
Goodbye ~My Friend

When meteorites hit the earth surface they create deep craters. These craters are known as the dwelling places of devils in this world. Commoners of this world are afraid of them as they believe that sometimes demons escape from hell and escape towards the earth to hide and the meteorites that come down the sky are these escaping devils.

These devils roam the earth in silence and devour evil energy from men and women to strengthen themselves so they can go back to hell and get their revenge.

But no one knows if there is any truth behind this theory, after all, there are not many craters on the earth. And the ones that are, seem quite far from the human dwellings so no one is sure if the story behind these craters is mere hearsay or truth.

But one thing is sure, our MC does not feel any fear exploring these craters as he is currently enjoying his life playing with a beast in one of these devil's nest.

For the last few days, Samad sparred with the red-scaled hyena every day. In the start, it was difficult as the beast went out of control often because of its anger and this put Samad in a dangerous situation. He suffered many injuries because of that. But as the days went by, the beast began to calm down but still the desire to kill the despicable human who separated it from its family, never left its heart. Samad could feel its anger and felt pity for it but he could not release it now.

These few days of sparring with the beast, helped Samad grow a lot. His movements became sharp as he could dodge the beast easily. Sometimes he would dodge its attacks and hit him on his head clearly showing his progress. But as he began to enjoy himself he noticed that the beast didn't fight him with the best of its abilities anymore.

It even started to ignore Samad sometimes, so Samad had to poke him around a little to make it angry. But even then it didn't attack with full force and surely it was not because it weakened because of hunger because Samad was feeding it regularly with the meat of mortal class beast.

Mortal class beasts were relatively easy to hunt for Samad because even if Chawal didn't train its body, every time he made breakthrough his flesh and bones strengthened making it strong enough to smash a mortal beast to the ground.

Samad quickly understood why the beast was behaving this way. The beasts seemed to have lost all hope of escaping this place and it could not kill Samad too, so he gave up.

Samad felt pity for it and decided that it was time to release it. He moved towards the stone that blocked the exit and the System unsealed its cultivation. His strength rose from the mortal class and kept increasing. When his strength rose back to the general class, Samad rose it arms and pushed the stone. The stone easily moved away, unblocking the exit. Samad rubbed the dirt from its hand and looked back at the beast who was looking at him in fear. He chuckled and beckoned the beast to escape.

The red-scaled hyena truly suffered in the last few days, it missed its freedom and its home. At first, he wanted to kill the despicable human who takes it all away from him, but whenever it managed to hurt its target, he could escape by climbing those goddamn vines. And as this whole drama went on for few more days, the beast noticed that the human could dodge most of its attacks now leaving it with very few chances to hurt him.

The human grew day by day and beast could not help but feel threatened but it could not do anything as the day finally came when the human didn't leave him any chance to hurt him anymore. The poor beast realized it and started to give up any resistance. It started to sulk and ignore the human.

One day as it as resting the human came, the beast looked up for a bit but started ignoring him afterward. The human sighed and poked it a few times but it only twisted around and didn't take any action. The human kept doing it for a few times but gave up soon after. He looked at the beast for a second and left.

The beast ignored him and kept resting with its eyes closed but suddenly it felt a huge aura behind him. The aura was at least of a commander level but wait.....it kept on increasing. The beast jumped up and looked back with trembling eyes. Its body trembled when it saw the bastard human grow stronger and stronger until his aura reached the general class. The beast's eyes were filled with disbelief and terror as it watched the human moved the giant stone easily, unblocking the exit.

The beast was terrified as its legs began to lose shake in fear. It looked as the human slowly turned towards him. The human who could easily be killed by it a few days ago stood like a mammoth in front of it. His aura so strong and presence so terrifying that it had the urge to kneel down. But it began to calm down a little when its eyes met his. The eyes of the human were so serene and calm that it felt safe.

It was staring at the human in awe when he suddenly raised his hand and beckoned at him. The beast stared quizzingly at him but soon understood what he meant when it saw his smile. The beast cautiously moved towards the exit as its eyes alertly monitored the human.

The beast signed in relief when he was about to reach the exit and the human didn't take any action.

It quickly exited the crater and looked back at the human.

Samad watched as the beast exited with its trembling legs and smiled without any intent to attack it.

He watched in silence as the beast quickly left the place that caged it for so many days. He smiled at the beast when he saw it look back at him and waved his hands as if saying goodbye to an old friend.

The beast watched this antic of the human and felt a sense of gratitude in its heart as he quickly bowed down to thank him. After a brief moment, it stood up in a posture that showed its previously lost confidence and started running towards its home after giving a loud howl.

Samad became cheerful when it saw the beast regain its lost pride and confidence. He saw as the beast ran towards its home and cheered for him,

"Goodbye, my friend. Go and become strong, strong enough so that the next time we meet, we could have a nice duel."

The beast continued running as if didn't hear his voice but who knew that these words of Samad lit a fire in its heart that will let it burn so bright that the whole jungle will bow to it.

Samad watched with a smile as the beast ran away. He stood there for a while and looked towards the tall mountains that limited his line of sight and muttered,

"Looks like it is time for me to start looking for a new target."

Seeing the empty comment section somehow fills me with confidence hahaha

Anyways, I thank you for reading this work of mine. Please leave behind any suggestions that you may have.

P.s I would appreciate some SS support

opolocreators' thoughts