

Ocean106 · Fantaisie
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56 Chs

Chapter 7

Amy recognized him. The cousin brother of Simon and the king to be.That proud face and attitude. Shocked and nervous Amy break her herself from his embrace and backed off. "That was the room of illusions. It attracts anyone to their death if one doesn't know how to use it." His eyes still fixed on the latter. He had a clumsy way at staring at her. His dark hairs fell into his eyes. His face fair pale and red lips as the strawberry freshly crushed. "What are you doing here? No one's allowed here unless you've been invited." He crossed his arms giving the latter a fair view of his well-built chess.

"I was here with Chimera." She stammered sheepishly. She lowered her eyes to make sure she doesn't screw the pooch! Should she call him as his majesty or by his name? Or maybe just sir? She nodded at her own foolishness.

"I should understand that you are the mortal that came with my brother." He was still calm and yet so intense. "Lady, this is not your human world. Here we have secrets more dangerous than you might ever imagine."

Another squeaky voice inside her screamed at the top of his throat….where was Simon or Chimera? Amy of course didn't have the proper accent to deal with royalty. "If you keep roaming into places without knowing what it pertain…you might lose more than you anticipate!" He rudely declared.

"I was not alone!" Amy protested. "Actually Chimera had something came up that's why she left. I was supposed to be waiting for her inside that room."

"Hmmmn….. Surely that mortal world lacks a sense of poise." He noticed. "Simon always liked to do things otherwise. I can't doubt that he would not do what he did. Escapist and wrong…that how they all called him once."

"You have no right to call him that way. He stayed in my world and loved by everyone." She felt a heat rose inside her. She couldn't let anyone accused him for no reason.

"You are defending him." He simply added. "You must be deeply in love with him."

"Why everyone thinks that I'm in love with him?" She had her patience, but not anymore.

"Seems so…." Before he said another word the latter felt deeply on her feet and collapsed down. "Hey, are you ok?" He reached for her and ran his fingers on her forehead. She was hot and burning. Her eyes were half closed and she was tiredly weak.

"I feel weak. Ouch…." She held her feet and pried. "My knees. They are killing me." She protested. Her feet, a pain was rising in her knees. It was as if sharp knives were cutting through it. Her bones were cracking inside she could feel it. He held her into his arms and lifted her. "I may have something for you." He projected himself into his room.

Simon walked into his room. He has to leave with her before midnight. Why he brought her here. How could he not understand that the mortal was not allowed and there was a reason behind it. He almost chocked as he found that the room was empty. Where she was? He gestured his hands and a ball of fire appeared in his room. It was already nine thirty.  And he had limited time to save her. A blur image appeared in the circle. She was on a bed, and he recognizes that room…..Alex. He tried to project himself there but apparently his brother had a spell that protected his room from any unexpected entry.  He ran toward the latter room.

"Where I am?" Amy nodded and shrugged at him. The room seemed quite luxury. It had the sense of royalty; she didn't need to guess where she was. In his room for sure. And he was seated next to her and had been chanting something. He was running the palms of his hands over her. A brown shimmer lighted between in his fingers and absorb inside him. And finally she felt the pain in her knees and body ceased. But she could tell that he was suffering. He took all her suffering inside him. Amy got up and leaned on the pillow. "Why did you do that?" She asked.

"Because it's my responsibility to cure when something is wrong with my kingdom." He simply added. "And when you entered that portal, you belong to my kingdom now." He was gesturing his palms and finally he was finding his normal breath now. His eyes reflected an emerald green when he used his magic, just like when Simon's eyes turned as fire because his source of magic was fire itself. That emerald green and cold as ice, made her ponder his energy source.

"Where is Simon?" Her voice was still weak though. Her hairs were still loose and her face small and shocked. Her little fingers trembled as she spoke.

"He is on his way to my chamber." The door split opened. Simon was standing at the entrance. He had been there for quite a time, she presumed. He seemed quite surprised to see his brother after so many days, she could see it. He walked inside and settled next to the latter.

He was till avoiding the latter eyes. Simon took her hands and rubbed it slightly. "My love, are you all right?" He asked. Amy could see the anguish in his glance.

"Simon, finally you are back." Alex added, even though the latter seemed quite pissed at him. "How are you?"

Simon completely ignores him and lifted Amy in his arms. "Amy, we have to leave right now." He said.  Alex stopped him. "What is it you want?"

"Amy needs to rest." He was now staring deep into his eyes. "I did the curing spell on her and she needs to rest otherwise it would…."

"It would double her pain!" Simon added. "Are you crazy for using such a spell on her? She is a mortal not a witch. She doesn't belong to your world king to be…." A strong hatred reflected in his tone.

"I had to….apparently her mortal self-rebounded when she entered the path. You should know that we are not allowed to bring mortal here."

Amy was still between the arms of Simon. "I know that is why I am taking her back. Before midnight." He added. He walked toward the door when Alex blocked his way. "What are you doing?"

"You don't need to do so." He said.

"If I don't bring her back she will lose her life." Simon found his breath at his top. Amy leaned on his arms. She was going to die and she couldn't even react on that. What she could say more? Everything turned as a rumble on her mind."I bet you don't know that."

"Simon I am the King to be…I know more than I can presume." He was till calm and assuring and yet a little ego that way he pronounced the words. "But I also know that no one can enter the room of illusions…."

"What this has to do with Amy?"

"I prefer if we talk in private." He proposed. "Why don't you put her back on bed and listen to me. She needs to rest as it is." Simon obeyed. He knew that his brother couldn't be that stupid to propose that. Maybe he could listen to him for once.

"Simon….what is it? I'm going to die?" Before she realized what happened. Simon performed the enchanted dream spell on her. He gently touched her forehead allowing her to fall asleep and into a world full of beautiful dreams. Just like he did in the human world whenever she couldn't sleep.

"This better be good." Simon said against his annoyed tone. He couldn't believe that he trusted him again. After everything that happened between them.  But he knew that Alex knew what he was doing. At least maybe he could suggest him how to cancel that spell. And give Amy a life she always dreamed about. Full of magic and enchanted memories.

"Trust me Simon." He added, with a smile.