
Ben 10: The Ultimate Predator

(A/N: Guys, I had THOUGHT of making this a two lovers story, and even had gave the readers the decision to choose, with the second lover being Drew Saturday. But I decided against it, since, 1: I hate harems or anything near it in modern world settings. 2: The unneeded and unnecessary drama needed to work it out with her would be annoying as hell. So for those that wouldn't like the idea of her cheating on her family, good for you, it's not happening. Just consider the few chapters that they were around as a one episode crossover.) (A/N: MC doesn't start off as Ben's childhood friend, he literally comes falling down on him with the Omnitrix and the Nemetrix lol.) I died, I met an Omnipotent being, and he granted me some wishes. Pretty cliche at this point, right? Can't get any originals in these times, am I right? But that's where the cliches stop. Why? Well, what do you think my wish was? To be overpowered? To have a massive, useless harem? No, god no. I hate harems, damn it! (Ahem ahem, but some worlds are exceptions.) So what was my wish? Pretty original, I wanted to be a Multiverse myself! Not as in own a Multiverse. But as in be a literal Multiverse myself! Pretty cool, right? But what kind of Multiverse did I become? Simple, I became a Parasitic Multiverse, where I would send pieces of myself to different Multiverses and copy their sources of powers and such to make myself even stronger than them! Comics like Marvel, DC, Invincible, movies like Transformers, Godzilla, Harry Potter, cartoons like Rick and Morty, TMNT, Kung Fu Panda, animes like Dragon Ball, Bleach, Naruto, and games like God of War, Assassin's Creed, Devil May Cry! I want them all, I want every power available in each and every one of them! So I sent my soul pieces to every one of them! But not as overpowered beings. Nah, that would be boring. I don't want to just copy their powers, I want to experience and venture around too! So what about this soul piece? What's it going to do, and what Multiverse will it go to? Doesn't the damn title make it obvious?! This is the tale of my soul piece going to the Ben 10 Multiverse as the bearer of Nemetrix! But would a parasite like me be okay with just a few predators?! No, so good thing my somewhat (very) weird watch can scan the DNAs of other aliens and even automatically give me their predators! Oh, did I mention I can go Ultimate from day one? Get some popcorn, drinks and snacks, cause it's time to hunt!

That_One_Dead_Ali · Anime et bandes dessinées
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69 Chs

CH 28: Going Ultimate (E5)

(A/N: What sounds more intimidating when a guy says it?

1) "I'll fuck your mom's pussy"

2) I'll fuck your dad's ass"

3) "I'll fuck your newborn sibling's fresh hole"

4) "I'll fist your ass")


"[... Hahahaha... hahahahahahaha... hahahahahahaha!!]" Amidst Kraab's confusion, Ventriloquism froze up, before slowly breaking into a fit of loud, psychotic laughter :"[HAHAHAHAHA! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Oh, buddy, you're so fucking done for!]"

Kraab frowned :"Did you finally go insane because of the Nemetrix?" But Alistair just gave him a sinister smile when he turned into Wynter :"Insane? Didn't you know? Insane is my middle name!" Grinning madly, he —for the first time— slammed the Nemetrix on his chest.

Red light began to go to every part of his body from the Nemetrix symbol, transforming every part it passed and turning the blue Necrofriggian into its evolved form. His blue body turned red, with his wings and antennas gaining a flame design. Giving a bloodthirsty smile, he took to the air and spread his wings menacingly :"Ultimate Wynter!"

"Whoa, what happened, Al?!" Stinkfly looked with surprise, before quickly transforming into Ghostfreak to phase through the explosions. Wanting to see what was going on, Ghostfreak glared at SixSix for interrupting him :"You want a piece of me?! You'll get the whole piece then!"

Going invisible, he quickly floated towards SixSix before turning into Upgrade and immediately entering his armor. SixSix tried to struggle, but was instantly immobilized by Upgrade who took control of his armor :"Now shut up and stay put so I can watch what's happening!"

Ignoring him, Ultimate Wynter smiled evilly at Kraab :"You two have made a great mistake trying to steal from me. Because now, you're gonna run the fade of fire so cold it burns!!"

Breathing intensely, Ultimate Wynter breathed out a giant beam of fire that instantly froze both Kraab and SixSix. And would do the same for Upgrade, if he hadn't transformed into Ghostfreak at the last second and turned intangible.

With the bounty hunters dealt with, Ghostfreak floated towards Ultimate Wynter. Turning back into Ben, he looked at his new look in shock :"Dude, what did you do?! What happened to you?! Did you do an extra transformation while transformed or something?!"

"Well, that technically sums it up. This is the evolved version of Wynter, Ultimate Wynter. My watch, the Nemetrix as they called it, unlocked it just now."

"Cool! So how did you get it to do it? I'm talking about your watch!"

"Uhh... it's a bit complicated, alright? I can't explain in this situation. I'll tell you when everything's been dealt with, ok?"

"Aww, man. Haaah, fine, I guess you have a point. Then what do we do now? Do we just leave these two icicles here?"

"Hmm..." Ultimate Wynter looked thoughtful. His pupil-less eyes landed on their armor and weapons :'I honestly want to take what they have and absorb them into the Techtrix. But SixSix's species is Humanoid/Cyborg, so that will basically kill him.

It will be like taking the skeleton of a human and leaving the flesh. And Kraab, if I remember right, isn't like SixSix. He's not half organic half machine. Was it a war or something? I don't remember exactly, but this body is like 95% implanted mechanical parts, with just 5% of him remaining. For both of them, I'm just killing them.

But I missed the part where that's my problem.

Since they wanted to kill me, it's completely fine for me to kill them. Yup, completely fine. The only problem here is Ben. I don't exactly wanna traumatize my 10 year old best friend.'

He turned to Ben :"You go and check if everybody's alright or in need of help. I'll deal with locking these guys up. Just wait in the Rust Bucket after that, I'll come myself."

"Alright then, I'll leave them to you." Ben smiled, completely buying the acting as he transformed :"XLR8! Then don't take too long!" And he zoomed away. Once he was sure XLR8 was gone, Ultimate Wynter walked up to the ice and put his right hand on it :"You heard him, we better hurry up."

Obeying him, Techtrix slid down his arm and towards the ice, before projecting a small laser and making its way in like a snake. The mechanical slime began to envelop the frozen bounty hunters before shrinking down around them. Instantly, it shrank into its original size, with the sound of its prisoners being crushed being silenced inside of the ice.

Ultimate Wynter made the ice disappear into dust before the spread part of the Techtrix returned. Joining the sleek armor covering him. Calmly, he turned to look at the sky visible thanks to the ceiling no longer being there :"Did you enjoy the show long enough to come out? Or what, do you want some special invitation?"

"You are a lot crueler than you let on in front of others." The sound of a hoverboard levitating came before a muscular man covered by armor from head to toe flew down to the ruined museum. Stepping down from his green hoverboard with black corners, it shrank to fit on one hand. "And a lot more observant than I expected. Your friend didn't notice me at all."

Ultimate Wynter scoffed with a smile :"I can't make it easy for nosy assholes, can I?" When he spread his wings menacingly, the new player held up his hand :"Please calm down, I'm no enemy. In fact, I'm an ally." His helmet began to retract, revealing him to be a Petrosapien :"My name is Tetrax Shard, it's a pleasure to meet you, bearer of the Nemetrix." (A/N: I really liked this character for some reason.)

"An ally? Now why would I believe that? You do realize you were tagging along with some bounty hunters who were trying to kidnap me and my friend, right?"

"I'm sorry, but I had to disguise myself as one of them to reach this planet safely. I apologize for the misunderstanding, but I truly am not hostile."

"What do you mean "had to"? Couldn't you use another method to reach here, rather than team up with trash like them?"

"It's not that there weren't any other methods. It's because none of them would work. You may not know it, but this planet has been blocked from any outside entrance."

"Let me guess, by whoever sent these guys."

"Exactly. And to reach here, I had to act the part."

"Alright, let's assume what you said is the truth. Then why are you here? I don't assume aliens visit Earth often enough to leave five star reviews."

"It's because of you."


"Yes, and your partner who just left."

"So it —is— about the devices. Nemetrix, did you call it?"

"Not in the way you think. Those two bounty hunters were here to take them from you. I'm here to merely make sure they haven't fallen into the wrong hands."

"And if they had?"

"... I'm sorry, but those devices are far too dangerous to be used by the wrong people."

"Like whoever had sent those two."

"Precisely. Those devices, in the wrong hands, could lead to billions of deaths, extinction and destruction of species, and numerous intergalactic wars. I couldn't just sit around after hearing that somebody had obtained the devices-"

As he was talking, the sound of police sirens was heard getting closer and closer. Tetrax frowned :"What is happening now?" Letting the Techtrix cover his eyes to use its binocular function, he saw the police cars approaching rapidly :"The guardians of this city, if you'd call them. I'll give you a chance to convince me that you're not an enemy, so we need to get out of here. And remember, any funny business, and those two bounty hunters won't be the only ones I'll deal with."

Tetrax nodded solemnly :"Don't worry, I'm not hostile." Ultimate Wynter hummed :"I'll be the judge of that." Before transforming :"MantAstral!" Just as he was about to slam his Nemetrix, the watch spoke up :"[Would you like to set the Evolved Transformation Function as the default state of transformations?]"

MantAstral froze up, before his lips pulled to a giant grin :"Do you even need to ask?! Yes, do it!"

"[Confirmed. Default state of transformations has been set as Evolved Transformations.]"

Without him even needing to do anything, he suddenly transformed into a gigantic mobula-like alien with a gray top-facing body and cream underbelly the size of Flightmare. He had pronounced horns connected to big lips that track off the face like whiskers and large sail membranes between the digits of his wings, all of which are orange. He had a long tail with claws at the end. No longer having a hands or feet, he simply levitated in the air.


[Evolved Aerophibian Abilities]

Enhanced Strength

Enhanced Durability

Enhanced Speed

Enhanced Coordination

Underwater Respiration

Underwater Survivability

Space Survivability

Indefinite Flight

Superluminal Flight

Dimensional Travel

Portal Generation

Psyche-Shock Blasts

Neuroshock Blasts

Neuroblast Sail


Protective Mucus



"Ultimate MantAstral!" Throwing Tetrax onto his back, he moved so fast he instantly disappeared. Surprising from a beast his size. When he appeared again, it was above the Rust Bucket. He grabbed it with his tail, making the Tennysons inside panic.

"What is going on?!" Max held on as Gwen looked outside the window :"We're flying?!" Opening the window, Ben looked up at what had grabbed them and saw the Nemetrix symbol :"Not flying, we're being picked up by Alistair!"

"What?! Why is he-" She frowned as she looked at the street that was getting further and further away, before it suddenly disappeared along with everything else :"Picking us up...?" When she looked around, she saw the desert that they had passed a few hours ago.

She looked around some more, blinking and rubbing her eyes :"Where are we?!" Before bracing herself when Ultimate MantAstral put them down gently. Grabbing Tetrax from his back, he put him down before turning back into Alistair beside Ben :"Alright, time to fess up."

"... Why are you so big?!" Ben suddenly said. Confused, he turned to Ben, but didn't see him. He only saw the brunet when he looked down with a frown :"Why are you so tiny?! What did you do this time?!"

When Ben looked offended, Max interrupted :"N-no, Al, I think the problem here is with you. You look... uuh... a bit older than you usually do." Frowning, he had the Techtrix turn into a mirror.


[The Techtrix has the ability to change what substance it is after absorbing multiple materials. It can also change its substance, but not its design. Be it stone, metal, steel, titanium or even diamond, it can turn into any of them after absorbing them. It usually takes on the form of diamonds without changing its design for utmost durability.]


Looking at his own reflection, his eyes widened :"What the?! What happened to me?!" Staring back at him, was a teenager of 17 years old, the same age he had died :"Why did I suddenly get older?!"

(A/N: Alright, you know what time it is. *Cracking fingers and bones* Time for some glazing.)

He saw the perfect face. Handsome with perfect and distinct features, striking crimson eyes, beautiful obsidian short hair combed back with faded sides, and a jawline gifted by space Jesus himself. He had to admit, he would be gay for that face if it wasn't his. It was some xianxia bullshit.

Expanding the Techtrix into a full body mirror, he saw the most perfect build he had ever seen on a teenager. His body didn't belong to the extreme bodybuilder, but just natural muscles that had been molded into perfection. His distinct muscles were easily visible through the clothes that had, for some reason, expanded to fit his current form.

And what he was wearing was most amusing. He was wearing a black suit and pants, with a red button up shirt tucked into his pants. Well, he did believe in "the people in suits were more dangerous than anybody else" fact. Seems like he needed to stay classy and fabulous even while kicking ass.

"... Did my human form go Ultimate too?"