. Cosmos is miles away. There's no way they can go back at this instant. They need to wait. At least for a day, until the mission ends. But it seems like Twix insists too.

“Please, Justin. My clan needs me. I can feel it…” Justin puts his finger softly to Twix's lips.

“I'll talk to the chief tomorrow. Right now, you require a rest,” he brings Twix back to his bed, tucking him slowly, so the man can sleep.

“Don't leave…” Twix grabs his wrist.

“Okay, crybaby. But promise you'll sleep,” says Justin, smiling at Twix. He slowly lays down next to Twix, while the man, still holding his hand tight, tries his best to sleep.

Justin stares at the man who slowly drifts into sleep. He brushes off hair strains from Twix's face. The man is a crybaby and a pamper pooch, especially around him. Justin can't help but coo, looking at this cute face frowning in sleep.

Deep down inside, Justin sighs heavily. Lately, the boy is quite clingy, sometimes for no reason. He is just coming of age a few weeks ago. Assumed that the hormone starts to kick off. It's quite late for a normal human age, but Twix is not a human in general. He is a hybrid werewolf; his mother is a normal human being who mated with a werewolf. He looks like a human.

But, deep down inside, he is still a werewolf.

And, even though he is older than Justin, he's still younger than him, biologically. As a werewolf.

Still, coming to age means Twix experiences full power as a werewolf. His wolf is mature completely and became even more powerful. That's why Twix needs to learn and nurture his wolf even more. So, the wolf won't surpass his limit as a human, too.

Therefore, in the meantime, Justin has to be patient a bit with his acts and whines.

The phone rings, distracting Justin for a moment. He pulls his hand slowly, so Twix won't get disturbed. He looks at the ID and frowns.

“Yes, sir? What's with the late-night call?”

“Where's Twix?”

“He's asleep. Why?”

“Wake him up,”

“He just asleep. Oh, sir… We have something to discuss…”

“There's no time for that. Wake him up, and pack your things. You two must leave tonight,” Justin frowns. He looks at Twix.


“I got a phone call. From Cosmos. Something happened and Twix needs to go home. Now.”