

After their delicious lunch Anthony and his groom went to check on their horses, whilst Madison and Rankin still sat at their table, discussing the literature of Jane Austen and Charlotte Bronte as they continued with dessert. Madison identified with Jane Austen who placed more emphasis on a person's internal merits of the goodness of a person as opposed to society's obsession of the external merit that callously viewed ones rank and possessions.

Sarah wanted to walk with Anthony. Madison thought it was safe enough. the groom could act as chaperone. Rankin was charming, polite and knowledgeable. He kept Madison in conversation about numerous topics. Exhausting the conversation on poetry, he asked her favourite type of music. They spoke of faraway lands, and the theatre. Rankin was pleasantly surprised when he tested her knowledge on politics. He deliberately prompted her, asking her how best the government could boost the economy. In her soft, gentle voice Madison had responded with an intelligence he had not been aware she possessed. Rankin had new found respect for the He thought her only redeeming quality was her outward beauty.

'Excuse me my lord,' Madison stood up. 'I would just like to walk around a bit, before we start riding again.

Rankin stood up, 'I will just enquire on the food hamper for our journey,' he nodded.

'Sarah?---Oh excuse me.' Sarah and Anthony quickly separated from the clumsy kiss they had stolen.

Both Anthony and Sarah were blushing. Their faces looked redder than a ripe tomato.

'I shall pretend that never happened and I did not see anything,' Madison giggled.

'It did happen,' Anthony smiled at Sarah, looking rather pleased. Sarah was still blushing like a thirteen year old. She seemed speechless, something Madison was not used to.

'We will be ready to leave in five minutes,' Madison grinned, 'better hurry if you have not finished what I interrupted,' Madison began walking away.

'Lady Madison!'

'Yes,' Madison replied over her shoulder.

'Thank you,' Anthony smiled appreciatively.

'Be careful,' Madison whispered. She knew, had she been anybody else and if Anthony had been caught compromising Sarah, he would have been forced to declare for her.

Madison took her time walking back to Rankin. She wanted to allow Sarah some private time with Anthony. When she returned to Rankin, he was merrily laughing about something with Tamara and Edward.

'Are we ready to continue my lord?' Madison smiled.

'Yes, I believe our horses have been watered and I have our sustenance,' he pointed to a huge basket that looked very full.

'You are so full of energy Lady Madison,' Tamara smiled.

'Oh I just love riding and being outdoors,' Madison chuckled. 'There is nothing like being outdoors, breathing the fresh country air, with the sun on your back.'

'You have so much in common with my brother,' Tamara giggled. Madison allowed her gaze to meet Rankin's. His eyes were trained on her, a smile playing across his face.

'Shall we be going?' Rankin laughed. 'I think my sister has embarrassed you enough my lady,' he extended his arm to Madison.

'Thank you,' Madison lightly placed her palm on Rankin's arm as they walked out. Rankin thanked the Innkeeper for their luncheon fare before they stepped outside.

Madison was relieved to see Sarah on her horse. Anthony was fussing over Sarah's horse. Sarah dragged her gaze away from Anthony, but not before Madison caught her cousin's starry eyed look.

Rankin assisted Madison onto her horse. Edward courteously did the same for Tamara. Whilst everybody else set off in a gallop, Sarah caught Madison's reins. When Madison turned her head towards Sarah with a broad grin, she knew Sarah could not wait to tell her about her first kiss.

'Go on then,' Madison laughed softly.

'Anthony has offered for me Madison,' Sarah blushed.

'"Anthony?"' Madison deliberately teased, but clearly elated for her cousin's sake.

'Viscount Anthony then,' Sarah giggled.

'I take it you said yes,' Madison smiled, kicking at her horse to increase their speed, for they lagged behind the others.

'Oh yes, off course,' Sarah was clearly over the moon.

'Oh I'm so happy for you the future Viscountess Healy,' Madison whispered the last bit.

'So am I. I cannot wait to tell mama.'

'So tell me about the kiss,' Madison teased.

Sarah smiled, lifting her face up into the blue sky. She heard the melodious sounds of the chirping birds. She could smell the dry dust as they galloped. She could still feel Anthony's delightful lips on hers.

'I did not know it would be so---beautiful,' she laughed.

'Madison!' Sarah called out. Madison suspected Sarah had asked her a question.


'Did Earl Rankin not offer for you?' Sarah hissed. Clearly it was the second time she was asking the question.

'What? No!'

'You sound like you do not want him to declare for you. I thought you would look favourably to an offer from the earl.'

'He has not offered,' Madison answered with a slight tone of irritation. She was still thinking about another man's breathless kisses that had her screaming for more than just his lips.

'He will. Soon, Madison. I know he will,' Sarah thought she knew the reason for her cousin's abrupt temperament.

'So when is Anthony going to offer to Uncle Gilbert?' Madison decided to change the subject.

'This afternoon, when we return home,' he will ask papa's permission,' Sarah happily smiled.

'I am happy for you Sarah. Anthony is a fine gentleman,' Madison smiled sincerely.

'I know Madison. I have been praying so hard that he would. I never expected it to happen so soon.'

'Oh am I allowed to tell mama?' Madison pleaded.

'I suppose so,' Sarah laughed happily.

Anthony had not wanted their companions to know of his offer as yet. He first wanted to get the permission of Sarah's father. However Sarah had pleaded with him to allow her to mention it only to Madison. Anthony had reluctantly agreed. When they had stopped some two hours later at a water hole to refresh the horses, Madison had quietly whispered her congratulations to Anthony. He had smiled like a blushing bride and thanked Madison.

Late afternoon as the sun was setting the tired sixsome rode their way back home to Cricklewoods. They had a lovely time of it riding the beautiful landscapes, galloping over the testing hills with the setting sun warmly beating down their backs. The dusty road they rode led to a reasonable straight line across Moorish heath land. The six riders crossed over a magnificent stone bridge and finally over the Creecy River as they eventually returned towards the direction of Cricklewoods.