
Better Not Be Love

River Alecia Landon is a young author who excels at her profession. She has been a writer since high school and has received several awards. She was approached to debut as a scriptwriter at the age of 23, and from then she has never looked back. River had everything at such a young age, except a love life. In the industry, she has learned to live by herself, allowing no one in. Only then could she expect to survive. She kept her feelings hidden.... until he came... Eugene Sam Miguel was a regular guy who worked as an associate art director. He drew little to no attention and was considered a pushover by his superiors. That was before he met her. He assumed she was interested in him at first, but all she wanted was a one-night stand with him. He wasn't going to fulfil her desire; however, she wasn't going to give up without a fight. .................... "Eugene?" I whispered out his name, tasting it on my lips, and he visibly shuddered. "Yeah?" His voice was barely audible, and I liked the control I had on him. I clasped his hands again, if that was even possible, and stared him in the eyes with determination. "Sleep with me." ............

Parvdh1_ · Sports, voyage et activités
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56 Chs


"Don't you dare do anything. Ray will kill us if she sees you working."

I awoke to the sound of April's high-pitched voice, and I let out a disgruntled sigh, burying my head deeper into the pillow. Glancing at the bedside clock, I discovered it was already 11 in the morning, and the realization hit me that I had overslept. Slowly and groggily, I dragged myself out of bed, feeling the remnants of exhaustion clinging to me as I slipped on my flip-flops and trudged sleepily into the living room. Inside, April and Lorraine were engrossed in the pancake-making process, while Eugene observed them sceptically from his spot at the dining table. Despite April's ongoing struggle to flip the pancakes, she persevered without giving up. On the other hand, Lorraine's attempts at cooking bacon resulted in a blackened rather than golden-brown appearance. It was definitely burned.

"Are you sure you don't want any help? Maybe I can just flip the pancakes. It's not much of a task."

"Don't worry," Lorraine said enthusiastically, not at all bothered by the bizarre food she was making. "We can do this." She then gave him a thumbs up, as if to triple-assure him.

"Besides, we are not monsters to make a sick man do the chores. Chivalry is not dead, my good man."

When April suddenly sprouted a fake British accent, I couldn't help but burst into silent laughter, palming my mouth so that I didn't alert them of my presence. I noticed the rest of the gang grinning from ear to ear, a comfortable aura building up between them. It turns out that the two girls were trying to make our new friend feel at home by cooking up a storm in the kitchen. I guess that was their grand plan to apologize for the disastrous introduction we went through yesterday. Well, at least their apology skills were on point, even if their culinary abilities weren't!

"But I swear, I feel alright now. Here, let me just assist you with that."

Eugene asserted while wrinkling his nose at the odor of charred bacon. Surprisingly, his appearance had vastly improved. The paleness in his skin had disappeared, and there was a noticeable flush of color on his cheeks. His posture appeared more upright, and he was no longer hunched over. Particularly, he wasn't going through any bouts of coughing or sneezing anymore, which was the real positive sign. I hated seeing him suffer so much.

"Sorry, brother. We should be extra careful about you and not do anything until Ray gives us the go-ahead. We can't afford to take any risks here."

I listened as Lorraine responded, her gaze intent on the frying pan before her. I stayed in the background, leaning against the door frame, not preferring to interrupt them. Their laughter echoed through the room, creating a joyful atmosphere. It was a beautiful sight, one that I could get used to.

"Why do you call River, Ray?"

Lorraine inquired while gingerly transferring the charcoal-black bacon onto a plate. Eugene's eyes widened with a mix of surprise and dread, his mind probably racing to figure out how to tactfully dodge them during breakfast.

"Because she is my ray of sunshine."

April spoke with an aloof demeanor, and I couldn't help but shake my head in amusement. When April started speaking, her first word was my name instead of 'mamma' or 'dada'. She said 'Iva', which then gradually became 'Ray, since River was too complicated for her. From that point on, she never called me by my name. Despite our attempts to correct her as she grew older, insisting that my name was actually nothing close to Ray, she never altered her choice. She expressed her fondness for the nickname and preferred to stick with it.

"That's so cheesy."

Lorraine commented, her face adorned with a gentle smile. She was always envious of me and April, for she understood the depth of my affection for her and often expressed her longing for a sister as loving as April. Being an only child, Lorraine had never experienced the unique bond shared between siblings. I guess it was upon hearing her heartfelt words that I gradually assumed the responsibility of caring for her as if she were my own sister. Over time, Lorraine has become an integral part of my life, someone I can confide in and trust wholeheartedly. However, the fear of being perceived as a coward prevented me from divulging certain truths to her. Moreover, revisiting those painful days is something I wish to avoid, as the wounds run deep and I yearn to move forward rather than dwell on them.

"Cheesy or not, she's my ray! I truly believe that no one has ever cared for me as deeply as she did, not even our parents. She has always been there, no matter what she is going through. Ray always puts me first."

April spoke slowly, her countenance revealing that familiar expression she always possessed whenever she was deep in thought. These were the rare times her mask of childishness slipped, and she let the grown-up woman inside her peek outside. Sometimes, it scared me, wondering how much she was forced to mature because of me at a very young age.

"You know, this is the one thing that makes me green with envy. Why didn't my parents ever think about giving me a brother or sister?"

Lorraine's words flowed with honesty, and April made her way towards her, playfully draping her arm over the other one's shoulders. Just like me, my sister too was blessed in the height department, towering Lor by a few inches.

"Aww, don't be like that, my winter bear! Based on what I've seen, she treats me and you the same way. You're like a sister to both of us! Mwah!"

April exclaimed with excitement and planted a playful kiss on Lorraine's cheek, causing the latter to fake a gag.

"Eww, why are you being so cringey today?"

The room echoed with the infectious sound of Lorraine's laughter as she wiped her cheek with the back of her hand. But, as I observed her closely, it was evident that her joy went far beyond what April had said. Lor's face, like an open book, revealed the sheer happiness that radiated from within.

Meanwhile, Eugene sat there, a broad grin playing on his face, basking in the presence of the young girls who were completely themselves around him. I noticed that he surpassed the label of an outsider, effortlessly blending in and becoming a part of their little world. Feeling a sense of contentment, I decided to give them their space, quietly retreating to my room. As I made my way to the bathroom to freshen up, my heart brimmed with warmth, grateful for the beautiful bond that was blossoming.


Let's just say we had cereal and apples for breakfast. We finally concluded that it was the safer option.

"I think I will go back to my cottage today."

Eugene mentioned while coming out of his bedroom. I was washing the dishes, and Lorraine and April were clearing the table.

"Is it because of us?"

"But we just came."

The two women exclaimed simultaneously and ran to Eugene, but I just remained in the kitchen, lost in a sea of silence. I had already checked his temperature earlier, and it was back to normal. He was fine; he was safe, and suddenly, my excuse to keep him here vanished. A hesitant sigh escaped my lips as I pondered the tangled mess that lay ahead if he stayed any longer. The truth was, hiding him for a couple of days had been relatively simple, but the prospect of concealing his presence once he started working was a daunting challenge. And what about our colleagues? We didn't have a proper explanation or a plausible story to justify his stay. It would all become a chaotic whirlwind, a storm that would engulf us both. And I couldn't bear the thought of dragging him further into this bewildering predicament.

"Of course not. I need to return to my duties tomorrow. No one from the set knows I was here for the past two days."

He said it truthfully. Yet, in a valiant attempt to sway his decision, both girls unleashed a tidal wave of charm and persuasion, their words dancing like butterflies and fluttering around him, tempting him to reconsider. They literally resembled two Pomeranians.

"Girls, come on! He was just here temporarily. No need to pester him like that!"

I muttered, and as I diligently wiped the kitchen counter, I couldn't bring myself to meet Eugene's gaze. Deep down, I harbored a fear that if our eyes were to meet, I would be unable to resist pleading with him to stay, and that was not practical at all.

"I thought we could spend some quality time together! After all, I'm only here for two days," April stated in her sweet voice, and I could easily picture her with puppy-dog eyes, innocently fluttering her eyebrows at him.

There was a moment of stillness before Eugene finally broke the silence with his words.

"We can totally hang out; I guess I actually know some awesome spots around here."

The little manipulators squealed with joy. Without seeking my approval, they took charge of planning the entire day, and I willingly went along with the flow. It happened to be a day off for all of us, and besides, Eugene appeared to be in better spirits, and his health condition was satisfactory. Still, I gave him the medicines so that the course would be completed.

With the car packed and everyone settled in their seats, we were on our way in just an hour. It was my turn to step up as the driver, and Eugene sat beside me in the front, radiating amusement, while the girls giggled and chatted animatedly in the back. Once their laughter filled the air, I couldn't help but wonder if this is what it felt like to be responsible for a group of enthusiastic kindergarteners on a field trip. As the journey continued, I was unable to contain my laughter when the girls started singing 'Let it Go' from Frozen. It was endearing to see their excitement and vibrant energy.

Eugene winked at me, and it was one of those moments that instantly put a smile on my face, as if his good mood was infectious. I thought it would be awkward to face him after what happened yesterday, but it wasn't. The sexual tension, both thrilling and unnerving, still lingered, but now it had a sense of comfort to it. No longer was I on edge around him; instead, I found solace in our newfound closeness. There's something inexplicably magical about the aftermath of a brief but intense encounter. The way it can strip away pretenses, delicately shattering the barriers we unknowingly erect around ourselves.

We quickly found ourselves immersed in a never-ending sing-along of Disney songs, evoking cherished memories from our childhood. To our surprise, even Eugene joined in the singing, though both our vocal performances were less than impressive.

Eugene enthusiastically led us through the city, showing us the best street food spots and sharing his personal insights. Along the way, he took us to shrines that held sentimental value for his family, filling us with bits and pieces of his childhood and effortlessly immersing us in the memories of his carefree days spent roaming with his sister and friends, sneaking away from classes to rendezvous with his then girlfriend in the hidden nooks of an old arcade, and engaging in a heated fight in the gaming cafe with an older dude. Each story he shared became a precious gem, delicately uncovering new layers of his personality. I couldn't help but feel an undeniable bond forming between us, as if each narrative unraveled another enchanting dimension of Eugene, drawing me ever closer to him. And the truth was, I relished every moment of it more than I could ever admit to myself.

By nine o'clock in the evening, we had made the decision to visit a dance club, which was swarmed with people of all ages. Lorraine and April soon joined a group of teenagers and started dancing with them, while Eugene and I sat on the booth, watching them carefully as both the girls had indulged in some drinks, and I was afraid they would get too tipsy. As the designated driver, I refrained from consuming any alcohol. Similarly, Eugene abstained from drinking due to his ongoing recovery process.

"You are lucky to have them."

Eugene commented out of the blue, and I realized that I was smiling while watching Lor and April make some weird moves with their limbs, earning concerned glances from around. If they keep up with these steps, I don't have to worry about anyone approaching them with any intentions.

"I guess so."

I said, knowing what he said was true. I was indeed lucky to have them, and I will forever be grateful to the universe for that.

"Thank you for adding me today. I had fun."

As our eyes locked and a subtle grin formed on my lips, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of excitement. His gaze was penetrating and unrelenting, and it sent a rush of warmth through my veins. Even though we were seated across from each other, the intensity of his stare made the air around me sizzle. I had a taste of him last night, and I was craving more. Yet, deep down, I knew that such desires were destined to remain unfulfilled, forever out of reach.

"Hey Ray, Lor really needs to use the restroom. Could you lend her a hand? I'm a bit drunk to take care of her at the moment."

April shouted and slid next to Eugene, catching my attention. I glanced at Lorraine, who appeared visibly nauseated. Reacting quickly, I sprung to my feet, knowing that she was about to throw up.

"Eugene, could you please look after April for me? Make sure she doesn't leave your sight," I requested anxiously, and he nodded, urging me to go after a drunken Lor.

I led Lorraine to the washroom cabin just as she succumbed to a sudden wave of illness. The poor thing was so unwell that she sank down beside the closet, seemingly drained of all her strength. It took me over twenty minutes to finally lift her back up. She looked as pale as a ghost, and I had to practically support her on my shoulders as we walked back to the booth.

April was on the stall by herself, and Eugene seemed to have disappeared. I dropped a semi-conscious Lorraine next to April and inquired about Eugene's whereabouts.

"He went to get some water. He will be back soon."

Eugene returned just as she said, carrying a bunch of water bottles. Hastily, I handed one over to Lorraine, who greedily consumed the entire contents in a single gulp. I can only imagine how parched her throat must feel right now.

As I proposed the idea of heading back to the resort, everyone readily agreed. However, during the return drive, a sense of unease settled over me when I noticed Eugene's unusual silence. While April and Lorraine dozed off, Eugene remained fixated on the passing scenery outside the window without so much as stealing a glance in my direction. Curiosity consumed me, tempting me to inquire if something troubled him, but I brushed it off, convincing myself that I was simply fabricating matters in my mind again. Yet, deep down, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Eugene's silence than meets the eye.

Once we were outside our cottage, Eugene insisted on helping me carry Lorraine, as April was too tired. When I suggested he stay the night, his immediate refusal only deepened my concern. With his final belongings in tow, he bid me a curt goodnight, avoiding my gaze as he strode away. Something was definitely wrong; however, I resolved to wait until tomorrow to confront him. But just as I was closing the door, a hand burst through, startling me to my core. It was Eugene, panting heavily as if he had raced to catch up.

"What is it? Did you forget something?"

Confusion swirled in my mind like a tempestuous storm, but his silence only amplified the tension. It was then that his grip on my wrist tightened, his eyes locking onto mine with an intensity that evoked both anticipation and vulnerability. The suddenness of his kiss left me stunned, unable to comprehend what was happening. It was short but needy. It felt like he was trying to say something through the kiss. Just when my mind registered the action and was about to respond, he withdrew, leaving me bewildered and craving more. What the hell? Before I could protest, his hands cradled my face, searching my eyes with a fierceness that sent shivers down my spine.

"Let's be friends."

His words hit me like a tidal wave, instantly jolting me out of my blissful state.

"I thought we were friends."

My voice, barely a whisper, betrayed the turmoil within me. Even though I struggled to grasp the situation, his touch had an inexplicable power over me. It was as if his hands possessed an otherworldly warmth, melting away the barriers that guarded my heart.

There was something undeniably captivating about the way he shook his head, his determination emanating from every inch of his being. It was a look that consumed me, transporting me back to yesterday, a day etched vividly in my memory.

"No, let's be friends with benefits."
