
Betrayed By My Comrade

"Betrayed by my comrade" is a fictional tale that explores the concept of betrayal and its power to transform a person's outlook on life. The story revolves around a young assassin named Christie, who was taken from his home and trained to be a ruthless killer. He spent years performing his duties without question or remorse, until one day when he suddenly regains his memory. He soon realized the atrocities his actions had caused, and he begins to question the morality of his life. Despite his reservations, Christie is determined to redeem himself and put an end to the organization that turned him into a killing machine. He allies himself with other rebels, including his best friend, Sam, and together they begin to plan their rebellion. They succeeded but he was ploted against by the world and betrayed by his right hand man. Becoming a fugitive. will he be able to redeem himself and prove his innocence??

Chrisy_Garry · Urbain
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21 Chs

It's Sam

_____Police investigating department________

A blue gigantic building with up to nineteen floors could be seen standing tall at the side of a street, vehicles could be seen coming in and going out of the building, the atmosphere in the building is quite cold due to the death of Mr and Mrs David.

A man who was clad in a police uniform step out of his blue car and went straight into the large building.

He greeted his colleagues who are on the ground floor in a normal way before finding his way to the elevator, he entered and press some numbers on the elevator and figure 18 pop up on the screen. The elevator began moving towards the indicated floor after some time.

The man came out of the elevator and walks towards a gigantic metallic door that faced the elevator.

The door clicked open immediately the man reached it as if it was waiting for his arrival before.

He walk into the gigantic office and bow slightly to the sixty something old man who was sitted on a chair comfortably in the office.

"Sir, we found this m14 gun at crime scene" the man said. It seems he's the one in charge of the Mr President's murdered case.


"Take it to fingerprint scanning department and make sure you get all the necessary information about the gun, and the find owner of the fingerprint on it. Make sure you do just that before giving me the feedback, okay?" the other man said to the inspector.

"I will do just that sir" the latter said, not forgetting to salute the his boss before walking out with the mini gun.


"Wow!! that's a well done job man" Sir Carlos said. He was beaming with smile as he praised General Benjamin repeatedly.

"I told you, Ben can never made a mistake, he should be called the hit man Ben" Sir Clifford who was the formal president cut in and they both laughed at the non funny joke.

"Although killing the so called Mr President was clear and clean, but we're still having a problem" general Ben said puffing his cigarette. He was silent the whole time.

"Problem as how??" Clifford and Carlos asked at the same time.

"We need to get that boy killed, else he's gonna become a pain in the neck" Ben replied puffing a large quantity of smoke from his cigarette.

"Which boy is that? Carlos asked unsure

"You're so dumb! He's talking about the ex assassin boy" Clifford said while looking at Carlos with disdain.

"If that's the case, send someone who's going to kill him at once" Clifford continue now looking at General Benjamin.

Carlos and Clifford tood up from their sofa making their way out of the room.

"He will be wipe off totally" general Ben says rolling his cigarette which signify the end of conversation.

"Carlos you're still owing me" he added and the receding duo stopped on their track.

"You will see it before Dawn" Carlos replied before making his way out, followed by Clifford.

"Phewww" Ben whistle.

"I trained you but so what" General Benjamin said to himself with an evil smirk.


"He's coming around, he just need a little more time" the doctor said to agent Christie after trying their possible best on Scott to help him stay alive. They never stoped giving him treatment since the day he was shot.

"Thank God!!" Christie exclaimed with a sigh of relief, he seems to be extremely worried.

"Can I see him now" I asked the doctor with a lot of anticipation.

"Sure" the doctor replied with a smile and he made his way straight into the ward Scott was admitted to.


"Hey man" Christie said with a smile after noticing the bandaged wrapped Scott who rested his back on the wall.

"Bro" he said with a weak smile.

"Thank God you are alive, I've been sick worried about you" Christie said and the latter made to stand up from the bed but winced.

"Take it easy bro, you're still healing" Christie said while looking at the way Scott's arm was hung to his neck.

Scott looked around and gestured Christie to move his hear closer to him.

"I saw him" he blurted out immediately the latter moved closer enough.

"You mean??" Christie asked not getting what the later mean by that.

"It's Sam" he added and Christie's eyes almost popped out of their socket.

Christie went to a deep thought and something clicked in his mind.

"You saw his face, and that means you are not save here" Christie said helping him up.

"Where're you guys going??" The doctor asked when he saw them rushing out.

"We need to get out of here!! now" Christie shouted while pushing the doctor out of the way before finding his way out of the hospital together with Scott.

"I'm having a weird feeling" Christie said to Scott as he hopped on my bike while the latter also manage go do same with a great difficulty.

"Use this" Christie took out an adrenaline 20 injection that was in his pocket and gave it to scott, the latter waste no time to inject himself.

They were moving with a great speed and in no time they got to a quiet road.

It was then Christie noticed that they were being followed by two bike whose riders were both dressed in black.

"No matter what make sure you are going south, I will surely find you, don't look back, no matter what" Christie said to Scott who just nodded his head weakly

"Take care brother " Scott said as he took the control of the bike.

Christie roll off the bike immediately and Scott zoom off instantly.

Rolling on the tarred road, Christie quickly pulled out his desert eagle as he perform a Chinese get up, he deliver two shot to the incoming bikes, flatten their wheel.

They loose control and crash to a nearby tree but the riders were both smart enough to throw a backflip which prevent them from being crushed with the bikes .

"Go now and I will spare you, I've been like you in the past" Christie said facing the two men who looked at each other's face with a grin before pulling out their guns.

"Two on one" Christie said with a smirk as he get himself ready for action.

The two men shot simultaneously at him but he was fast enough to take cover behind a tree at the road side, after two minutes of repeated shooting, they stopped and tried to checked him out.

Christie smirked when he noticed they stopped shooting. He perform a danger roll at an unpredictable angle and he sent two quick shot to their skull and they both fell dead. He walked towards their body and checked if he could find something but unfortunately they came with no evidence.


