
Beyond Almighty

The One that stands Beyond Almighty, Sora possesses unparalleled power and ability, with seemingly no limits to what he can achieve. He strives to be the very best, always pushing himself to new heights of greatness. He will terrorize men and Conquer Beauties, Observe as the Singularity disrupts the natural order of things, challenging even the divine forces above. Embark on an epic journey through an Eastern-inspired fantasy world, where multiple realms and storylines intersect and intertwine. Why don’t you join along, as our singularity experiences the wonder's of life, and create his very own story. Well, What are you waiting for? Come on!!!

One_Singularity · Oriental
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54 Chs

Traditions and Ties

As I lie here in the calm and serene atmosphere of the room, my eyes gently trail over to my mother who is resting beside me. Her face is marked with traces of exhaustion, yet her serene expression and the gentle rhythm of her breathing suggest that she is in a state of peaceful slumber.

As I gaze upon the serene scene in the room, I notice my sister lying next to our mother, lost in a peaceful slumber. Her chest rises and falls steadily, a sign of her deep rest.

As I look around the room, I notice that we are alone, just my mother, my sister, and me. In this quiet moment, I feel an overwhelming sense of contentment, grateful for the opportunity to spend this time with my beloved family.

As I lie here with my family in this private hospital ward, a gentle breeze wafting through the window, I take in the peaceful scene before me. My mother's face reflects exhaustion from the labor, while my sister lies in a deep slumber. It's a moment of tranquility, yet my mind wanders to the unique tradition of matriarchal rule in the Yang family.

According to the matriarchal rule, male children born from the female lineage, especially direct descendants like myself, must be raised outside of the family four weeks after birth.

As I contemplate my future, I can't help but wonder whether my family will adhere to tradition and send me away, or if they will choose to break with convention and keep me close.

Regardless of what the future may hold, I am committed to seizing every opportunity and living life to the fullest. At present, I will relish this tranquil moment with my mother and sister.

To ensure gender balance and promote the strength of the family, the matriarchal rule mandates that males born from the female side of the Yang family be sent away to experience hardship and grow independently without the family's support until they turn 18.

This is seen as a way for them to understand the challenges of life and mature on their own, developing a sense of resilience and self-reliance.

In contrast, females born from the male side of the family are typically groomed by matriarchs to become strong women and leaders in their own right.

However, some may see this rule as unfair and biased towards females, and there may be differing opinions on how the family should raise and support its members.

I only have a limited amount of time to spend with my family before I am sent off to an orphanage, which is a harsh reality that I have to accept as a direct descendant of the Yang family.

Even though I heard my mother arguing against this decision, she couldn't change the rules that dictate I must become independent and strong on my own.

It's not fair that the females born from the male side of the family get preferential treatment, but I can't dwell on that now. I have to make the most of the time I have with my family and prepare myself for the challenges that lie ahead.

At the age of just a few days, I'm already at the 5th stage of Foundation Establishment in my cultivation, surpassing most young adults in the family.

However, the spiritual energy in this world is too thin, limiting most people to only reach the nascent soul stage.

But I am not dependent on absorbing spiritual energy from the world. I have a multiverse inside me, where I can access energy beyond almighty or primordial chaos energy. It would be a waste of my potential to rely on such low-tier energy as spiritual energy.

I need to plan out my future. Despite being a mere newborn, I am larger and healthier than most babies my age. I am grateful to those in the family who have treated my mother and me well, and I have blessed them with increased potential and talent, allowing them to live long and fulfilling lives.

As for the beautiful women I have seen in the hospital, I will cherish their memory and appreciate their beauty when I am older. I have no desire to objectify or possess them, but rather to treat them with respect and kindness.

They should be able to live past 1000 years old plus the potential and talent increase in them, there were so many sexy women there as well.

I'll add them to my harem when I'm older, I put a man prevention system, men will evade them for no reason.

My thirst for knowledge and adventure knows no bounds, and I relish every challenge and obstacle that comes my way.

I am truly blessed to be alive in such an extraordinary time, and I will continue to push myself to new heights in my pursuit of excellence.

In this universe, the path to immortality lies in cultivation, where one strives to transcend the limits of mortality and challenge the heavens themselves.

However, this pursuit is not unique to the cultivation world alone; even in the modern world, people vie for success and dominance through education and wealth, all in the hopes of standing atop the competition.

It's a world where the strong prey on the weak, and only those who possess the tenacity and willpower to defy their fate can hope to carve out a path to greatness.

Many races share this insatiable desire for more, constantly striving for strength and power to break free from their limitations. It's understandable because strength often means freedom from the constraints that hold them back.

And there's nothing more valuable than freedom. Without it, life can feel empty and hopeless.

But I digress, As for the current state of affairs, it's 1997 and the country is just beginning to enter the modern era of development.

In this world, there exists a multitude of races, each with its unique traits and abilities. From Vampires and Werewolves to Succubi and Humans with mixed bloodlines, the diversity of beings is immense.

As for myself, I possess numerous bloodlines, thanks to the interbreeding between the Yang family and other families around the world. Our bloodlines are refined and pure, surpassing those of other races.

Despite the rarity of those who know of cultivation, there are new opportunities to acquire modern technologies, and I intend to take advantage of them.

As a direct descendant of the prestigious Yang family, I've inherited a multitude of refined and powerful bloodlines. My dragon bloodlines, phoenix bloodlines, and incubus bloodline, among others, have surpassed even the Primordial stage bloodline level.

As a result, many races are naturally attracted to me and hold me in high esteem and attraction.

This is evident by the possessiveness and affection of my mother, sisters, aunts, and even grandmothers, who all vie for the opportunity to express their love and devotion to me.

The Bloodline levels are ranked in ascending order of power and refinement as follows:

Mortal, Sky, Heavenly, Imperial, Royal, Ancient, Immortal, Progenitor, Transcendent, Chaos, Divine, True God, Saint, Venerable, Supreme, Eternal, Primordial, Almighty, Beyond Almighty.

It is incredibly rare for individuals in the Mortal world to possess a bloodline that exceeds the Heavenly rank, with most people having a bloodline that is only at that level or lower.

The chance of someone possessing a Heavenly-ranked bloodline in the Mortal world is a mere 1 in 100 million.

However, in the Yang Family, Imperial and Royal's bloodlines are quite common, with my mother being born with an Ancient Bloodline.

During her pregnancy with me, I upgraded her bloodline to Immortal, and the same happened with my twin sister, as well as my other sisters and aunts who are direct descendants of my Great Grandmother.

With the upgrade of their bloodlines to the Immortal level, their physical and spiritual capacity has been greatly enhanced, allowing them to transform into stunning goddesses.

The immense boost in bloodline power has also increased their cultivation to an unprecedented level, with my mother and grandmother being the most stunning and powerful among them.

Surprisingly, both of them have reached the Transforming God stage, which was deemed impossible with the current state of the Earth's spiritual energy.

I have made a deliberate decision to prioritize strengthening my foundation over rapidly increasing my cultivation, which is why my progress has been relatively slow. As I look at my mother, I can't help but see why so many men are attracted to her, despite her seemingly cold demeanor toward outsiders. But I know that to her loved ones, like her children, she gives the warmth and affection that we need.

I envision a future where my mother and sisters share a deep and special bond with me, founded on unwavering support, love, and mutual reliance.