
Beneath the Boughs

In the veiled narratives of Konohagakure lies a story untold, a saga of an anomaly—a Gamer reborn into the world of shinobi. Emerging amidst the whispers of a looming war, this enigmatic soul, wielding an arcane system of skills and knowledge, charts a course unlike any other. From the bustling corridors of the ninja academy to the serene, moonlit alleys where a secret sanctuary for wounded hearts and the scarred souls of shinobi comes to life. As dawn breaks, this sanctuary transforms, echoing with the laughter of children whose lives are touched by war's shadow. Immerse yourself in a tale where reality melds with the game, and witness the birth of a legacy beneath the boughs of the Hidden Leaf — a story of healing, resilience, and the silent battles that rage unseen.

Goolien · Anime et bandes dessinées
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7 Chs

Chapter 5 - Meet the Neighbours

A/N - I'm convinced not many people read the Author's Note at the bottom so gonna sneakily post that up here. I would like to take the time to thank and appreciate everyone's support.

Particularly salimayeasmin_778, your stone tossing at this story each week was what gave me the drive to continue and whittle at this chapter each day so thank you for that!

I hope you all enjoy this chapter, and to not worry as this story will be finished, one way or the other. :)




Over the next few months, my life resettled into its gentle rhythm again. Mum, having adjusted to my newfound stability, eased up on her constant need to shower me with attention every hour. It was as if a burden had been lifted from her shoulders, allowing her to rediscover her passion amidst flour and dough. The bakery, once a hub of frantic activity, transformed back into a place of warmth and creativity under her skilled hands.

Each night, as the household sank into slumber, I found myself diving into the depths of <Noodle Net>. With relentless curiosity, I scoured through its endless pages. It was like navigating a vast ocean of information, piecing together the puzzle of this world. My findings suggested a timeline teetering precariously between the Second and the onset of the Third Ninja War. This could only be confirmed upon encountering certain key characters. The second revelation was even more startling - I did not need sleep. This discovery was a game-changer for my survival strategy. Instead of wasting precious hours in slumber, I could be honing skills, giving me an edge in this unpredictable world.

Under Grandma's vigilant gaze, I resumed my daily missions. Each day brought a new challenge, infusing variety and excitement into my routine, a stark contrast to my monotonous gym routine in my previous life. I began to look forward to these daily tasks, eager to test my limits and expand my abilities.

Thanks to the E-Rank skill from the Gift Pack, even mundane chores turned into opportunities for growth.

[Nimble Hands (E) (Passive) LV1 EXP: 0.00%]

This skill proved invaluable in sorting laundry, especially those pesky socks that always seemed to disappear into some mysterious void. My chores expanded to include watering the plants, a task that taught me patience and care. I learned to put away my toys, instilling a sense of order and responsibility. Preparing pots and pans for Grandma became a prelude to the aromatic symphony of dinner preparations. Each task, no matter how small, became a stepping stone towards my goal of milking as much EXP and skill points as possible.

However, success wasn't always guaranteed. More often than not, I found myself failing these daily missions. It was frustrating, but each failure taught me something new, pushing me to adapt and improve. These experiences made me realise that reaching [Level 10] would just be the end of the [Tutorial] phase.

Grandma began taking me outside again. She was always careful to shield me from the sight of the Hokage Mountain, a gesture stemming from a misunderstanding on my part. Nonetheless, I deeply appreciated her protectiveness.

During our outings, I found ample opportunities to put my [Analysis] to use. While I could easily view the levels and descriptions of most civilians, any ninjas or veterans remained enigmas, shrouded in question marks. But just getting their names from the system was a win, a tool I could use to navigate potentially dangerous situations based on my knowledge from <Noodle Net>.

One evening, as the sun melted into the horizon painting the sky with shades of orange and pink, I sensed a subtle yet distinct change in my mother's aura. Instinctively, I activated the [Analyse] function on her.

[Yuriko Hoshizora - LV 16]

[Class: Civilian]

[Title: Sunny Baker]

[Affiliation: Land of Fire, The Hoshizora Family]

[HP: 120/120] [CP 50/50]

[Yuriko Hoshizora is a noble from the Land of Fire, whose desire to travel beyond her limited confines far outweighed her family's desire for her to take up a position, through a political marriage in the Capital. She followed her heart to Konohagakure, embracing both love and a new surname. She is currently fixated on a recipe for cinnamon buns.]

A thrill of realization hit me – she had leveled up. This newfound ability to detect such changes invigorated me.

[RANK UP: Analysis (E) -> Analysis (D)]

[Analysis (D) LV10 EXP: 0.00%]

[Enables the user to unveil the target's information, showing the level, stats, and descriptions of people and objects.]

And so had I, lets try this again. [Analyse]

[Yuriko Hoshizora] [LV 16]

[Class: Civilian]

[Title: Sunny Baker]

[Affiliation: Land of Fire, The Hoshizora Family]

[HP: 120/120] [CP 50/50]


[STR: 10] 

[VIT: 12] 

[DEX: 23] 



[CHA: 25] 

[LUK: 7]

[Yuriko Hoshizora is a noble from the Land of Fire, whose desire to travel beyond her limited confines far outweighed her family's desire for her to take up a position, through a political marriage in the Capital. She followed her heart to Konohagakure, embracing both love and a new surname. She is currently fixated on a recipe for cinnamon buns.]

I could finally see [Stats], and made a mental note to [Analyse] every civilian I came across to create a benchmark. I realised that I needed to keep spamming this skill. If I could rank up skills this way, reaching S Rank wouldn't just be a dream. It was then that Mum, snapping out of her focused state, greeted us with a warm, welcoming smile.

"Welcome back!" she beamed, the comforting smell of bread cooking for the next morning's breakfast wafting through the air. Her happiness was infectious, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"The Tamuras came over today, and I've set up a little play date for Kai!" she announced. Her excitement at the prospect was evident in her voice, and I couldn't help but share her enthusiasm. Grandma, in her usual manner, watched the scene with a soft, knowing smile.




I realized something crucial about [Skill Share] the next day. It functioned similarly to the item; EXP Share, in Pokémon but with limitations. Ever since acquiring [Nimble Hands], I had been sharing it with Mum, and its level was increasing faster than if I were to level it up through chores alone. The catch was that I couldn't hold onto the skill while sharing it, which meant Mum was my only option for now. Dad and Grandma, with their unreadable stats and question marks, remained out of reach. But soon, I hoped to extend my skill-sharing network to them as well. It was then that the door opened again, signaling the arrival of our guests.

[Harumi Taruma - LV 13]

A green-haired woman entered, her name floating above her head. Her presence was calm and grounded, a contrast to Mum's vibrant energy. And before I could [Analyse] her, Grandma motioned for me to greet her.

"This is Kaito, our youngest. Kaito, come here and greet Harumi-san and Miyu-chan."

I obliged with a cheerful hello. Harumi-san smiled warmly and set Miyu, a little girl with a mop of green hair, on the floor. Miyu's ability to walk, despite being around my age, caught me off guard. Here I was, still crawling like a noob. Lost in my thoughts, I was jolted back to reality by a system notification.

[Skills can be ranked up through taking a leap of faith and breaking through the ceiling.]

I hastily opened my [Skills] menu and scrolled to my skill, which had remained frustratingly stagnant. 

[Crawling (F) LV9 EXP: 99.99%]

It finally clicked, my [Analysis] managed to level up because I was curious about the shift. It relies on intent and action, so if I just stood up right n-


A sudden whack on my head brought me back to the present, with a present in the form of a small bump on my head. I stared at the outstretched stubby palm belonging to a little moss haired kid looking down at me with discontent, which I can only assume was an attempt of demanding attention.

"Don't ignore me!" she commanded.

"MIYU!" Her mother's voice rang out, a mix of admonishment and apology. Miyu's behavior, while not entirely unexpected for a child her age, took everyone by surprise.

"Sorry." I managed to say, which seemed to surprise everyone expecting me to bawl my eyes out. I understood it was partly my fault for being distracted.

I then tried to stand, aiming to impress everyone, perfectly balanced on my own two feet. I managed to stand up a little taller with a victorious smile on my face and everyone clapped... Pfft, no, none of that happened. My legs immediately felt like jelly. My attempt at walking ended with me tumbling down, an unceremonious reminder of my limitations.

[Due to your attempt to keep calm and impress Harumi Tamura, your CHA has gone up by 2.]

I suppose, beggars can't be choosers.

Grandma, ever observant, seemed to understand my fixation. "Don't worry, Kaito. Your time will come, don't rush into things." Her words were a balm to my bruised baby ego.

Reaching out to Miyu, I offered a simple invitation, "Wanna play?" To my relief, she enthusiastically agreed. We spent the next while immersed in various activities - building blocks, drawing, and chattering about her toys. Her chatter filled the room, a lively soundtrack to our playtime.

Time flew, and before we knew it, Mum came in with a tray of freshly baked cookies. Each cookie was a work of art - some shaped like the ball we played with, others adorned with stars and sprinkles. My eyes locked onto my favorites, the ones generously studded with chocolate chips, while Miyu gravitated towards the sprinkle-coated ones.

As the day wound down and it was time for them to leave, Miyu, with the innocent boldness of a child, asked, "Can Kai come home with us?"

Harumi-san, ever the advocate for polite manners, gently nudged Miyu. "You didn't apologise to Kaito-kun yet, Miyu. Don't you think you should be nice to your friends?" Her calm voice held a hint of firmness, a silent reminder of the importance of kindness and respect. 

Miyu visibly shrank under her mother's stern gaze, a clear signal that she understood the seriousness of her actions. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught Mum's reaction; her head snapped up, her maternal instincts kicking in like a hawk zeroing in on its prey, ready to defend her cub.

But before she could leap into action, Grandma intervened, her voice low and steady as she recounted the incident to Mum. As Grandma's words flowed, soothing like a balm, Mum's initial surge of protectiveness subsided somewhat, her posture relaxing into one of understanding, albeit with a lingering trace of a mother's concern.

Miyu, slightly abashed, mumbled, "I'm sorry, Kai."

"It's okay!" I replied, my smile genuine. "I want to see Miyu again too!" My words seemed to lift her spirits, and she beamed in response.

And so, a future playdate was set, with Harumi-san promising to bring Miyu over soon. After they left, I turned my attention back to my self-imposed mission of learning to walk and gaining that sweet sound of [Level Up]. I hoisted myself up using the table leg, my legs gaining strength. As I wobbled on my feet, Dad walked in, his expression turned into one of shock and delight.

Each step, albeit wobbly, felt like a monumental achievement. Dad's face lit up with pride as I reached him, his arms enveloping me in a secure, comforting hug. Mum and Grandma watched on, their faces a mix of joy and surprise. The system's notification rang in my ears, a sweet sound marking my progress.


There it is!!!

[RANK UP: Crawling (F) -> Walking (E)]

[Walking (E) LV10 EXP: 0.00%] 

[A movement skill that allows the user, who has mastered the art of horizontal walking, to walk like an upright human. Be careful not to get a speeding ticket.]

I savored this small victory, knowing that my hard work and determination had paid off. The discipline it took to achieve this milestone was immense, but it was nothing compared to the motivation it gave me to continue pushing my limits. My next goal was clear: to focus on improving my [Chakra Conditioning].

[Chakra Conditioning (F) (Passive/Active) LV8 EXP: 42.45%]

As I contemplated the future possibilities of this skill, Grandma's voice brought me back to the present. "Did Kaito-kun learn that from Miyu-chan?" she mused, her expression a mix of confusion and admiration.

Mum's response was immediate and filled with maternal pride. "My Kai is a genius! He's six months younger, and he's already walking!" Her words made me pause. Miyu was six months older than me? I realized then that I needed to be more cautious in navigating common sense in this world. Things I took for granted might not be as straightforward here.




Exhausted from the day's events, I lay on the ground, desperately attempting to catch my breath. The system's daily window popped up, acknowledging my efforts.

[Due to user going beyond, your STR and DEX have gone up by 2. PLUS ULTRA!]

[Daily Mission Successful! 25% Completion Rewards Granted: 1 Skill Point +15 REP with Sachi Hoshizora 250 EXP (10x EXP applied)]

[Congratulations! Your level has been increased by 2.] [EXP required until next level: 250] [Remaining Stat Points: 26]

I reviewed my character screen, a sense of satisfaction washing over me. I had come far in such a short time, and the journey had only just begun.

"Well done, Kaito-kun. You're becoming very reliable already," Grandma praised, a rare hint of warmth in her voice.

I beamed at her compliment, feeling a surge of pride. But my moment of peace was short-lived as Miyu burst into the room, her energy as boundless as ever.

"KAITO, LET'S PLAY!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement.

I tried to protest, "Miyu, tired..." but my words were lost in her enthusiasm.

"HMPH. You can't say that when you said you wanted to see me again!" she huffed, her childish indignation clear.


[Time Skip - 1.5 Years]


"Miyu, you can't use what I said years ago every time." I reasoned, as I focused on completing a 1000 pieces jigsaw puzzle on a timer.

Her words transported me back to our first meeting, and I couldn't help but wonder how different things might have been if I had been able to 'stand' up to her then. As I pondered, I completed the last piece of a jigsaw puzzle, the blue window with the timer stopping at 3:03. My satisfaction was palpable as I noticed how much my skill had evolved.

[Nimble Hands (E)] -> [Sticky Fingers (D) LV14 EXP 14.21%]

"I sure can! Are you saying you don't want me around?" Miyu retorted, her usual stubbornness on full display.

"Not what I meant," I replied, my thoughts drifting back to our earlier encounters. If only I had known then what I know now, perhaps I could have navigated our friendship differently.

As I reflected on the past, I couldn't help but feel grateful for Miyu's presence in my life. She had unwittingly become a crucial part of my journey, challenging me and helping me level up in ways I had never expected.

But my musings were interrupted as Miyu began jumping on my bed, disrupting my carefully arranged puzzle pieces. 'And just like that... time to level [Sticky Fingers] up some more.' I sighed, resigning myself to the chaos that seemed to follow her.

Just then, a sudden commotion outside caught my attention. I hurried to the window, Miyu in tow, curious about the source of the disturbance. As we peered out, we saw a group of shinobi gathered around something, their expressions tense.

"What's happening, Kaito?" Miyu asked, her voice tinged with concern.

I strained to see, but the crowd obscured my view. Then, a familiar face emerged from the throng – it was Dad, looking more serious than I had ever seen him. My heart raced as I realized something significant was unfolding, something that might just impact the life I had so carefully curated.

[End of Chapter 5]

For all my readers, I know many of you await each new chapter, and I am truly grateful for your patience and understanding.

Balancing the intricacies of the narrative with personal commitments means that I can only work on (and polish) a new chapter every three weeks. This pace ensures that each chapter meets the quality and depth that you, as my readers, deserve.

Your continued support and enthusiasm have been the wind beneath my story's wings. Every comment, message, and word of encouragement fuels my inspiration and dedication to this tale. I'm committed to continuing this journey with you, bringing to life each chapter with the care and attention it demands.

So, thank you for sticking with me and for your unwavering love for the story. Keep the support coming – it truly makes a difference. Here's to our shared adventure in the chapters to come!

Gooliencreators' thoughts