

‘Excuse me,’ Madison shoved pass Rankin and ran out of the room.

‘Come back here!’ Rankin yelled.  Ignoring him, Madison continued running outside.

Beth straightened.  She did not know if she should run after Madison or keep Rankin away from her mistress.  She stood rooted to the spot and just stared at Rankin.

‘What the bloody hell are you looking at? He growled.  ‘Don’t just stand there.  Go and bring your mistress back to me at once!’

‘Perhaps she does not want to be with you,’ Beth dared to raise her chin at Earl Swain. 

‘How dare you address me?’ Rankin thundered.  ‘Get out of the way,’ he brushed past her.

‘Madison dear,’ Rankin controlled his voice with difficulty when he saw her sitting huddled on the bench in the garden.  ‘I see I have startled you,’ he sat down next to her and took her hand in his.  ‘Talk to me dear,’ his voice was saccharine sweetness itself.

‘My lord---I think perhaps we should not marry.’

‘What nonsense!  I want you as my wife,’ he asserted.

‘I do not think I should be your wife,’ she tried to remove her hand.

‘What brings this on dear?  Has somebody been telling you lies?’

No,’ she jerked her hand out and stood up.  ‘I fear I am the wrong lady for you my lord.’

‘My lady, tell me what troubles you?’  Rankin gripped her shoulders, none too gently.

‘I---I am not worthy of you my lord.’

‘What!’ Rankin laughed.  ‘How could you not be?’

‘I am not a maiden,’ Madison spoke softly.

Rankin went white as a sheet.  His eyes widened unbelievably.   She had spoken so softly.  He had almost not heard her, but her deathly pale skin and the fear in her eyes told him he had heard her correctly.

‘Who is he?’  He shook her shoulders angrily.  ‘I will call him out.’

‘No---.’  She did not for a moment think Chadwick could not defend himself.  She just did not want to reveal his identity.  ‘Please--- if you wish to call of the betrothal, I shall understand.’

I demand to know who he is.’

‘Please ---I cannot reveal that to you.  It is not important.’

‘So you have been behaving like a harlot?’ he spat out.  ‘How many men did you lie with?’

Madison gasped.  Rankin’s comment had been like his fingers had sliced across her face.  She lowered her head so he would not see her hurt, but she would not feel guilty about laying with Chadwick. Why should her virtue be savoured for a husband she did not love?

‘Well I prefer an experienced woman as my wife,’ Rankin sneered.  ‘It would make our nights interesting.’ He gripped her wrists, pulling her close against his body.

‘Let me go,’ Madison urged, looking around, but nobody was in sight.  Not even the ever watchful Beth was near.

‘I do not see the need to wait for our wedding night any longer dear, do you?’ he forced his mouth on hers.

‘My lord let me go,’ Madison cried out, but he just tightened his grip.

‘You freely gave yourself to another,’ he accused.  ‘I am your betrothed.  I have a right to you.  You are mine,’ he pinned her arm painfully behind her back.  His lips worried at the clothes protecting her bosom.  Madison wrestled unsuccessfully, he was too strong.

‘I want us to wait,’ Madison tried to reason with him.

‘Whatever for?’ he laughed.  You are not a virtuous woman.  Now I can have a sneak preview of what I’ll be getting.  ‘You like it do you not?’  His lips grazed her throat.  He reached for her lips.

Madison felt repulsed at his touch. 


She froze when his fingers ripped at her bodice.  ‘Show me the experience you have accumulated,’ Rankin urged.  He groped her wildly.  Madison wanted to scream, but she choked.

‘Don’t touch me!’  Madison exerted as much strength as she needed, and shoved Rankin off her.  Startled, he lost his balance and wobbled in front of her.  Madison quickly gathered her skirt higher, and ran indoors.  When she looked back, Rankin was not following her.  She was panting breathlessly as she ran up to her chamber.

‘My lady where have you been?’ Beth demanded.

Madison shut the door, a sob escaped her throat.  Only then did Bet see her torn bodice.

‘My lady---did he---did he?’

Madison shook her head negatively.  ‘He almost did,’ she whispered hoarsely.

‘We should tell the baron,’ Beth urged.

‘No!  Nobody shall know Beth.

‘’But what he did was wrong.  You are not safe with him. You should not have been alone with him in the first place.’

‘He only tried to ---kiss me.  Besides what difference does it make?  I am going to wed him one of these days,’ Madison cried and slowly sunk to the floor.

‘My lady call it off.  It is not too late.  You do not want to be wed to him.’

‘I can’t,’ Madison sobbed.  ‘I have to go through with it.  Papa will make me marry him.’

‘The baron will do no such thing.  Not when you are unhappy.’

‘What should I tell papa?  That I rejected the advances of my betrothed?  He would laugh at me.  Papa would expect me to tender to the whims of my future husband.’ 

‘The earl is no gentleman.  Your life will be in danger if you wed him.’

‘Do not be silly Beth.  Surely he is not abusive and I doubt that he is a criminal,’ she looked up at Beth.

‘He could be violent.  He could harm you, and once you are married, he shall never allow you to walk away from him.’

I am sure he cannot be that cruel.’

‘My lady, his servants talk.  They say he has a violent temper.  Not many enjoy working for him.  Apparently he keeps a whip for disobedient staff.’

‘Are you telling me he assaults the very workers he is supposed to be a good steward to?’

‘I have not seen anything myself,’ Beth spoke.  ‘But why do you not befriend one of them at his estate?  I am sure they will tell you it is not safe to be associated with the earl.’

‘Do not be dramatic Beth.  He has a----healthy appetite and just lacks propriety,’ Madison murmured shyly.

‘My lady it is one thing to be intimate with one’s betrothed, but it is a serious concern when a gentleman ravishes those who do not welcome his advances.’

‘What are you implying Beth?  That he forces himself on women?’

‘Perhaps,’ Beth answered guardedly.