
Ben 10: WTF?

I'm HIM! I don't own "Ben 10" or any related content used in the fiction.

THEARACHNID · Anime et bandes dessinées
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9 Chs

Chapter 2

I was sitting in a green "Dodge Challenger" that was driven by that emo Kevin. Seemed like Kevin had a crush on Gwen because he was unable to take his eyes off her. However, Gwen, sitting next to him, was looking at her hands, not giving a shit.

"Hey, Gwen! I have a few questions regarding this strange gadget on my left wrist. Can you tell me how this works?"

Before Gwen could answer, Kevin interfered: "Don't you have a past experience with that Tennyson?"

"Listen here asshole. Next time you interfere I'll cut your tongue off. Since when is your fucking name Gwen huh?"

"Chill Bro, chill."

" I ain't your bro asshole. Shut the fuck up and let Gwen talk."

Finally, Gwen managed to say a word: "OK guys, please shut up. Kevin don't say a word. Arth... Ben listen now. That device on your hand is called an "Omnitrix" which is the most powerful weapon in the universe. It contains the DNA of multiple aliens. You can transform into every single one of them, but you have a time limit of 10 minutes."

"Which dumbass would give the strongest weapon in the universe to a child? How stupid can he be?"

"That dumbass's name is Azmuth. He's the smartest creature alive. He created the Omnitrix."

"OK, understandable, but how can I make this green shit work?"

"Honestly, I don't know about that version. It's completely different from what Ben used to have in the past. I worked by pushing the two green buttons and rotating the watch. With each rotation, you were choosing a different alien. To transform into it you had to push the watch down. That's all I know Arthur."

"Arthur? What do you mean by that Gwen?" Kevin asked.

"It's a long story. Now drive please." Gwen answered.


We drove for approximately 15 minutes in complete silence until we approached an old castle. It was located on a small island but had no straight way to get to it. However, there was a short wooden bridge that was somehow hanging vertically on one of the sides of the castle.

"How are we supposed to get there?" Kevin asked.

"I don't know dumbfuck. Let me try something on my watch."

Gwen interfered: "Let me handle this."

Turns out she was able to use some kind of purple magic. Using her power, she created whip-like things and managed to pull the vertical bridge downwards. 

Stepping inside the castle I felt a strange aura but didn't say a word. Gwen was using her magic as a light source to light up the path for us but we were unable to find anything.

"There's a hidden door here somewhere. Keep looking." Kevin said as he reached for a chest that he saw in the distance.

"This shitty place is too sketchy. I don't like the look of this." I said. As I moved backwards I bumped into a Knight Armor, that almost fell on me.

"C'mon man, what're you doing?" Kevin asked.

"Please mind your own business jackass!"

A giant orange eye opened next to me. I glanced at it and froze in fear. It was a dragon, a fucking dragon.

"Guys, aren't these things supposed to be extinct or something?"

"What things Ben?" Gwen asked while turning towards me. The moment she saw what I was talking about, she froze in shock.

I started to slowly walk backwards while trying to make this watch thing work.

"Run!" Kevin screamed as the dragon started to move towards us.

With no other option left we started to run. The dragon was now chasing us, destroying everything in its path. 

We managed to get into a smaller room where its head wasn't able to fit in, but that didn't mean that we were safe. 

A group of armoured individuals with laser weapons approached us. Situation sucked. These bitches with weapons in the front and a literal fucking dragon in the back? I just got reincarnated, I don't wanna die again.

I was slamming my hand on the watch, trying to figure something out while Gwen and Kevin were protecting the spacesuited alien with their significant powers. Gwen was using her magic as a shield, while Kevin was throwing giant rocks at the armored people.

Suddenly the watch started to glow and it showed me a hologram of a small alien. Not having any other choice I slammed my hand on the watch hoping the alien was going to be useful. 

I felt my organs change shape. My skin hardened a bit and my head started to become wider. My skin got more and more pale and when I looked down on my hands, I only had four fingers. I tried to say something but the sound I made echoed through my ears and the hallways.

"Echo, Echo!" I said not knowing if it was a reflex of the body or what. The moment the sound was made I got multiplied by five. Now there were six of me. Not knowing what to do and how this alien worked the six of us ran towards the fucking dragon.

We jumped up and landed on the dragon's face, disorienting it. This giant piece of shit fell down somehow managing to smash 2 of my clones.

"Motherfucker!" I screamed, creating a shockwave that sent the dragon a bit backwards. However, this scream managed to give me 4 more clones. This is interesting.

Kevin was doing his thing too, being a little bitch. He smacked some armoured guys with his hands and almost got shot in the back. He was saved by the spacesuit alien who then helped him take cover.

Gwen was fighting pretty well. She was creating magic shields, whips and beams, taking down almost every knight in her path.

Distracted by her fighting skills, I was grabbed by the dragon's tail. I panicked and called my clones to help me. They started screaming some autotune shit and this somehow worked. The dragon stopped moving and started to lag a little bit. It let me go and I joined my screaming clones. Screaming "Fuck" on top of my lungs, I sent a huge shockwave towards the creature.

Turns out the dragon was nothing but a robot. It started to malfunction and at first, lost its lower limbs, then its hands and at last, its head.

My clones started to come towards me and somehow managed to merge with me. I smiled, appreciating this wonderful power that I can use in any way I want.

"You can warn us before doing something like this Tennyson!"

"Seriously Ben. I have earplugs in my pockets."

"Oh, my bad. It's not like I just got reincarnated in this world and have no idea what's going on right? Stop whining and be thankful that you were not eaten alive."

"Hey, I don't care what you say about me, but don't talk to Gwen that way ever again." Emo Kevin said.

"Do you want your hearing or not? I can make it disappear in an instant if you keep talking. Stop being a bitch and get out of my way, now!"

"You are an asshole, Ben." Kevin was frustrated.

"Oh yeah? Just like your father right?"

"You know nothing about him jackass!"

"Neither do you!"

"I'll kill you!" Kevin screamed.

"Try me bitch!" I screamed back. 

Kevin put his hands on the ground absorbing its energy, durability and texture. He made a weapon out of his right arm and rushed towards me. 

However, I didn't want another hand-to-hand combat so I screamed "Fuck off". The shockwave was massive, disorienting him. Cloning myself, we ran towards him, strangling him to the ground. I stood up and screamed in his face. He started to shake uncontrollably and passed out shortly after.

"Cocky piece of crap." I said while walking away from his body. Gwen ran towards him and I assume she started healing him.

"What have you done Ben? Why did you do this?"

"I warned him, but he didn't listen. And I told you, Ben is no more. You can call me his name but I am not him. I am not your cousin, Gwen. So don't expect any kind of mercy from me"

"Ben I need your help over here." The spacesuited alien said. "I want you to destroy this material on the ground."

I looked at the shiny armour pieces on the floor that had electric wiring inside.

"No problem old man. Destruction is totally my thing."

I inhaled the air and let out a huge scream. The shockwave destroyed not only the material on the ground but 1/3 of the floor and the roof too.

The device on my chest started ticking and I went back to my human form. That's when I noticed something unusual. 

"Hey, ummm. Is your suit okay? It's dripping some water down."

The alien looked down at his spacesuit. His eyes widened and said:" That's not water kid."

Suddenly he lost his balance and kneeled down.

"This is blood kid. I am shot and I think the wound is too deep. Now listen. Don't try to patch me up or something, I have some important information to tell you. Your grandfather, Max Tennyson was investigating an unknown alien activity as an undercover agent of our organisation. However, he disappeared in thin air. We have no info about his location or what he managed to acquire. I want you to crack this case kid. Please save your grandpa and the earth."

"I'll try my best."

"Thank you!" The alien said with a smile, as his vision faded into darkness and he closed his eyes.