

It's sunday today. The day where my heart broke.

'Painful heart break anniversary'

I wish that i could go back in time and change what happened in my past or just woke up with amnesia one day. The person who broke my heart pass away already but the pain and the heartache remain untold.

*knock* *knock*

"It's open. Just come in." I said loudly if whoever's knocking.

It's my mom and dad.

"Hey sweetie, good morning." My mom said smilingly and she kiss me in my forehead so as my dad.

"Good morning mom, dad."

I also kiss them in their chicks and hug them both. Our usual morning routine.

"Aren't you going to get ready?" Dad asked.

Even if they didn't tell if what's that... I know it already.

"No dad. You both go. I just want to stay here in my room. I'm sorry. Just tell to aunt Isabel that i just want to be alone right now. I just want to lay in my bed all day." I said straight in their eyes with a smile in my lips but with sadness in my eyes.

"You sure sweetie?" Mom ask worriedly.

"Yes mom. One hundred percent sure." I assure her.

"Okay then. If that's what you want honey. But before we leave make sure that you'll eat your breakfast and lunch okay? We will back at home before 6 o'clock in the evening. I love you honey." Dad reminded me.

"Yeah sure dad. I will. Thank you mom and dad. Take care." I kiss them again in their chicks before they leave.

Mom and dad stood up.

"Bye sweetie. Don't forget to take your supplements and vitamins okay? I love you sweetie." Mom reminded me also.

"Yes mom. Don't worry about me too much okay? I will do everything you remind me. Thank you and love you both!" I said assuring them.

"We love you, ace!" They both said.

I hugged them once again before they leave.