
3 “when was the last time you’ve seen him smile like that?”

It was already October, the weather felt perfect for Jess; She'd always been fond about Halloween, something about reawakening your inner-child and eating so much candy until your stomach hurts. Who wouldn't want that! Don't even get her started on her costumes...

The morning sun shines through her faded pink curtain, awakening her from her peaceful slumber. She stretched in bed, acting like she's slept for over a decade. Jessica slowly sat up in bed, put her long hair into a nice messy bun, and checked to see if her and Damon were still in a call.

"Awe, man... my phone hung up, again!?" She grumbled as she began her morning routine. She fixed her black and blue pillows and blankets, grabbed her clean and neatly folded clothing from her rolling chair and made a break for the restroom.

"Cold floor.. Cold floor.. Cold floor!" Jessica exclaimed, "I knew I forgot something! My stupid slippers..." she murmured as she turned her sink on and brushed her teeth.


Damon wasn't fond of sleeping at night, scratch that... he wasn't very fond of sleeping. He and Jess had been taking up their sleeping time by talking the night away.

Damon loved talking to Jess, something about her just made him feel something he couldn't explain. Just the way she laughed would make him feel all happy. Her smile always made her day so much better. He promised her he wouldn't leave her side.

Damon has only taken a hour nap that night, he just couldn't find it in him to fall asleep.. he'd constantly wonder how Jess could just knock out the way she did.

"If only if we're that easy for me," he mumbled to himself, "yet, I'm so comfortable to sleep knowing she's still able to sleep with me." He couldn't stop the smirk that began to form on his lips. Before he realized, he was thinking about the conversation the night before.

He slowly got up and got dressed, he went into his restroom and fixed up his hair the way he usually had it, looking like a soft pyramid, and he slowly placed his black glasses, that fit his face very well, and walked out the door to catch his bus.

"Hey, weirdo."

Jess flinched, immediately recognizing the voice coming from behind her, "hey, you."

She smiled from ear to ear and held onto the bottom Damon's shirt as she followed him, lost in thought.

'Damn, Jess! You've got new friends! Don't let your stupid butterflies change that!'

Damon noticed her empty expression and smiled. He loved seeing her, even if she was upset, he just simply loved her company. She never made him feel anything other than happiness, something his friend, Juliet, hadn't seen in a long time.


Juliet was following Damon and Jess with their friends, hector and Juan, both interested in how close the two have bonded in just 2 months.

Juliet was the same height as Damon, maybe an inch off. Her long dark tinted hair reached to her lower spine.

Hector was short. His black, weirdly styled hair, was complimented with a nice shine. He and Juliet have been together for a while already. They looked so comfortable together.

Juan on the other hand, he would make Jess crack up! He and Jess became instant friends and were inseparable. He was way taller than Jess, he had his black, shiny and stiff, hair with gel.

The three looked at each other before looking back at the two in front. "Bro, I think he likes her." Juliet whispered to the boys.

"Haha, yuh, I was thinking the same." Juan replied.

"Yesss! I thought I was just me!" Hector almost shouted, quickly shutting his pie hole with his large hand.

Juliet giggled, "look at his smile, bro, when was the last time he smiled the way he smiles with her?"

Hector and Juan both stopped dead in their tracks, placed their index finger and thumb on their chins and slowly began stroking, trying to show Juliet that they were thinking back. After a short pause, Juliet got tired, "Well?! Answer guys, you look dumb.."

Juan and hector started laughing and said together, "Too long."

Juliet slapped her face with her palm and started speeding her pace up, "Guys ! We're losing them!" she exclaimed before ditching the boys, all they did was laugh until they realized she was gone.

Being in 1st period Spanish wasn't so bad, she had her best friend by her side. The teacher hadn't seen Jess talk or interact with anyone since school started, so once her and Damon became friends, their teacher, Ms. Ro'meave, would let them sit outside during the class so they can talk their hearts out.

Damon wasn't a bad guy, but he also wasn't very good. She hated how he chose street smarts over book smarts, selling drugs instead of getting an education.

"Damon, I don't like you doing that stuff.." she pouted.

He hugged her tightly and smiled, "don't worry, little one, I won't leave ya. "

"Hm, good! I'll beat you up if you do!"

"Haha, i would like to see you try that!"

She simply smiled from ear to ear, causing Damon to pause and look into her eyes. She constantly caught him staring at her with the corner of her eye, usually when people start staring she gets uncomfortable, but for some odd reason she liked how he looked at her.

The twinkle in his brown eyes would simply amaze her. 'How can someone as ordinary as him possibly make me wanna hug him.' She thought, now looking at how the sun complimented his hair and skin. She's caught herself staring at him too, but never the way she was at that moment. They were practically just looking in each other's eyes, having a conversation with nothing but their smiles. They looked so distracted by each other's company, when suddenly-


Jess and Damon jumped up, their trance was now broken.

"What cha doing?" One of the sophomores from their class came out to "get some fresh air"

"Making a baby." Damon said, smiling while looking into Jessica's dark brown eyes, he swore the moment he said that, her eyes twinkled just a bit.

"Whaaat?!" The girl yelled.

Blush began to cover jess's light tanned complexion, making her a tomato, "Da- Damon!" She slapped his arm and covered her face, listening to him laugh, eyes still on Jess, "Nah, were just talking."

"Are you guys dating?" She slowly began to say the very words that made both of their hearts skip a beat.

'Dating?' They both thought, instantly turning to the girl.

"Hey," Jess began, looking over at Damon, "Do... do we act like one? Is that why you're asking?"

The girl smiled from ear to ear, "I'm jasmine!" She waved and continued speaking, "I only asked, because, you both are so close. You look like a couple."

They chuckled and looked at each other before they looked back at jasmine, "No, were just best friends."

"Damn!" She stomped her foot, trying not to laugh, "now I owe Ms. Ro'meave 5 dollars!"

Damon and Jess bursted our in laughter, unable to believe the very words she said. The teacher? Making bets?

Jess was puzzled... slowly walking around the schools hallways, café, and courtyard for lunch, she just couldn't find Damon.

Juan ran up to Jess, trying to catch his breath, he managed to get a couple words out, "Damon.... *huff* caught.... *puff* aep.... *huff* office..."

That was all Jess had to hear. She looked at Juan and darted towards the office, trying to find out where on earth he was. 'DAMN JUAN! Which office!"

Jess ran until her heart felt tight in her chest, she looked around and spotted that brown jacket next to a security guard. She walked up to him and she just couldn't say anything.

"I'm sorry" he said as they escorted her back to the lunch area.