
Between Heaven and Earth, I Alone Am The One Squished Between Softies

Gojo Satoru's cousin, Kiryu, has gotten himself in a dilemna; A Harem that consists of Mei Mei, Utahime, Shoko, and all JJK babes that aren't schoolgirls. [Short Chapters, Slow Updates]

Yuri_Lover23 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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27 Chs

The Gojo Treasures

(Kiryu's POV)

"I won't take too much of your time." I said to Utahime as I wrapped my arms around her, "I'll leave after I speak my mind and give you time and space, Iori. You deserve it."

I kissed her cheek as she gently grabbed my hands.

"What?" She said, "I have to meet with my kids…."

I tucked her hair behind her ear, "I know why you're so sensitive." I said softly, "I'm sorry. I should treat you better."

"Mhm." She said

"I mean it." I told her, "I'm sorry. I don't like doing this with you. We should stop fighting, it's the same routine."

"Then end it with me and go with Shoko or something." She said with a frown

"Iori. I'm not accepting the Zenin's offer." I told her, "If Megumi wishes to join the clan when he turns 18, that is his deal. But for not, he's under Gojo care. And as for Maki, There is no way I will marry her, no matter what anyone tells me."

"Its not that, Kiryu…." She said, "I'm sorry for leaving….its just that….at that moment I thought you were going to consider it. You were going to marry someone that wasn't me…."

"Never." I said kissing her neck, "Granny Rukia told me something, Iori. Something you would like."

"What?" She asked me

"She said to hell with the other Elders and the rules." I said, "I can have you. I can have all of you.."

She turned around, "W-Wait what?" She said, "she said that?"

"She told me I shouldn't care what the rules are." I said, "I mean, you're right. If Satoru can ignore them, so can I."

I grabbed her hands and gently rubbed them.

"What does that mean?" She asked

I pulled one of her hands up and kissed it, "I want you to think about it, okay?" I told her as I patted her cheek, "You, Me, the others. What do you say?"

She blushed, "Uhm…" she said, "What did Mei Mei say?"

I leaned into her, "They don't know yet." I said, "You're the first one I'm telling."

"Not even Yuki?" She asked

"I don't even know where she is." I said

"O-okay." She said softly, "I…I need time."

"Of course." I said before hearing my phone ring, "Excuse me."

"Is that Mei Mei?" She asked

I looked at the screen; It was Satoru.

"No." I answered the phone, "What is it?"

"Kiryu~!" Satoru's voice was heard

Iori frowned, "Ugh." She said as she backed up

"What." I said

"Leave Utahime sulking alone and meet me at the estate~!" He said, "We have to talk~!"

"I got a date." I said as Iori raised her eyebrow and crossed her arms, "What is it?"

"Its serious," Satoru said with a shift in his tone

"Well explain to Shoko why I stood her up, then." I said before hanging up and looking at Iori, "Sorry. Would you prefer I go with someone else? Also, get ready sometime next week, wear something pretty. I'm taking you out to that one place in Shibuya."

She frowned, "What place?" She said, "The one you're taking Shoko to?"

"No, the new fancy american one they just opened up." I said, "I was taking Shoko to Osaka…..Stop being so damned Jealous!"

I squeezed her cheek as I smirked.

"Stop it!" She exclaimed

I leaned into her and kissed her on the lips, "Mmmm…." i said pulling back immediately, "I know you're stressed. Think about what I said, I am going to see what Satoru wants. Next week, though, I'm gonna fuck you after the dinner. Don't forget that."

"Hmph." She said, "I'm not-"

"You're not a Whore." I cut her off,

"You're my woman."


"What is It?" I said, "I'm trying to make things better with Iori, asshole." 

"Hehe." Satoru said as we made our way down the stairs to the basement, "Sorry about that, I wouldn't interrupt you if it wasn't important." 

"Yea, sure." I said with a frown

"So, you gave the Zenin deal any thought?" He asked me

"No." I said, "You think I'm gonna take away that girl's free will?" 

"I mean. If you ever did do it, I imagined you giving her more free will than what she had." He said, "But I knew you were going to refuse. That's not like you arranged marriages and political affairs." 

I sighed, "Why're we coming down here, anyway?" I said, "You haven't been down here in years." 

We were making our way down to the sub-level of the Gojo estates, a serious of underground caverns that have been coated in Jujutsu Seals to keep any unwanted company out. 

"I have to make sure if you still have them." Gojo said, "The Treasures." 

As we reached the bottom of the stairs, we reached a vault door that was covered in several seals. 

I nodded, "They're there." I said, "I don't play around when it comes to them." 

"Hm..." He put his hand on his chin, "You still have the black rope from Miguel?" 

"Miguel?" I said while frowning, "Oh, that one guy from Geto's group? Yea, why?"

"Destroy it." He told me seriously

"Unlike you, who overly relies on Infinity, I don't see the problem with keeping it." I told him, "Your paranoia of your invulnerability being bypassed is something else." 

"I can't risk anyone getting it." He told me, "I had Miguel destroy the others from his tribe in Africa." 

"I ain't destroying it." I told him, "It'll prove useful." 

"No, destroy it." He told me seriously

"Make me." I scowled 

"Let's not fight on this...." He said 

"What's your deal?" I asked, "Why're you so adamant about this?" 

"I have a bad feeling about something." He said, "Like something bad is about to happen." 

"Hm..." I said crossing my arms, "You'll be fine, don't worry. Nobody can get the rope and the other weapon that He used on you."

"We should go and speak to Yuta, see how he's doing." He said, "Right now." 

"Relax." I told him, "Look, the Rope, the Blade, they're in there. Nobody can open this vault but me and you. As for the others, trust me, nobody knows of their existence, Satoru. What's the issue? Tell me." 

He sighed, "Look." He said, "You know that feeling I got last year? When Yuta was sentenced?" 

I nodded, "Yea." I said, "What about it?" 

"I'm getting it now..." He said, "That sick feeling to my stomach....." 

Last year, he got that feeling, and all of a sudden, Suguru Geto attacked and he ended up killing him. I get that feeling, I got it too. 

But I'm not getting it now. 

"You think something is gonna happen? Something bad?" I asked

He patted my shoulder, "Kiryu." He said seriously, "If something were to happen to me, promise me you'll step up and take care of my kids." 

"Satoru...." I said, "Don't-" 

"Promise me." He said firmly

I looked at him, "Man..." I sighed, "Fine, Satoru, I promise. But let me tell you one thing; if something does end up happening to you, which I doubt it would, I'll do things my way. And you know what that means, right?" 

He nodded, "I know." He said, "Why is why I don't trust anyone more than you." 

I patted his arm as it was still on my shoulder, "Tell you one thing." I said, "Between you and me, I've devised a plan to deal with Sukuna if your boy Yuji does lose control." 

"You're not gonna..." He started

"No." I said, "I would never kill an innocent child." 

He backed away, "Then what?" He asked

"You know....That....?" I said

"Oh...." He said, "Ohhhhh.....Shit...I forgot about that...Uncle mentioned it to me once...I've never seen it." 

"He showed it to me." I told him, "Before he died. I think it was back before you and Geto were tasked with protecting the Star Plasma Vessel." 

"Damn." He whistled as he looked at the vault, "It's in there?" 

I nodded, "Yep." I said, "Don't try to steal it. That's one hell of a Cursed Tool. It'll be the best way to deal with the King of Curses." 

"But..." Satoru said, "While it's a good thing to do....the side effect....and consequence...." 

"We'll deal with it when we get to that point." I said as I crossed my arms, "Trust me, Satoru. I've been taking this seriously, this whole deal with Sukuna." 

"I don't intend on letting him run loose."