

‘No money? --- Oh we have plenty of money,’ he chuckled.  ‘We have more money that you would be able to spend in this lifetime,’ he smiled.

‘But---you told me---.’

‘I told you my father incurred a lot of debt.  Yes that was a fact.  I also told you, you must live frugally,’ he admitted awkwardly.   ‘I was angry at you for choosing Swain’s title over me,’ he growled.  ‘I thought after a month you would throw in the towel and leave me,’ he hung his head.

‘Do you not know how much I love you?’ she decried passionately.  ‘I could never live without you.  You complete me,’ she threw her arms around his neck.  ‘I love you.  I love you.  I love you Chadwick Rochester and I love our cottage.’

‘So you don’t like your castle?’ he was aghast.

“‘My castle?”’

‘Yes this last month, I have been renovating it just for you my love.’

Her eyes flew up to him.  Tears of joy flowed down her cheeks.  ‘You have been busy working like a slave just for ?’  Her fingers brushed over his bruised palms.  He would not reveal it, but he had been digging, and pouring concrete and laying bricks, slaving for Madison, just as his father had accused him, but it was worth all the blood and sweat.  If there had been any tears, they were tears of joy.  The love and appreciation in her eyes were all the grandeur he required.

‘My castle,’ she repeated in a whisper.

‘I contemplated selling it,’ Chadwick spoke softly.  ‘I wanted to be rid of the memories of my father,’ he looked away.

‘Darling no---,’ Madison cupped his face, forcing him to look at her. ‘Please forgive him.  Do not let your anger consume you, please.’

‘He rejected me.  He said I was not ---his son,’ Chadwick’s eyes were glassy.  He tried to get out of Madison’s arms, but she would not allow it.  She pulled his head down and kissed him passionately.

‘He’s not here to hurt you anymore,’ Madison circled her arms protectively around her husband.   She felt desire stir inside her, at the raw emotions on Chadwick’s face.  He was hurting and for once he was leaning emotionally on Madison.  She thought he looked so adorable.  Again she was kissing him.  Her lips parted, her tongue penetrated his lips.  She pulled him closer, whispering endearments in his ear.  When her body pressed against his and she met his firm arousal, she looked up.

‘Let’s go home,’ she urged, rather meaningfully. 

Chadwick smiled.  His fingers brushed her lower lip.   'I ---want you.’

‘And, you can tell I want you too,’ his eyes held amusement.

‘So why aren’t we going?’ she demanded.

‘Your Grace, you are back?’

Madison jumped away from Chadwick.  She had been startled by Carlton’s sudden appearance.

‘Good afternoon duchess,’ Carlton smiled politely.

‘Good afternoon,’ she answered uncomfortably.  She wondered if he or any other staff had seen her kissing Chadwick earlier.

‘I brought Her Grace  to view the d’Angers castle,’ Chadwick smiled.

‘His Grace has been working real hard to finish it,’ Carlton exclaimed.  ‘In fact he has finished it a week ahead of schedule.’

‘Finished what?’

Carlton looked from one to the other.  He wondered why the duchess looked confused.

‘Come with me, my lady,’ Chadwick offered his arm to Madison.  He whispered in her ear, ‘I will show you what I have been up to in the last month.’

Madison eagerly held onto Chadwick’s arm.  She was in no hurry to view the inside of his castle yet. 

er eyes admiringly scanned the length and breadth of the ancestral masterpiece. 


It was in amazingly good shape.

‘Come my love,’ Chadwick chuckled.  ‘You can admire the outside later,’ he urged.  ‘I want to show you inside.’  

‘It is truly beautiful,’ she murmured, running her fingers over the chiselled concrete walls. 

‘Thank you,’ Chadwick smiled, ushering her inside.  ‘Of course we will not see it all today,’ he informed her.  ‘There are over ten individual bed chambers, various ball rooms and a theatre,’ he was waving in different directions.  ‘I just want to show you the kitchen, the main drawing room and our private bed chamber,’ he murmured, guiding her into the kitchen.

‘We had just repainted it not many months ago,’ Carlton expressed, ‘but His Grace insisted last week it has to be this colour,’ Carlton finished.

When Madison looked around the kitchen, she gasped appreciatively.  Not only did it have every conceivable convenience money could buy, the walls were in the exact same sunflower yellow that their cottage was.

‘Chadwick,’ she threw her arms around him, ‘my favourite colour.’  Madison noted her husband was not reciprocating her embrace.    ‘Sorry---,’ she shifted away when she saw the polite smile on Chadwick’s face.  They were not alone.  Besides Carlton right at Chadwick’s elbow, other kitchen staff seemed to be walking in and out.  They seemed to greet with reverence.  He seemed to know each one’s name.

‘I shall introduce you to all our staff tomorrow morning,’ he smiled.  ‘Now, our chamber,’ he ushered her up the stairs.  ‘We shall be down in a while Carlton,’ Chadwick stopped his butler following him.  ‘Have refreshments ready for the duchess and myself,’ he dismissed Carlton.

‘Yes, Your Grace,’ Carlton bowed and headed towards the kitchen.

‘What do you think?’ Chadwick grinned as Madison smiled at their suite.  Again their private chamber was in the exact same earth tones, she had painted the bed chamber in their cottage.

‘I cannot believe it,’ she laughed.  ‘You copied me,’ she accused.

He threw his head back and laughed delightedly.  ‘It was ready for you and I to move here last week my love,’ he took her into his arms.  Then I realized you did not appreciate the dull white that Carlton and I painted the cottage, and as this entire home was in the exact same boring white, I had to make it exactly how you would want it, my wife.’

‘It is so, so beautiful.  It smells heavenly, like somebody washed it with rose water,’ she draped her arms around Chadwick’s neck.  ‘And two fire places,’ she laughed.  ‘I love it.’

Chadwick was not going to give her the gory details that the previous duke spent his last days in the master suite.  He was happy with all the renovations that he had been completed.  The old bed was thrown out.  New closets were installed.  The room had been thoroughly scrubbed and cleaned.  Chadwick had built a special treat for his wife.   Her very own wash room, with marble bath, and closets.  Three weeks ago he had imported a cheval mirror chest that arrived only yesterday from France.  He could not wait to see the delight on his wife’s face.

‘Oh my darling!  Come and look at this, Madison exclaimed enthusiastically, as she admired the white and gold cheval mirror unit.

‘I know, my love,’ he stood behind her and circled his arms around her waist.  ‘It is just for you my wife.’  She turned around in his arms.

‘It is for me?’ 

He nodded slowly and pressed his lips to hers.

‘Mine?’ She repeated.

‘All yours my love,’ he grinned, pulling her against him.

‘Chadwick---,’ she kissed him back.  ‘I cannot believe you kept all this away from me.’

His face became flushed.  He looked uncomfortable.  ‘I’m sorry,’ he sighed.  ‘I beg your forgiveness.’ 

He had been so angry at his father.  He had not wanted to return to his ancestral home, not to mention the only lady he had lost his heart to and had offered for, had rejected him outright.  He won’t dwell on the insignificant fact that she had already been promised to another gentleman, who had made the offer that Chadwick had not been prepared to make.  He had been sorely tempted to sell off the castle with its bad memories, but Madison had changed him.  He started to see the sun shining again, he was hearing the cheerful birds whistling each morning.  Life was worth living again, because of the adorable lady he'd married.