

Reluctantly, Madison walked with her entourage to Chadwick's private box. Anthony and Sarah took the seats furthest away. Madison silently cursed finding herself seated between Chadwick and Rankin. She tried to keep as far away from Chadwick as possible. Deliberately she engaged with Rankin and completely ignored Chadwick to her left. Madison almost shrieked out aloud when she felt a muscular leg press against hers from the left side. When she turned to glare at Chadwick, he was not even looking in her direction. He was softly whispering in Charlotte's ear.

Madison found it difficult to focus on Alexandria's singing with Chadwick's distracting presence. The performance was sterling and the lady did have an amazingly beautiful voice, but Madison was too distracted. The performer lost all of Madison's praise when she began serenading Chadwick. Her eyes were glued on Chadwick, and the was lapping it up, smiling back with flirtatious eyes.

Madison was relieved when it was the interval. She dragged Sarah outside for some fresh air even though Sarah was enjoying the romantic stale air in the corner with her betrothed. Sarah whined and groaned all the way outside.

'Why could you not have taken Lady Charlotte? I do not require any air?' Sarah groaned.

'Perhaps you do need a distraction,' Madison grinned.

'Oh I cannot wait to be married,' Sarah sighed. 'I cannot wait to get into my marriage bed with Anthony.'

'Sarah!' Madison dragged Sarah outside and tried unsuccessfully to quieten her.

'What!' Sarah was annoyed. 'I love him and he loves me. Why do we have to wait until the night of our wedding?' Sarah moaned more loudly.

'Good evening ladies,' Lady Sophia Jersey greeted both girls with a friendly smile.

'Lady Sophia, good evening,' Madison smiled cautiously. The previous time they had met, Sophia was dissuading her from her intended betrothal plan to Rankin.

'Good evening Lady Sophia,' Sarah returned the warm smile.

'You are here with a companion?' Madison asked curiously. The was sitting next to her with his attention split on his ménage à trois between her, Charlotte and Alexandria.

No, with my parents,' Sophia answered. 'They love Alexandria. They have watched her perform in New York and in Russia.'

'She is rather talented,' Madison offered. From her point of vantage she could see into the foyer where drinks were being taken. Her body seemed to recoil into safety mode when she spotted Chadwick and Charlotte sipping champagne. Madison took a step back into the shadows. She observed the two studiously. Charlotte looked smitten as she gazed into Chadwick's eyes. He looked rather bored. Perhaps he would much rather prefer to be with Alexandria.

'So you are spoilt for choice, Lady Madison.'


'Our seats are opposite your rather spectacular box,' Sophia smiled mischievously. 'I observed you are flanked by two rather attractive gentlemen.'

'It is not my box,' Madison murmured, her eyes automatically darting to where Chadwick was standing. 'I am here with Earl Swain,' she dragged out defensively.

'You are enjoying the performance Lady Sarah?' Sophia included Sarah into the conversation.

'Oh she is thoroughly enjoying her evening,' Madison glared at her cousin.

'I am,' Sarah laughed unashamedly. 'It is a lovely performance,' her eyes challenged Madison's.

'Shall we go back inside? I think the show is about to start,' Madison was in an irritable mood.

'It was lovely meeting---.'

'Lady Sophia, good evening.'

'Mr. Rochester,' Sophia smiled. 'Lady Charlotte,' 'How are you this evening?'

'Ladies,' he casually included Madison and Sarah. 'Splendid, my dear,' Chadwick smiled charmingly. He lifted Sophia's hand elaborately and kissed her wrist.

'May I have my hand back?' Sophia smiled. She did not seem to be too smitten by the

With some reluctance Chadwick released her hand. 'Why did you not join us in our box? We have more than enough seats?'


'I am here with my parents,' Madison heard Sophia answer. She should be getting back to Rankin. He had wanted to chat to some gentlemen of his club.

'Excuse me,' Madison hurriedly made her exit, leaving her unwilling cousin there.

Madison scanned the foyer and found Rankin in conversation with two gentlemen. She slowly made her way to him. He seemed to sense her presence and turned in her direction.

'Ah there you are my lady,' Rankin smiled, extending his arm to her.

'Sorry if I have kept you waiting.' Madison placed her palm lightly on his arm.

'No not at all,' Rankin nodded to his friends and made his exit. 'We were just making an arrangement to go hunting this Saturday.'

'That is the bell for the start of the next performance,' Madison smiled.

Rankin cupped his palm over her elbow, 'you do remember your promise to walk in the garden with me, my lady.'

Madison looked at Rankin's eager face and immediately responded, 'of course, my lord.'

'Thank you,' Rankin looked pleased as punch.

As the second half of the performance continued, Chadwick and his companion were conspicuous by their absence. Madison kept turning to her left but the seats remained empty.

Madison was alerted by the applause that the show was over. Rankin was standing up and so were Anthony and Sarah. She looked around and saw the entire theatre was giving Alexandria a standing ovation. Madison hurriedly got to her feet. Anthony ushered Sarah out. Rankin offered his arm to Madison. Both Anthony and Sarah were most delighted, when Rankin suggested they stroll around the lovely theatre gardens.

Madison should have focused her attention on her betrothed who was informing her of his favourite part of the shown they had just seen, but her attention was wandering. In her mind she was conjuring up all sorts of activities a certain gentleman who had departed early was indulging in with his companion. Madison remembered the way Lady Charlotte had looked up so admiringly into Chadwick's face. With that kind of adoration, he did not have to work hard for the lady to succumb to his every whim.

'And you?' Madison heard Rankin ask her.

'I beg your pardon my lord?'

'Which was your favourite song?' he laughed.

'Oh, it's difficult to single out one,' Madison improvised quickly. 'She is truly talented.'

'I agree,' Rankin sighed appreciatively, steering Madison to a secluded spot in the theatre gardens. Madison looked over her shoulder and saw Anthony and Sarah were nestled behind the huge trunk of a towering oak tree. Sarah was leaning against the trunk, laughing happily. Her fingers were playfully on Anthony's shirt. He was smiling down at her, his hands lightly at Sarah's elbows.