

Ocean106 · Fantaisie
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56 Chs

Chapter 2

Hello Mr. Richard." Simon greeted as he entered. They already arranged some chairs outside in the garden. And one speaker on the left. The owner of the resort was there as well and he was quite excited to hear what Amy had to say about the sea this time. "Present as usual?"

"Of course, Amy has been struggling for so many years now. And she should be encouraged." He replied.

"Yes, I noticed some flyers on the desk at the front office. I think she already appreciate your help."

"And what about you? How is work going? I met Peter last week and he said that he is quite proud of your work." He smirks at his comment.

"Oh! I'd say he is just being nice." Simon remembered the first time he went at his place for the interview. His pub was really in a mess and he was out of business as well. But for the latter it was not difficult for him to restore order and charm to the pub. He just used one simple spell that changed the course of time. Now the Pillars Bar was one of the best in the north of the Island. "Excuse me I have to meet Amy." He walked past him.

Amy was still busy with her speech and she was reading it out loud now. She was in the office of her uncle and her eyes were fixed on the note book she had on the table. The Pc on the right side was on and a web page about the diving center was open. She was still working on the blog. "My Love, I think you should take some rest and eat something." He really liked the fact how she engulfed herself into something when she really wanted. Her dedication was really strong.

"Simon, where were you? I needed to talk to you."

"Hey, I'm here now." He put the paper bag on the left table and walked closer to her. "Tell me what is it? And by the look of all these used papers shattered on the floor, I might have a little idea."

"It's over Simon." She ran her fingers on her hairs. "John said that he couldn't bear our friendship anymore and that I had to choose between him and you." She closed her eyes and imagined how serious he was when he said that. "He came in the morning and told grandpa that they were really not stern enough. Because they let you into the house every time." She explained.

"I'm sorry, but if my presence in your life disturbed your relation maybe it might be better if I…."

"Don't be stupid." She added. "Our friendship is much more valuable than a relationship without trust.

"Is it what you really want?" She nodded and manage a faint smile. "Fine, I have some food. I know you haven't eaten anything, here have some. I got salad and French fries, and your favorite, vegan burger from the park restaurant ."

"And what about you?"

"I'm hungry as well. Bonne appétit!" He smiled at her. "So how is your preparation going?" He took another bite of his sandwich.

"It is going well. Just a few more notes and I'll be ready." She sighed and finally glanced at him. "Do you think I'll be to my expectations?" She had those second thoughts again. And it really wasn't enhancing her at all.  John was in her life since one year. And he was the perfect one she always waited for. They even had planned for their wedding next year. She was ready to live her rest of her life with him.

She wonders why he came through that idea that her friendship with Simon would interfere in their relationship. "I think you will be perfect. Your dedication to saving the sea is really inspiring to us all." He drank some water. "I think you should not stop and maybe expand your protest. I know Mr. Richard, would be happy to help you. And Steve as well."

"Maybe, but I have to concentrate on this small speech first and let's see how it goes."  She took the last bite of her sandwich and finally got up and ready to move ahead, she can't possibly let one bad experience ruined her whole life. As life is always ups and downs merged together, that's what her grandpa told her every time. "Shall we go?"

It was half past two and the scene was already mixed with busy bodies. Some even brought their camera for pictures. It was like the conference, she watched on TV. But this time it was her turn to be the center of attraction! Simon and Uncle Steve were on the left side. And her grand Pa and aunt Jasmine was there as well. They were seated on the first row.  Amy could feel the bubble inside her stomach. Almost twenty five people were seated in front of her and they were all expecting a really encouraging speech. She cleared her throat and finally glances at Simon. 

He could tell that she was nervous. He back off and closed his eyes. It was one spell that he bided his mind to the latter. So they could speak via their thoughts. Amy, they need your guidance through this, help them. Don't be afraid. We are here for you…..I'm here for you!I know you have belief inside you, use it and you'll find everything follows instantly. Go on Amy…..

"I would like to thank everyone who chooses to attend my protest. First I would like to tell you few observations I made during my preparations." She started. She stared sharply at her listeners and hope that she does make an impact once she finished. "The sea is a vast source. It is another world with its own rules and inhabitants. It used to be praised for its beauty and mysteries that lure inside it. It was once protected by a healthy coral reefs and marine creature. The water so pure and fresh gave us the inspirations and enhancements. But today, my friend that beauty is being destroyed.   And we are the reason to it. We are taking it for granted we are forgetting the sea is just like our land and has an ecosystem on its own…." She drank some water and chuckled. "Last time I went for a pleasure dive with my uncle around the Coin De mire Island, we spotted some sport boats that were spreading oils around while they were passing. Apparently they were cleaning their speed motor. We talked to them and told they are disturbing the marine life and killing it, but they just told us that the marine life was way down around thirty meters. And that oil floated just for a few minutes and it will soon be washed away by the tides. That time, I really felt thorn.  I didn't know if I should reason with them or I should laugh at their completely stupid reactions…."

Simon felt the strong bond that made her fall in love with the sea. And he was proud of her. But still something was disturbing him, the sea was calling out for him- again.And he needed to listen to it. He walked closer to the beach and gently ran his fingers on the water. "My son….."A faded voice said, from the tides. And he recognized that voice. His mother. And she was calling out for him. She seemed to be in pain. As if she sent her pain through the tides that were clashing against the sands on the beach. He closed his eyes so as to listen more. "My son, come back. We need you. Bewix your beloved land needs you…..we are in great peril! Come back." He felt his eyes filled with misty tears. Bewix was really suffering and it was high time he return and help them.

"….and so this is the end of my speech, I hope that it will certainly help you and encourage you to take the pledge to help saving the sea." She spoke against the claps of hands.  She walked to him. He was running his fingers on the water. "Simon, anything wrong?"

"Yes, something is bothering me. Amy I heard my mother voice and she was telling me to return to Bewix." He explained. "I think it is high time that I listen."

Amy knew that someday Simon will return to his world. "If you must, I think you should go."

"Yes, but I won't be alone." He added. "You will come with me. I promised you that I would take you to my world if I could. And today it's that day." Amy felt a genuine smile finally touched her lips and she nodded. All these times she believed in magic and finally she got the chance to live up to it.

"But what about my uncle?"

"No worries I will tell them that we are going for camping just so you could have a clear mind." He said. "And my compulsion spell would do the rest." He clapped his hand and told her that she should wait here. They have to leave at the very instance.