

Ocean106 · Fantaisie
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56 Chs

Chapter 39

"Simon what is it?" Yiana touched his hot sweaty face. "Are you ok?" what a stupid question, of course he wasn't ok. All these emotions maybe that's why he was hallucinating. She pondered.

"Its Amy. I heard her. She is reaching out for me."

"What?" Everyone's attention was brought back to him.


Merilia, at this point stood up and paced closer to him. "Can you really feel her?" she asked. It was working. The spell they performed a long time ago was still alive. The stone of destiny worked. "Simon, there's something that you should be aware of." She started to explained. "but firstly, use that connection to communicate with her, she wants to return, Simon only you can help her. She is connected to you."

"How is that possible?" Yiana let go. "How can he be connected to Amy?"

" Simon's father and I had a spell on both of you. So that to bind you with Amy's soul. Her destiny stone, is inside your heart Simon."

"You performed a spell on your baby?" Delia disbelief shook her head and looked away.

"I think now I understand the connection between them. That's why they understand each other and trust each other." Alex added, with a heavy heart, he nodded. Amy was connected to Simon. And that would seriously mean that they belong to each other. And he didn't like the thought of that. Amy belongs with him. And he loved her. He can't let anyone else be in his place.

"How do I do that?"

"Every destiny stone, beholds a wish dust gifted from god himself. If only one knows how to ask it." Yiana explained. Finally those talks with the guard really helped. "That would mean that Amy and Simon belong to each other? Simon I hope that you won't leave me for her!" she drily shrugged.

"Yiana, do you really think that this is the right moment to discuss your love matter?"Jon humbly added.

"Simon, what do you feel when you see her?" Merilia added. "What would you wish?"

"I wish to have her again in my arms. I would like to see her smiling, and live her life beyond her expectation."

"What's happening?" she felt her pain eased up. The gentle stood there, worriedness on his face and yet a gentle smile touched his lips. A smile that gave her shivers somehow. 

"Are you sure that this is what you wish for my child? For I can see your deepest wish, and once you decide that this was what you wanted you can't turn your back from it. As it is the secret that confide in you is acting on the fate of your mother decision and wish as well; as long as she can't forgive what had been done, your love shall be perish."

Amy still on the ground listened to every single words he said, it surely stumbled her mind when she think of it. What did he mean about that? Was he referring to her love for Alex? Or Simon? At that moment a loud light emerged from beneath of her, blinding her. It grew around her and engulfed her into its embrace.  She gasped and casted a glance at the latter. "We will be awaiting for you my child. Once when you are ready, you'll have your place here in heaven.In the meanwhile, do what you've been chosen for."

A whiplashed on her mind. Everything seemed to be revolving around her ; giving her the urge to vomit. A loud freezing breeze blew across her face. Unable to find her normal pace she struggled to breathes, the torment lasted for about a minute. And everything was calmed down again. And she could hear confounded rumble;is she ok? Did it worked? She seemed fine…." Voices that seemed familiar, she thought, still unconscious she blinked twice. Blurred image came in her mind. Faces she would recognize. Yet she could hear more voices, "She needs to rest. Jamie, utilize your magic to rebuilt the castle, she needs to rest."

"And can't we take her to my castle?" Alex proposed.

"My daughter won't leave from here. She belong here she will stay here. No one will tell me how I should react to her." Merilia spoken with a tone of authority. "And she will decide if the vengeance should be carried out or not."

"Oh come on Sister, you can't think about vengeance right now."

"Jamiz, this is no longer my worry now, it is the responsibility of my daughter to assume her rights. So I will support her in any decision she would take."

"And I know that she will make the right one." Alex confide. "And Amy is in love with me. I trust her. She will come to see me, for sure."

"Let time decides of that shall we."

The drowsiness still washed through her, pain and tiredness was still in her nerves.She sighed and yawned as she woke up from the strange dream; a dream about heaven and hell,  that she was into a world filled of magic and she beheld her true self, Simon was the prince and her grandfather was the guardian. She blinked and clumsily smiled. What a strange dream afterall. She felt stupid. Because at least in her dream she found love.

"Finally awake." A voice interrupted her thoughts. She instantly realized that it was nothing but the reality. "Greeting my child, at last we meet." Her mother was seated on the couch next to her. The bedroom; was a huge one. A princess bedroom. The light curtains white, flew simultaneously with the rhythm of the breeze.  The silky bed she lay on was really a cozy one. The walls made of bricks and a few cracks were still visible on it. "I see that you are quite an observer. Just like your father."

My father?She doesn't even know what his name was. Or how he looked like. How was she even going to react to that? She stayed there stalking at her. Observing her. Her mother. It surely felt a bit off for considering that she always lived with the idea that her mother was dead. And now seeing her in front of her was both overwhelming and nervous. "What is it my child? Is something I said offend you?"

"No, it's just that I'm not even sure how I should be reacting." She bend over at the soft pillow, and stared at her. "How long have I been asleep?" she had a heavy head ache, it was normally when she was asleep till late in the evening that she would feel like that.

"Two weeks."


"The journey in the afterlife is really a tiring one my love. That is why when you came back from there, you needed to rest." Her eyes still lowered as she spoke. Amy was already on her feet before she realized it; she was walking towards the window terrace, on the left side. It was facing the view of the back garden; Amy couldn't realize the beauty of it. Her mind was still struck through what happened to her. "I always fancied that room. It gave me the perfect morning when I wake up."  She was right, the color combination of the mountain ranges, the pale lemon color of the tree leaves.

"Mother when I was in heaven, the gentle told me that I beheld their secret." Her eyes still fixed on the view. Unbelievable changes once peace was restore. Yet she could still feel that inside her, her mother still had the urges for her revenge.  What about Alex and Simon? She wondered if they came to see here in these two weeks.  "What is it?"

"The Ngami stone." She simply bellowed. Her face blanked. It was sure that she knew more than she presumed. "You behold the existence of the stone. When the mishaps happened, I was forced to trade my own happiness with heaven and hell so as to protect what I had to. No one but Simon's father and your father knew about that. But apparently when you died, heaven and hell both felt its existence inside you that would explain why they were fighting to have your soul."

"Heaven and hell wants the stone?"