
Beta Testing the Apocalypse

MC accidentally gets shot in the head and ends up meeting a being known as a Transdimensional Fairy. After forging an agreement, he is sent to a localized world in Purgatoria to become a Beta Tester for humanity's upcoming apocalypse. His objective is to conquer a Tower of unknown height and to aid him in his journey, he ends up summoning various characters from his memories, the first being Mordred Pendragon from the Fate Series.

Einlion · Anime et bandes dessinées
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91 Chs

Chapter 005

'I'm not sure if I should feel disappointed or relieved...'

As he had no idea how to liberate himself from the wooden handle, Leon enjoyed the feeling of Mordred's body heat as she held him between her hands while sleeping. She was apparently a lot more tired than she let on as, in the process of licking and suckling him, she unceremoniously dozed off, her breath tickling him as she slept.

'She's really cute...'

Though it took a bit of effort to adjust his perspective so that he could see Mordred's face, Leon's non-existent heart warmed as he observed her peacefully sleeping and defenseless state. Mirabelladonna's warnings were still fresh in his mind, but while he traditionally erred on the side of caution, Leon couldn't help feeling tender emotions and genuine affection for the golden-haired Knight clinging to him as she slept.

"Father..." muttered Mordred, her brows creasing and trembling as her grip tightened around the handle. Leon didn't feel any pain and couldn't asphyxiate due to his lack of lungs, but the sudden increase in pressure caused him a fair amount of discomfort.

'She must be dreaming about Artoria...' concluded Leon, feeling a little anxious. He didn't know which version of Mordred he was dealing with, but if she had already experienced the Battle of Camlann, she was likely suffering from a fairly advanced case of PTSD. Even if she weren't, being reared by a psychotic and obsessive witch likely left her with quite a few 'landmines' he would be wise to avoid...


With Mordred inadvertently snapping the handle with her vice-like grip, Leon felt a sensation similar to being squeezed out of a tube before he abruptly fell off the bed. His movements produced no sound, but he felt the impact of his back striking the floor, causing him to exhale despite his lack of lungs and air to fill them. There was definitely 'something' flowing into him as he breathed, but it certainly wasn't air.

Rising to his feet, Leon stared down at the sleeping Mordred and frowned as he noticed she was crying. He felt compelled to comfort her, so after a moment of hesitation, he extended his hand to caress her cheek, recalling her mention of being able to feel his warmth.

To Leon's surprise and relief, the trembling of Mordred's brows ceased in response to his touch, her pained expression giving way to a more relaxed countenance.

Catching Leon a little off guard, Mordred, with her eyes closed, adopted a smile and remarked, "You're pretty bold..."

"Only because you permit it..." replied Leon, his voice low and soothing.

"Mmm...we're going to have lots of fun once you get a body..." muttered Mordred, her words trailing off near the end. She didn't fall asleep, but it was apparent she was beginning to ease back into unconsciousness.

"I'm looking forward to it..." whispered Leon, tracing his thumb along one of Mordred's tears but failing to affect it. Then, to prevent the sleeping beauty from having another nightmare, he stayed at her side throughout the night...




Stirring awake at 2:47 AM, Mordred rolled onto her back and stretched out her arms and legs with a throaty groan before relaxing the tensions in her body, partially opening her eyes, and remarking, "I haven't slept that deeply in years. This bed is dangerous..." while absentmindedly caressing her abdomen.

"It's still pretty early," said Leon. "If you want to keep sleeping, there's no rush to get up."


Directing her half-lidded gaze to Leon's location, Mordred didn't have to ask to know he had remained by her side the entire night. Ordinarily, she would have rebuked him for doing something unnecessary, but since she was in such a good mood, she splayed her legs at ninety-degree angles and asked, "Want to try touching something besides my face...?"

Though he had resolved to wait until he acquired a body while Mordred slept, Leon couldn't resist such an open invitation. Thus, after a moment of hesitation, he sat on the bed's edge and placed his hand on the interior of her right thigh, marveling at how smooth and warm it was.

"I definitely feel something..." commented Mordred, narrowing her eyes further as she proposed, "Why don't you try using your mouth or tongue? I'm curious to see if I can tell the difference..."

Instead of responding with words, Leon bent over and placed his lips against Mordred's thigh, peppering it with a few tentative kisses before extending his tongue to lick it.

"Oh, wow...there's definitely a difference. I'm getting goose pimples..." remarked Mordred, and she wasn't exaggerating. They faded quickly, but the moment Leon traced his tongue along her inner thigh, the hair on her arms stood on end, and if Leon raised his head, he would have been able to see that her nipples had hardened.

Noticing Mordred pull up and move her loincloth out of the way, Leon swallowed hard before adjusting his position so that he could kiss the base of her abdomen and work his way down to the fabric digging into her pussy, giving her a slight cameltoe.

"These are in the way..." said Mordred, raising her legs and slipping off her panties before spreading them even wider. Leon felt things were getting out of hand, but since he didn't want Mordred to believe he was a coward, he asked, "Can you raise and hold open your legs...?"

"Like this...?" asked Mordred, drawing up her legs and hooking her hands around her thighs to keep them in place.

"That's perfect," replied Leon, leaning onto his side and drawing his face to Mordred's smooth, slightly wet pussy. There were tiny pores where her pubes should have been, but the few she had were so faint she appeared hairless.

Without wasting too much time, Leon placed his hand on Mordred's lower abdomen and began to kiss and lick her pussy while lying sideways. He noticed her body tense slightly when he flicked her clit, so he decided to focus most of his efforts there until she took over and started caressing it with the middle finger of her left hand.

Undaunted by Mordred's 'assistance,' Leon caressed Mordred's abdomen with his left hand while redoubling his efforts to stimulate her pussy with his tongue. He honestly couldn't believe what was happening, but he had no intention of backing down.

Feeling a slightly different sensation, like something moist had grazed her pussy, Mordred briefly ceased caressing her clit to ask, "What did you just do? It felt like you actually licked me."

"I'm not entirely sure, but I'll be damned if I don't keep trying..." replied Leon, followed by his attempt to slip his tongue between Mordred's fair but increasingly ruddy vulva. It was difficult to put a lot of force into his tongue, but even if it was just a bit, he wanted to probe Mordred's folds and have her feel him.

"Keep doing that..." said Mordred, withdrawing her hand and holding up her legs to allow Leon easier access as she closed her eyes and focused on the faint but perceptible sensation of his tongue probing a place most wouldn't dare bring their faces near. It filled her with a profound sense of immorality, but she relished every moment of it...

Emboldened by Mordred's words, Leon practically buried his face into her crotch, shaking his head from side to side with his tongue fully extended. There were initially no discernible changes on his end, but as he lapped at Mordred's love juices, he became aware of a faint womanly musk and was almost certain he could taste them.

Feeling Leon's tongue more clearly, Mordred's cheeks became rosy as her heart and breathing quickened. She felt that Leon was foolish for being so easily manipulated by someone who was supposed to be his subordinate, but, at the same time, his eagerness filled her with a sense of gratification she couldn't put into words...


Though it was faint, Leon's ears perked at the sound of Mordred issuing a suppressed, slightly nasally but indescribably sensual moan. His desire to touch her compounded ten times over in response, and as a result, he felt a sudden increase in the amount of resistance against the tip of his finger and against his tongue. It was difficult to discern the effects of the latter, but Leon's rapidly beating heart started to pound as he noticed that when he moved his thumb over it, Mordred's glistening and increasingly swollen clit moved in response.

'I can actually touch her...'

Feeling a wave of heat and resolution permeate every fiber of his being, Leon caused Mordred's back to arch ever so slightly as he plunged his tongue into her vulva and stimulated her folds. It was faint, but he felt a shiver run through her body as her pussy contracted, causing a rush of love juices to flow from her insides before he promptly and loudly slurped them up.

Releasing her hold on her legs, Mordred instinctively grabbed where Leon's head should have been, but while she felt a palpable resistance, she was unable to grasp onto anything. For this and other reasons, she began feeling panicked, compelling her to pull away from Leon and sit with her legs closed, breathing heavily and blushing up to her ears as she stared at the approximate location of his face with a mix of confusion and shame.

"Are you okay...?" asked Leon, his tone gentle and filled with concern as he rose to a seated position. He also felt slightly frustrated, but while it might be possible to fuck Mordred with his phantom cock, he was willing to wait. After all, it hadn't even been a full day since she was summoned.

Furrowing her brows, Mordred averted her eyes and replied, "I'm fine..." in a surly tone.

Realizing that Mordred might have misconstrued his words as him looking down on her, Leon promptly changed the subject, rising from the bed and stretching his non-existent body as he stated, "Well, thanks for letting me go down on you. I may have gotten a little carried away near the end, but can you blame me? It's not every day I get to eat out a Knight, much less one as beautiful as you..."

Following his remark, Leon made his way over to the wooden bath and filled it with still-cold river water. It was, fortunately, the type of Storage that preserved items in the condition they were initially stored, so he also had the skewer Mordred prepared the previous night, allowing him to pull it out, still warm, and place it on a plate he acquired through the Build tab.

"You hungry...?"

Though she initially furrowed her brows even deeper in response to Leon's words and actions, Mordred eventually closed her eyes and sighed before rising from the bed and pointedly remarking, "Next time, don't get so carried away..." while peeling off her clothes.

"No promises," replied Leon, causing Mordred to pause and briefly look in his direction before removing the remainder of her clothes. An awkward atmosphere permeated the interior of the cabin, but when she picked up and noticed the fish on the skewer was still warm, a faint smile adorned Mordred's face as she extended it toward Leon and asked, "Have you ever wondered what it was like to be eaten...?"

"I'd be lying if I said I hadn't, but if you're asking me to possess that fish, I'm gonna have to refuse..." replied Leon.

"Are you sure~?" asked Mordred, her emerald green eyes glistening with a mischievous gleam as she slowly and deliberately licked the charred fish's head. It was a tempting sight, but while he was curious to see if he could possess the deceased, Leon remained silent, prompting Mordred to take a big bite out of the charred fish's head...


