
Chapter Four.

"I've been waiting for you!!", Trisha said excitedly as she ran up to Collin to give him a big hug.

The statement however didn't sit well with Collin, he scrunched his face, returning the hug in a half earnest manner.

The fake smile returned to his face when Trisha pulled from the hug. Unlike Trisha who wanted to move things up, Collin had no plans to move forward with their lives.

There was simply not an "item" from the very beginning.

"So, how was your day?", Collin engaged Trisha in whatever charade he had planned with Adriana.

"My day was really fine, and yours?", Trisha said, in an attempt to really engage Collin in the conversation.

She has noticed, especially after Ella had mentioned it to her, he always seemed detached.

Trisha had originally thought it was hot, but the more she payed attention to his interaction with her, the whole thing seemed like he was being forced.

Concluding that it could have been pressure from work, she decided to talk about more pressing matters like their wedding and how they were going to go about it.

"Well..", "so, what are we doing here?", Both said at the same time.

"We're here to talk about wedding plans, you engaged… Remember?", Trisha said, rubbing her hands on his arm in such a coquettish manner, purposely flashing her ring too.

"Ohh, that?!", Collin said, wishing that he could get out of the situation as soon as possible.

Suddenly remembering what he had planned with Adriana, he pretended to go over some details with Trisha, Like the hall, and how their invitations should look like.

Unlike Collin who wasn't willing to have the conversation or the bland food he just had, a certain someone was more than happy to see him.

All because she loved him intently!

Poor Trisha, hopefully she finds that some people aren't just worth all the love and attention.

She got home to see her half sister watching tv.

Their family wasn't a typical nuclear family. Her father had died when she was still young, leaving her mother very heartbroken.

She found love later as Trisha was growing older, luckily for her mother, she married for love, not just once but twice.

The situation however wasn't normal, the man also had a daughter from a previous marriage.

They literally grew up together, the girls maintaining such distance you would think they were from different planets.

"You're still up?!", Trisha asked in the happy mood she was in, Adriana glanced at her supposed sister and nodded, her eyes laced with malice as she wished the job would be over soon.

"Don't make a lot of noise! Every other person is asleep!", Adriana said as Trisha walked past her, heading up to her room with a big smile on her face.

Adriana sneered, switching off the tv after she heard the door close after Trisha.

"Such a bitch!", she cursed under her breath.

She wouldn't normally have stayed up that late. She just wanted to confirm the situation.