
Betrothal's Price

A Human Prince and an Elven Lady are betrothed since childhood to marry and unite two warring countries. However the arrangement does not exactly go according to plan when neither child can seem to get along with one another. Meanwhile, suspicions among the inhabitants of the castle rise when members of the Human monarchy mysteriously die off. Now at 17 years of age the Prince and Lady piece together events to reveal a conspiracy in the castle threatening to destroy both lands.

EmilyAery · Fantaisie
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41 Chs

Chapter 26: Where's What, What's Where

Isla held loosely to Taylor and Liam held tightly to Isla, as they gazed upon the scenery from the sky.

Liam looked down, finding a patch of mountain just past the winding end of the EverGreen Forest. He studies it, to maybe gain an inkling of what it might be called, perhaps he'd read about it, before? When he gave up trying to find out on his own, he spoke aloud, "Hey, Isla?"

Isla turned her head to face him then back into its previous position, "Yeah?"

"What are those mountains called? Why are they in the middle of nowhere when there's only about four mountains there?"

Isla snickered, "Liam, I didn't make the mountains. It's not like I know why the Source put what where," She laughed. "Those mountains are called 'Culmine Solis Orientis' they surround a monument in which the mountains are named after."

Liam tilted his head with slight confusion, "How come most of the names of places I've heard so far are so long?"

Isla shot him a smirk before looking forward again. "Because -as I may have mentioned one or twice before- the common language for Silvestrians is Latin. Because of which, we began to title territories in our common language. For instance, Culmine Solis Orientis only means 'The Peaks of the Rising Sun' ."

"Okay. Well, I knew that your common language was Latin, I guess I didn't think about how often you'd use it." Liam chuckled shyly as Isla giggled silently.

Taylor looked in the direction the other two were staring in. Having listened to their conversation, he grinned, "Actually, the reason for the mountains placement was probably to eventually hide the Culmine. The Culmine was once the second settlement by humans, elves, and dwarves alike. But after the war the Culmine settlement was destroyed and the monument was forgotten by most. For those that remembered it, there was a guard that lived there keeping intruders out. The mountains serve as cover for the Settlement"

Isla looked at him, "How do you know that?" She asked in curiosity.

Taylor grinned, "Summers. For decades Forest elves were the ones chosen to guard Culmine Solis Orientis. I used to go there every summer. Didn't you ever do something or go somewhere for the Summer?"

Isla and Liam looked at each other for a moment, before Isla spoke up. "Um.. Sort of."

"See?" Taylor nodded.

Liam chuckled, "I guess." He shrugged. "What about over there? What's that called or named or whatever?" He asked as if he were a curious child, pointing to a tree surrounded village in the far distance. The trees were evidently lush and green as if it were Spring and the plants were freshly planted even though it was late in the night. The dark of the night reflected not off the vibrant colors of flowers and plants, causing the flowers' colors evidence to fade into the darkness of the evening.

It was Isla's turn to shrug. "I don't know. I know that there," She pointed to a thick curtain of trees. "..is the Gens Forest. But I don't know about that village in particular."

Taylor beamed, "Well, I happen to know exactly where that is. That is the EarthRight Village. My village." He smiled proudly.

Liam raised an eyebrow, "If you don't mind me asking, how come you have a hideout? Why did you have to move away from your village?"

Taylor explained, "Oh, well. For us Forest elves, we move out of our family homes early. So naturally so did I. I moved out at 11 years old and found shelter in what I now call my hideout. It's not really because I'm hiding, it just has a nice ring to it. What about you? When do you move out of your home?"

Isla thought for a moment before answering, "We rarely do. I mean normally we don't move out. We live in our families homes until we or our families die."

Taylor turned to look at her, mortified, "That's morbid!" He almost cried out.

Isla scoffed, "You asked."

Taylor sighed dejectedly. "Yeah, that's true."

Just as Taylor said his last word, Liam held Isla slightly tighter, putting his chin on her shoulder. Finding a quick and comfortable position, Liam began to drift to sleep. His chin moved slightly closer to the crook of Isla's neck, but didn't move any closer than it had.

Isla's features heated, but a smile crept to her lips.

Taylor glanced behind him, "Is he sleeping?" He asked curiously.

Isla just smiled, not registering Taylor's question or even that he'd said anything.

"Isla!" Taylor called out, catching her attention.

"Oh! Uh, sorry. What?"

Taylor rolled his eyes, "Is he sleeping?"

Isla nodded gently. "Uh- Yeah, he is." She carefully leaned her head on Liam's, before removing it, so that she didn't wake him.

"Okay, good. So I can finally ask you."

Isla narrowed her red eyes at Taylor, "Good? Finally ask me what?"

"About that." Taylor tilted his head back, gesturing with his eyes and head to Liam. "About you two. I don't understand the concept of you two. You've been betrothed since you were what? Toddlers? And yet you both act as if it's forbidden. You clearly love each other. What's holding you back? There's no shame in loving each other. It was in the plan of your betrothal anyway. Is it hurtful to your prides that your peers were right about it or something?"

Isla quietly sat for a moment processing his questions, and her ears began to tilt downward. "I-" She chuckled breathy and emptily. "Concept? Shame? Taylor, are you serious?"

Taylor nodded aggressively, "Yes! I am. Come on, you're betrothed for goodness sakes!"

"Taylor, we were betrothed! I-I know it's not forbidden. But clearly it's not like some storybook, it's not as simple as that. The whole plan to betroth us was a coverup, in case you forgot. the 'peace between the countries' isn't happenin'. It's not as simple as 'Liam, I love you, let's have a happily ever after'." She mocked in whispers to avoid Liam's earshot catching wind of it. "I… like him, yes. He cares about me, yes, but I can't expect everythin' to be returned."

"It could happen. And from what I've heard, you never do-"

"Taylor, unless you know another single elven lady that he fancies, then no it couldn't. It's not that simple. Just because we were betrothed, that doesn't mean he's entitled to love me in return. What's holdin' me back is... Is I'm-"

"Scared?" Taylor guessed. "We both know you don't 'like' him. You do know that, right?"

Isla paused for a long moment. "Nevermind. Point is, we're no longer betrothed. So just.. Forget it."

"You didn't answer my second question, Isla. You don't just 'like' him, right?" He repeated.

"I- I lo- I like him."

Taylor shook his head. "Why can't you say it? It's not that hard. I admit that I love Brooklynn. You know, it's actually quite easy to say it."

Isla pursed her lips. "It's- I know it is. I'm just.. I feel like if I say it, like actually say, it'll all disappear. He'll disappear. And it'll be the way it was growin' up, just on a worst level. Call it stupidity, call me a coward or scared, but almost everyone I did love was gone. I feel like if I admit it he'll just.. Go." She stared almost emptily at Liam.

"You know he wouldn't leave you."

"I know he wouldn't willingly leave, no, but you never know when he'll go unwillingly."

"Oh. But that doesn't mean he will. And even if he does, do you really want him to go without knowing?"

"Bein' upliftin' isn't exactly your strong suit, is it? Even if I did manage to say it, that doesn't mean he'll say an 'I love you, too'." Isla rolled her eyes.

Taylor creased his brown brows, "How can you think he doesn't feel the same? What was that in your half of your double bedroom the night we escaped Castle Petra?"

Isla shook her head, "I don't know. Sometimes I think he-- I don't know." She refused to say it.


"-I don't know!"