
Best friend's siblings

Olivia's life was full of challenges, despite attending one of the most prestigious schools in the city. After losing both of her parents, she was left in the care of her hardworking grandmother, who struggled to make ends meet as a cook for a wealthy family. To lend a helping hand, Olivia had to assist her grandmother at the family's opulent mansion. Unfortunately, her encounters with the eldest son, Fred Smith, were far from pleasant. Fred had a reputation for getting what he wanted, and he didn't like Olivia because she was different from everyone else. He made her life a living hell, tormenting her and making it even more unbearable. But Olivia was determined to persevere and help her grandmother, even if that meant standing up to the arrogant Fred. As she navigates a world full of wealth, power, and privilege, Olivia finds herself caught between her dreams and Fred's manipulations. Will she be able to resist his charms and pursue her education, or will she succumb to his control and accept his way of life? Follow Olivia's journey of love, courage, and resilience as she faces the challenges that life throws her way. Get ready for a thrilling ride full of twists, turns, and surprises!

Adebisichris7 · Sports, voyage et activités
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39 Chs

chapter 4 : A new cook

Mrs Smith looked over to Olivia and asked "How're you young lady?" asked Mrs Smith kindly

"I'm fine ma'am!"replied Olivia politely

"Olivia, am I correct?" asked Mrs Smith.

"Yes ma. You're correct." replied Olivia courteously.

"How old are you Olivia?" asked Mrs Smith questioning

"I'm only fifteen now, will be clocking sixteen, very soon ma'am." replied Olivia innocently.

"Wow, you're not a kid anymore!" said Mrs Smith chuckled. And Olivia smiled at flattering word "Mrs bill, you mentioned something on the phone about Olivia right. You said you would like her to stand-in for you till you finally recovered right?" asked Mrs Smith softly

"Yes madam! She can cook well just like me." replied grandma proudly to talk about her granddaughter's skills

"Alright, can she stay with me and work so that it won't affect her studies in school?" asked Mrs Smith concerned and she looked at grandma's face and continued "And during weekends, she will come home. I mean so that you would be able to have time for yourself and rest till you'd be able to resume back!" said Mrs Smith concerned

Mrs bill thought of what her madam requested from her and she knew that, that wasn't a bad idea after all Olivia will had time to relaxed and faced her studies without any distraction and Mrs Smith would take good care of her before she resumed back to work fully.

"I don't mind, Mrs Smith." replied grandma thoughtfully.

"Alright thank you. She can resume tomorrow." said Mrs Smith softly and she was pleased with Mrs bill response "And i will tell the driver to pick you up tomorrow morning to the hospital. Mrs bill...is that okay?" asked Mrs Smith, expecting her not to decline the offer.

"Yes madam, I'm really grateful!" replied grandma smiling face and Mrs Smith was happy to heard that.

Mrs Smith got up from the chair and ready to go and remembered she had forgotten something.

"Oh I've forgot!" Mrs Smith drew the fancy nylon bag she was holding ever since she had been sitting down and gave it to Mrs bill gently "Here are some of the provisions I bought for you on my way coming here, Mrs bill!" Mrs Smith handed it to over to her.

Mrs bill collected the fancy nylon bag from her and she was full of appraisal "Thanks Mrs Smith, you're such a lovely madam!" said Mrs bill thankfully.

Mrs Smith waved her hands and smiled "It's nothing Mrs bill. Make sure you have a good night rest!" said Mrs Smith kindly "Good night Olivia. See you tomorrow."  said Mrs Smith cheerfully and she went outside.

"Good night ma'am, thank you ma!"  replied Olivia quickly at the door and she closed the door gently. Olivia moved closer to her grandmother. She checked the provisions her madam bought for her and she was astonished.

"This is too much grandma!" Olivia exclaimed at the sight of the provisions.

"That's my madam for you, she is very nice!" replied grandma corners of mouth rising. "Can you make hot tea for me now, Olly?" added Mrs bill

"Okay granny!" Olivia quickly dropped the fancy nylon down. She got up and entered the kitchen to prepare tea for her grandma.

 The following morning, Mrs bill was taken to the hospital for proper checkup and medication. Olivia left home early to Mrs Smith house for her work before she left for school.

Olivia was knocking at the gate timidly, there was no response and she knocked harder before the gateman opened the gate for her.

"Yes, who're you looking for young lady?"  asked the gateman kindly.

"Good morning sir!" replied Olivia politely. "I'm asked to resume work this morning...I mean. I'm asked to stand-in for a cook here in replacement of Mrs bill." she said stuttering

"Oh, you're Olivia right?" he asked and she nodded.

"Mrs bill granddaughter?" he asked smiled.

"Yes sir!" she replied quickly and was surprised he knew who she was.

"You can come in, we've been expecting you...And madam have gone to work but you will meet the house keeper. She will explain what you will do." he said friendly and opened the door wide for her to come in.

"Okay thank you sir!" replied Olivia heart pounding and she stepped inside the building. Olivia was speechless for awhile. "Wow! What a beautiful house . This is so beautiful." she thought to herself and was carried away with her thought

"Go straight to that right door over there. Knock on the door. Someone will open the door for you." said the gateman softly. He noticed the young girl wasn't responding to him. So he tapped her on her shoulder and Olivia turned back.

She was lost for words for a moment and replied "Uhmn." She rolled her eyes and felt embarrassed

"I said go straight to that right door, knock on the door. Someone will open the door for you." repeated the gateman gently

"Thank you sir!" replied Olivia abruptly

"You're welcome." said the gateman smiling

Olivia walked down the lane to the front door she was instructed to and Olivia couldn't stop viewing the magnificent of the house. She was astonished and quickly focused on what she had came to do. She knocked at the door twice, before a young beautiful woman came over to opened the door. The young woman was in her late twenties. she was putting on apron, it was very suitable on her. Olivia was looking at her and she was carried away with her appearances.

"Hi!" said the housekeeper narrowed her eyebrows at Olivia

"Good morning, ma'am... I'm asked to stand-in here for Mrs bill!" said Olivia stammering.

"Okay, follow me." said the house keeper

"Okay ma'am." replied Olivia gently

Olivia was directed to the kitchen, and the housekeeper (Mrs Rose) showed her the food menu she would prepare that morning.

"Tea, egg and cheese?" Olivia asked again, eyes popping open

"Yes and can you make that quickly before the kids comes downstairs?" asked the housekeeper courteously.

"Yes ma'am." replied Olivia quickly and she started picking some of the cooking equipment.

After some minutes, Olivia had finished making the food and the housekeeper carried the food to serve on the dinning table for the kids.

"I will be right back." said the housekeeper carrying the food with her.

"Okay ma." replied Olivia politely.

The housekeeper left the kitchen and Olivia was fascinating round the kitchen and she thought to herself.