

"Not the best." Well we shall see about that. I will soon reverse your opinion Lady Madison.

It had been an agony to stop and had required nerves of steel to disengage himself from the delightful arms of the Lady Madison, but he had, had to, to protect the chit's reputation. Chadwick distractedly tapped on the library cabinet as he stood there and reminisced about the thrilling kiss he had exchanged with Lady Madison. He had not had any business in the library. He was passing by when he had seen the chit inside and had been drawn by her standing there so charmingly, with an index finger on her chin, studying the books on the shelves. He just had to come inside and annoy her. He adored the way she got all flustered in his presence and shifted about nervously whenever he pounced on her though she pretended to be indifferent. She was no different from other women and he knew a lot about women. Whether they were ladies nobly born, commoners or harlots, they all ticked the same way.

I Chadwick chuckled as he stepped out of the lending library. Before releasing her, he had murmured that his next kiss would be her best, and she had determinedly informed him over her shoulder that there would "not be a next time."

Madison could not sleep. She had been tossing about on her bed for many hours. She had come up to her bed chamber about four hours ago, but sleep evaded her. She had blown out the candles many hours ago. The room was pitch dark but her eyes had become accustomed to everything in her room in the darkness. She could see the rich velvet curtains that were fully drawn. She looked up and saw the design on the ceiling. Feint light from the moon trickled through a small gap of the curtains. She could see her satin gown draped over the wine red sofa near the window. She did not want to shut her eyes, for when she did, she could picture his face, those mocking eyes. It was not his muscular body pressed against hers that had deprived her of sleep. What disturbed her most was not her very first kiss that can only be described as beautifully erotic. No, it was Chadwick's caressing fingers so gentle around her wrists. It had not been forceful, or restraining. His touch had been so soft, like a butterfly's caress and she had enjoyed his sensual grasp on her flesh. Madison's fingers curled now at the remembrance of his shinny hair like polished jet. When she had slipped her hands through his hair, it had been so soft, her fingers had difficulty holding onto the gleaming mane of hair, and he smelt very good, a combination of sandalwood and his own sweet scent that had a hint of musk. It was almost day break when Madison had drifted off to sleep.

         She was most annoyed and still tired when her chamber maid had pulled the curtains apart to let the sun in, in the hope of getting Madison out of bed with her morning glass of hot chocolate.

'Good morning Lady Madison,' Beth smiled. 'The sun is shining this morning, it is a lovely day.'

'Morning, Beth. Can I sleep another hour please,' Madison pulled the bed cover over her shoulder.

'I am afraid you cannot,' Beth offered sympathetically. 'Baroness Rachael wishes to discuss an invitation with you over breakfast.'

'What could be so urgent?' Madison sighed and slid out of bed. 'Surely mamma has the whole day for us to discuss invitations.'

'You are to attend some event tonight my lady,' Beth helped Madison out of her night shift. 'I have poured out warm water for you to wash your face Lady Madison.'

'Thank you Beth. Can I wear my blue morning dress please? It feels like it is going to be a very hot day today.'

'Certainly, my lady.'

     Good morning papa. Good morning mama.' Madison kissed her mother and father.

'Are you not well my dear?' Baron Stanton enquired, adding sugar to his coffee.

'I am fine pappa. Why do you ask?'

'You do look rather pale this morning darling,' Baroness Rachael noted. Madison knew there were dark shadows under her eyes and she knew very well why they were there. She had to convince her parents there was nothing wrong though. She could not possibly tell her parents that she had spent half the night mulling over her first and most thrilling kiss at the hands and more precisely the lips of the commoner Chadwick Rochester. What was even worse was that she had thoroughly enjoyed his expert ministrations, so much so that she had brazenly draped her arms around his body, and let it also be known that it was not Madison who had stopped that kiss.

'Mama, Beth mentioned you wish to speak to me about an invitation for tonight,' Madison smiled brightly, hoping to detract attention from her lacklustre appearance.

'Yes, Aunt Diana has invited us to attend the fireworks display at the Vauxhall Gardens tonight. I believe you have told Sarah that you would love to see the fireworks display.'

'Oh yes please mama. I would love to. I have never ever seen a fireworks display,' Madison was able to sincerely appear enthusiastic.'

Baron Stanton smiled, 'I shall send a footman to confirm our attendance.'

'Thank you papa.'

     When the carriage stopped at the gates of Vauxhall Gardens, Madison was most excited. There was fervent expectation on the sea of many faces. Ladies were dressed in fashionable evening wear. Gentlemen looked splendid in their formal attire. There were market vendors selling candy, lemonade and baked delicacies. Madison tucked her arm into her mother's, as they strolled about around the fountain of lights.

'Oh look at that,' Madison beamed as a clown sent up a bunch of balloons into the air, and tried unsuccessfully to catch them. Children were laughing and clapping when the clown failed to get any balloons. He gave them one of his most pathetic sad faces, they just laughed louder.

'There arrives Gilbert and Diana,' Baron Stanton pointed.

'Sarah,' Madison waved excitedly.

'Good evening,' Sarah hugged Madison. 'I am so happy you agreed to come.'

'Thank you. I have always wanted to see a fireworks display.'

'I heard about it when we returned from the country and begged papa to arrange for us to come.'

Good evening Uncle Stanton, Aunt Rachael,' Sarah greeted warmly.

'Hello dear,' they returned the embrace.

'Stanton, it is a beautiful evening for this fireworks display,' Gilbert exchanged handshakes with Stanton.

'Good evening everybody,' Diana hugged her sister and her brother-in-law.

'There is a lovely crowd tonight,' Rachael smiled.

'Where shall we take supper?' Gilbert enquired.

       'Good evening Baron Stanton.'

Madison turned from Sarah when she heard that unmistakable voice. She looked over her shoulder to see her father warmly extending his hand and smiling at Chadwick Rochester. Madison was more awestruck at the ravishing beauty next to Chadwick. She was dressed in a glittering black silk dress. Her glowing jet black hair matched Chadwick's. Her hand was possessively attached to his arm. She also had the prettiest shoes on. Madison had not seen such high heeled shoes ever before.