
Chapter 103 Slough of Despond

Kelly’s POV

It’s just 5 AM when I decided to go out and swim. I saw an infinity pool and might as well enjoy my stay here—my imprisonment, I mean. I saw hundreds of clothes in the walk-in closet of the room I’m staying in and I’m currently wearing black two piece.

I don’t wanna look like I’m having fun here, but I’m already in the prison world. Should I make myself feel down until I can no longer grasp hope?

Hope. I laughed in my head as I continued swimming. Snow is the only hope I have and I tried asking Klay to let me have my phone even just for a few seconds. I wanna hear Snow’s voice but he didn’t give my phone back.

When I got tired of swimming, I went back inside the house. I met Klay in the hallway with messy hair and a creased forehead.

“Where were you?”

I stared at him and touched the knot of my bathroom. “Swimming is forbidden too?”