
Chatting With A Companion

"System! Show me my stats."


Name: Samad

Age: 21

Experience Points: 16207/25000

Class: General


Agility: 120(+14)

Speed: 105(+30)

Spirit: 210(+1)






"Oh! My stats improved even though my cultivation was sealed? It is highly unlikely that I made a breakthrough, so how can my stats improve so much? "

"Host is forgetting that your power doesn't completely rely on your cultivation if it was so then all general class warriors would have the same strength. Your physical body plays a big role in your overall strength."

"Hm, You are right. It was foolish of me to ignore this point.'

Samad was lying peacefully on a big rock having a chat with his only companion in this lone jungle. It has been three months since he came to this world, he has been fighting beasts since the first time he opened his eyes under this new sky. The continuous battles and the fear of death at every moment made him tired.

"System, how much more will it take me to finally be strong enough to reach above those mountains.", asked Samad as he looked at the huge black shadows caging him. He has been feeling a little lonely lately. He had no one to talk to, the only one who kept him accompany was the strange being in his soul and the beasts in the jungle who were ready to kill him anytime.

"..... Host does not need to worry. You have been improving in an unimaginable speed. You are stronger and more experienced in actual combat than the previous owner of your body."

"Hm, thank you for encouraging me. But I find it a little strange, from what I have found in his memories, Chawal was incredibly talented but whenever you talk about him I found scorn in your voice. Why is that?"

".....Host need to know what you think is majestic might be pathetic in other's eyes. The previous host didn't like cultivation and taking big risks. He often made choices thinking of short-term benefits instead of seeing the bigger picture."

Samad immediately understood what System was talking about. From his memories, he understood what kind of person Chawal was. He often tried to turn around his face whenever he faced a difficult choice. He liked to play safe, always trying to avoid conflict. This made him seem indecisive and weak in the eyes of others. He never participated in fights and always tried to be a mediator between others.

"He was really a fool...", muttered Samad.

Samad thought back about the last moments of Chawal's life; the despair on his face and the guilt on Veena's face. He sighed, feeling a little conflicted.

"System! I didn't want to ask you this before but why are you not in Chawal's memories. I have seen him calling you but there are no memories of you responding back. At first, it made me feel that Chawal was a mentally ill, talking to himself whenever he was alone. If you have not responded when I first called you, I would have believed that he was mental."


"Fine, I will think of it as another secret of yours", said Samad while grinding his teeth in anger.

"At least tell me more about what features do you have? Do you have a shop where I can buy godly techniques and legendary artifacts?", asked Samad excitedly but his excitement died soon after as he was faced with silence.

Samad cursed the System in his mind for being so petty and decided to ignore him.

After a few hours of stargazing, Samad stood up and stretched his body. He looked at the huge mountains that limited his freedom and asked,

"System! Evaluate my power. Do you think I am strong enough to fight General class beasts now?"

"There is a 70 percent chance for the host to defeat a General Class beast. But if hosts break through the King Class there is a hundred percent chance of success"

"Well, I am sure that I am not breaking through the King Class anytime soon. So, It looks like I would need to take a risk and fight with a General Class beast with my current strength"', declared Samad.

"But it is late now and good boys don't stay up so late. I should go home now. Ok, System you should take a nap too, though I am sure that's the only thing you do.", said Samad with a sarcastic tone as he started running towards the cave he has been staying in for the last few months.

Sorry, it was a short chapter with no action as I wanted to give some time to explain a little about System's personality. Comment down about what type of being this System looks to you.

I am planning to make him fight a General Class monster soon. So suggest me some cool flying beast.

Anyways thank you for reading this.

p.s I will appreciate some SS support

opolocreators' thoughts