

Ocean106 · Fantaisie
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56 Chs

Chapter 6

The bath was really warm and relaxing. She had her khaki long sleeved shirt and her favorite black jeans. Her hairs still had water tripping from its tips. She already had her last piece of seven cheese pizza.  She took some Nivea moisturizing cream and applied it delicately on her face, so to protect her from the coldness.  "Miss Amy, I hope you liked your diner. Personally I don't understand how you mortal could eat such an unhealthy food. Simon apparently spends too much time in the human world. Pity!" Chimera was standing at the door. "His majesty ordered that I should take you for a tour in the castle."

"Will he be long?" It was already an hour he was gone. Amy wondered if she should even trust Chimera or not?

"Let's just say that it is compulsory that he does so." She sighed. "Shall we go?" She walked outside the door dragging Amy behind her.

The council was still busy as the last time he saw them. He spent so much time in there that he knew the council by heart. The enquiry desk on the second floor and the announcement on third floor. The fourth floor had the announcement of the Lunar Kingdom. And on the fifth floor the Night Kingdom. It was always that busy with fairies. So beautiful and enchanted and yet they were quite vicious as well when it came to be strictly business. They stepped on the round sphere floating in front of them. "Where are we going to?" Simon asked.

It was now flying higher towards the tenth floor. It was certain that he was bound to meet the council members. He did disobey them when he ran away from home and took abode in the mortal world. He wonders if they would grant him permission to let Amy stay in Bewix. The door changed. It was more navy blue with pink design. The room as well was not black but pink mist was flowing around. He stepped inside, feeling the scent of the honey and chamomile, against his face. He instantly knew that they have used the disclosure potion. The council was always the smartest one, when it comes to judge someone.

"Prince Simon, finally you've answered our call." One voice echo around the room. "Please excuse that atmosphere in the room, our lord of love was trying out his new potion, and it just bounced all over the wall." That would explain the pink design. "Do you know why you have been convicted to this audience?"

"Now, Now….My lord of intelligence." Another voice interrupted him. "If his majesty would have the slightest idea that bringing a mortal here in Bewix could have been worst." Simon was sure it was the lord of naughtiness who spoke. He really liked to drama things when he talked. "I doubt he would have brought that mortal here."

Simon brushed away their nosy talks. He raised an eyebrow and nodded. "My lords, I believe that if we want someone to succeed, the least we can do is to enhance her to move ahead." He knew he couldn't convince them by this excuse; he had to find something else. "I apologize for it. I know I should have asked your permission before having Amy here with me in Bewix." He bowed once more.

"Simon, I believe we should proceed in the loyal favor." Another voice interrupted this time. "We should at least consider that prince Simon has brought up a mortal in our world despite knowing that it is against the rules. We should keep in mind the goodwill of our beloved Bewix." It must be the lord of strategies and protection that spoken this time.

"Allow me to say my lord that the mortal world has indeed improved. Today everyone believes in freewill and has the capabilities to understand." Simon protested. Bewix always feared the wrath and immaturity of the mortal world. For in the past, events did give them the reason for their fright.

"Seems like you really spend too much time in the mortal world, Prince Simon." The lord of jealousy taunted. "Now we are not even sure if you should be here or not."

"His majesty has always been a rebel." This time the lord of love spoke. "But we should consider the fact that he has always been good and helpful when needed. We should at least give them a chance to prove his point."

"My guess we should proceed with the favor already, and we shouldn't listen to the one person who fancy pink color."

"My lord of jealousy it was just an attempt."

"Yes, an attempt that failed and ruined our reputation with pink color. It just gives me whiplash when I think that it's all over the place."

"And the problem is?"

"The problem is that my lord, we are not supposed to be looming in pink color, we are the lords of bewix and we are supposed to be projecting laws and regulation. And pink color is not the best way to it."

"Now, now, my lord. Do you think that the air of Bewix would be in her favor?" Simon frowned at this particular sentence. He cleared his voice as he knew that something was brewing.

"May I know what his lord meant by that?" A silence passed, that seemed like hours. He stroked his neck and nodded. He knew of the law that said that no mortal should be allow into their world but he never found any danger effects if he should bring one.

"Simon, the mortal are not allow here in Bewix. And soon or later, your friend will have to pay the price for it."


"I'm afraid that we as well don't know how to stop it as, Evan the first made sure that no one changes the course of time. It was decided that should a mortal come in the path, if she returned back before the end of midnight the day she came she will be spared. But if not, she will pay by her life." The lord of intelligence added. "Because the magic that protects the path itself is so powerful that it could cure the magical spell in the air of our beloved Bewix."

"Why no one ever told us that?"

"Because we never knew that someone might escapes from our world and someday would bring back a mortal with him."

"That's cruel." Simon casted another look at the empty space in front of him. The mist of jasmine and honey flavor eased up. The room was white now. And only some mist was flowing up against the ceiling. "What can I do to stop that?"

"The only best choice would be to send her back through the portal before midnight here." Another voice spoke this time. "Prince Simon, you better hurry if you want to save her. Because if once the portal closes before midnight today, the protective magic would be futile."

"So are you saying that everyone here should have an elf bided to them?" Amy could feel her curiosity at the top. Simon never told her that his world was that famous for love.

"Yes." Chimera hands still clamed at her back, as they walked through the corridor. Green walls with neatly arranged paintings. Or holograms, as Simon said. "It has a very interesting story behind it as well."

"Surprise me…" Amy murmured against her annoyed and shocked tone. "I mean seriously why behind every magical artifact a story is always hidden?"

"Don't you believe in stories, Amy?"  Disappointed she halted to have a better view of her. "To transfer the truth to the next generations we have to have a story to motivate them. If not, we might as well forget our worth. No surprise that the human world doesn't have such dedications to their own culture." She added with an attitude.

Amy ran next to the latter. "Hey, I never meant that I didn't find them interesting. I mean I always fancied reading old stories that is connected to true events. But in our world, we don't use book anymore!"

"Really, then how on earth you learn your history?" Chimera raised another eyebrow and waited.

"Actually we use the network for our research. Mostly." She said. "The network world wide allows us to connect to any page in the world and shift the truth from the false." Amy could tell that her explanation doesn't seem to be that interesting for Chimera. They had much better way to work their mind. "So tell me, what is that famous story that binds the elves to one immortal?"

"Evan the first had a companion. And he was an elf. He was the bravest friend he would ever wish to have in his life. He saved his life more than one time."  Evan the first was the first wizard that discovered Bewix and if Amy quite understood it, he wanted to create a world where his magic powers would make a difference. And he invented spells.  "One time, someone made fun of him…said that he was the ugliest creature that ever existed and he didn't have the right to be part of Bewix. That Evan the first pitied him that's why he protected him. And so it was decided that everyone should be abided to one elf." She finally reached for a door. She clapped her hands and waited as the door opened.

"Tell me Chimera, how are they? The elves?"Amy walked behind her into the blue tunnel.

"Quite short and green skin. Their eyes black. They have a pointed nose and ears. Some have big round belly as well." Chimera explains as they walked between the illuminated lights flashing as the mirror. "In all they had every reason to be taunted for."

"How could you say that?" Amy crossed her arms, just like she does whenever she was angry or annoyed about something. "I wonder how your elf feels when you talk like that."

"I don't need an elf to guide me through…..I am an elf!" She finally added. "What, don't stare at me like that….Many might choose to live a pathetic life of ugliness but I choose to follow my heart."Finally you've got what you wanted. Who gave it to you? That's what Simon said when he met her at the entrance of the castle.

They reached the end of the tunnel. It was a secret room, filled with broken statues and incomplete arts. It was dark and appeared to be growing in width as they walked between the allays of the artifacts. "Our Milagros chamber!"

Amy was so engulfed in knowing more about that chamber that she almost ignore the fact how frighten she was in the dark. "So what is this room in reality?"

"It is where we expand our arts and creativity."She added with another gleam of pride. "Every time someone wants to create something a hologram of his imagination appeared in this room. It kinds of keep their inspirations alive and allows them to finished their master piece."

"So all these statues are the imaginations of an artist?" She ran her fingers on one of the white half Buddha statue, but it ran through it.

"Not one, but many." They reached near another photo that caught the eyes of Amy in a go. "This is the painting of our King to be, Alexander Evan the fifth." Of course the cousin that everyone loved and always admired. His black hairs appeared so fine and his eyes navy blue and long lash. He stood proudly and his eyes reflected royalty and luxury.

"Whose imagination is this one?"

"No one, it is the royal painting that we have to present once he is crowned king of Bewix." Chimera added. She walked around and finds her foot stumbled. Someone called for her and she have to go. "Amy do you mind staying here? I'll just be back. Feel free to explore our treasures and the beautiful history behind it." She walked outside.

Amy doubt she will ever have that beautiful attitude that the latter thrown at her, even though it is fake. She walked breathlessly touching and feeling the inspiration hidden in the statues that were professionally and mythically crafted. Where was Simon? He said he would be quick. She paced across the narrow path of silence atmosphere. It surely was sinister and frightening. That darkness itself was enough to give her shivers. It gave her the feeling that she was in a horror movie and anytime now someone would just barge in front of her. She surely liked peace but not when it was that dreadfully projected. She suddenly felt the need to back off and walked back at the tunnel and wait for Chimera.

A shimmer and some rumble stumbled her feet. It came from the other side of a black door tightly closed and almost merged with the darkness of the room. Amy ran her fingers on it, it's wall cold wood. A clumsy air flashed through her as she could feel a heartbeat. A heart beat full of pain and loneliness. She waited for another moment before her curiosity took over! She tries to look for a way open it. But no locker or handle! Of course how stupid of her to think that a magic castle would have a key to close a secret door as this one. She closed her eyes and sighed desperately. She wished she could find a way through that door that seemed to be hiding a deep secret. She stared at it one more last time before turning away and walk back toward the tunnel.

Another noise stopped her. This time it made a creak noise. The door was opened. But how? Could it be that someone was inside? Without any second thoughts she walked inside. Surprised, she blankly clears her voice just to see if there would be a response! No one. The room was nothing but an abyss of darkness. A small voice inside her persuades her to move ahead.  A hope that rose inside her turned into a strong temptation. One thing was sure that it was not as empty as it seems.  Because as she walked her footsteps did not echoed. She took few steps more inside. She was sure that she heard a heartbeat inside when she was outside. And she was certain that someone was in here. She could feel that a presence looming around. A fast movement whilst she walked. Someone was watching her. She turned to face the door where she came in. "I know someone's in here…." She whispered. She slowly back off.

"Look out!" The next moment she was already turned around and dragged into his arms. Her face engulfed into the soft fabric and tempted scent of his body. His hands clamed on her neck. He was still holding her, preventing her to make another move. "Are you ok?" His voice hard and loyal."Bricus-anrikus." And they were out of the room in the light of the candles in the corridor.