
Ben 10: WTF?

I'm HIM! I don't own "Ben 10" or any related content used in the fiction.

THEARACHNID · Anime et bandes dessinées
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9 Chs


The sun hung lazily in the sky, casting golden rays over Bellwood. On the surface, everything seemed normal as Ben Tennyson strolled down the familiar streets.

However, something felt off, a dissonance that gnawed at the edges of his consciousness. As Ben walked, whispers echoed in his mind—echoes of voices that weren't his own.

His steps faltered, and his grip tightened around the Omnitrix on his wrist, the source of his remarkable powers and the catalyst for his current struggles. His thoughts were fragmented, as if pieces of his mind were slipping away, replaced by unknown forces.

Colors bled together, and reality felt uncertain, much like the times he switched between alien forms.

"Ben! Are you even listening?" Gwen's voice sliced through his reverie, drawing his attention back to the present.

He blinked, trying to focus on his cousin's concerned face. "Yeah, yeah, totally listening."

Gwen narrowed her eyes, sensing something amiss. "You've been acting strange lately. Is everything okay?"

"Of course, I'm good," Ben replied with forced cheer, but inwardly, he struggled to grasp his own thoughts, a tangled mess of confusion and discord.

In the distance, a faint hum emitted from the Omnitrix, reacting to the turmoil within him. Ben's gaze shifted to the device, a mix of fear and fascination crossing his expression.

It felt like an anchor keeping him tethered to reality, yet also a catalyst for the chaos plaguing his mind.

As they continued their walk, Ben's surroundings distorted intermittently. Shadows morphed into fleeting glimpses of alien landscapes, and his grip on reality slipped further.


A DNAlien kneeled down to the Highbreed, as the taller, red-eyed alien calmly said:

"You may speak to me half-breed worm."

Trembling in fear, the DNAlien responded:

"Gratitude master! For months now someone has been leaking the details of our secret operations to the authorities. I have new information of interest. We have found the source of the leak."

Taking out the small device that was somehow able to show the image of the old man, the DNAlien said: "His name is Max Tennyson, we've had trouble with him before."

"So let this be the final time he troubles us. Destroy him!"


I finally opened my eyes. After spending an unknown amount of time in nothingness with two green faces, that were nothing but assholes, I finally saw something. It was a group of seven or six yellow-brownish dysmorphed creatures, that only had a single creepy eye.

I looked even weirder. I was green, with red scales coming out of my shoulders and a weird symbol on my chest. The fuck is that? And I smell too?

"The fuck is this smell. Is that me?"

Suddenly that group started to move towards me. Now, I have never been in a fight that I have won, so naturally I panicked and started swinging my Green fists. Turns out I have some power in my hands, so when my punch landed on one of them, It ripped off it's skull.

"...Damn! Didn't mean to punch you this hard, my bad".

The other yellow mofos looked shocked but they were too dumb to learn from their comrade's mistake. They continued charging at me. Turns out, these hands are rated E for "everybody", so generously, I delivered them to everyone. 

One of them, like the weird one he is, tried to vomit on me. Looked like his stomach couldn't hold it in anymore. I don't like me getting dirty, so... Weave! The uppercut from the ground was mind-blowing, literally.

"Damn, I'm good."

A weird sound reached my ears. It was a truck being driven by one of the unlicensed alien-like things. He wanted to do an isekai move, but I just woke up. Ain't gonna happen to me.

"Oh hell nah."

I jumped, avoiding the assault. Landing on the truck I ripped it's roof off, grabbed the driver and snapped its neck.

"Ben what the hell?"

I turned my head towards the direction of the sound. There was a girl with orange hair calling me Ben? She was hot though.

"Who the fuck is Ben?"