
Best For The Beast

The 125th dislocation of the souls introduced two new men to the army of the secret society of knights, who fights with the monsters locked somewhere else. Gaurav Roy is one of them who has unparalleled strength, which he doesn't know. He overcomes barriers and understands his power by learning the truth and solving mysteries. When he thinks that something is his final form, he finds out that he needs to know more and continues his journey of saving the earth from the other race.

DarkBlaze · Fantaisie
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11 Chs

SDU (Silver Dusk University)

The Following Day:-

" Gaurav, Wake up. "

" Gaurav…. "

He slowly opened his eyes. Everything looked obscured as he was still drowsy. Gradually everything cleared up, and he screamed,

" Mom I am awake….Mooommm... " but no use.

By the time Mrs.Roy heard his voice, Gaurav's face was wet. She spattered a mug of water on his face. Water was dripping from his hair drop by drop, and he spitted out the water which got into his mouth when he was shouting by making a small gap between his lips and said, " Mom, I am awake " in a sarcastic way.

" Sorry dear, I am...am really sorry," said Mrs.Roy in a worried and concerned way. He remembered the first day of his pre-primary school. She woke him up the same way. A little smile formed on his face. At the same time, Mr.Roy came out of his room. He looked at Gaurav's wet face and mug in Mrs.Roy's hand. He stayed quiet for a second and sniggered. " Puahh..ha.ha.ha.ha. "

Mrs.Roy was infuriated by Mr.Roy's action and in that rage, she splashed the remaining water in that mug on Mr.Roys's face. Yet, in such a situation, Mr.Roy was still smiling.

Seeing all this mess, Gaurav giggled, and by seeing her son happy, Mrs.Roy was pleased. So the first day of Gaurav in his house started merrily.

" Why were you sleeping here. You are supposed to be in your room. " Said Mrs.Roy rubbing Gaurav's head with a towel. He didn't want to ruin this happy atmosphere by telling his parents what happened last night. " It's nothing mom, just I was unable to sleep there."

" Ok, now get ready. We need to go somewhere. "

" Where mom. "

" Just get ready. It is important to go there and we must leave as soon as possible. " Mrs.Roy said in an annoyed manner.

" Ok, mom. " When Gaurav agreed to go along with her, she again smiled and said, " Ok then, I will prepare breakfast. Get ready! "

Mrs.Roy is an adorable mother who always thinks about Gaurav. But, her mood changes drastically. Just now, when Gaurav was questioning her about where they are supposed to go. She was irritated, and when he agreed, she started showering love. She doesn't want Gaurav to question her when she wants him to do something. She wants Gaurav to listen what she says, to make sure that nothing like that incident happens to him in the future.

After a while, they all had breakfast together. Mr.Roy was at home doing some work. Then, Gaurav and Mrs.Roy started from the house in a car.

After traveling for a while, all the places around him made Gaurav remember something.

" Mom I think I know this way. "

" Really...Good, then there is no need for me to explain. " Suddenly, Gaurav remembered where this way would lead them.

" Mom, please don't tell me we are heading to that place. "

" Yes, you guessed it correctly."

" Mom, but you know that I don't want to go there. Make my admission anywhere, but not there. "

" It is the only place that is near to our home, if any unusual things happen, then you can get home faster. "

The way will take them to Silver Dusk University, and besides that, there is a school in which Gaurav studied for a month along with his sister. After a month, he discontinued because he was sent to the US. He doesn't want to enroll in that university because he can never forget that incident if he studies there.

Mrs.Roy made Gaurav's enrollment in that university and from tomorrow, he can attend classes.

After returning home, " Is there no other university nearby? Even though I said yes, I am unable to take it, mom. Just not seeing her bed in that room is making me feel regret. How can I daily see that and be peaceful? "

" But dear "

" No mom, I just… "

" I am not requesting you attend that University. I am saying you must attend. " Mrs.Roy yelled.

Gaurav was unable to take those words. He has hit the wall beside him hardly and walked into his room. Mrs.Roy got exhausted. She collapsed on the sofa, keeping her hand on her forehead. Mr.Roy was watching all this and came to her.

" Why did you make his admission there when you know all about his feelings. "

" Did you forget what they said? It is the only place which is near our house, and the basement is the only place where we can keep him safe till he enters that place. "

" Then you would have let him live with his uncle. Why did you bring him back? He was happy forgetting everything. "

" Don't be silly Roy. If he stays with his uncle, then those creatures will go to his place searching for Gaurav. They may even attack the whole US. If he stays here, only our country may be affected. We should not extend the danger, we should try to minimise it, and making Gaurav's admission at SDU is the only way we can do that. "

" What you are saying is absolutely correct but…. "

" We are not going to make any changes in that. " said Mrs.Roy and went to her room.

It was noon by that time. After a while, Mrs.Roy came out of her room and started being normal. She made snacks and asked Gaurav to have them. But he refused.

Gaurav was repeatedly thinking about his sister and the past because he still thinks it was all his fault. However, Mrs.Roy kept going on with the household work, and time passed just like that.

Finally, it was time for dinner. Mr. and Mrs.Roy settled at the dining table to have their dinner.

" I will call Gaurav " said Mr.Roy

" No, I will call him. "

Mrs.Roy went upstairs and knocked on the door.

" Gaurav, open the door. "

" I am not hungry mom, you carry on "

" I just need to talk once, open the door. "

'Creak' Gaurav opened the door. Mrs.Roy went inside and sat on the bed. Gaurav was standing near the door.

" Why are you angry? "

" You know the reason mom. "

" If you want to save others. If you don't want anyone to suffer like your sister. Then you should stay near our home. "

" But, why is it like that? I was happy in the US. Why did you bring me back and do all this? "

" Those creatures will appear again. If you be with your uncle, then the same thing will happen to him like your sister. You don't want it to happen right! "

" Mom are you serious? Does it mean... "

" Yes, knights came again and warned me about that. The only place where you can be safe is our basement. Because those creatures cannot detect your presence in there. Making your admission at SDU is the only choice I have, to save you and all the country. "

Gaurav moved close, kneeled in front of her, and said " Sorry mom. I made mistake in understanding you. " Mrs.Roy hugged him and kissed on his forehead.

" Now, lets have dinner. "

" Yeah mom! I am starving. "

" Before a minute, you were not hungry. "

" Yes, but that was a minute ago. Now I am hungry. " Mrs.Roy patted his head and both of them went to have dinner. By the time they went, Mr.Roy had completed his dinner and slumbered.

Mrs.Roy and Gaurav had their dinner together and went to bed.

Gaurav was snoring. He suddenly woke up and looked at the watch. It was one am-midnight. He got the same dream as yesterday. The whole night he did not sleep and was thinking about what he should do if they appear again.

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