
Ben 10 redux

[co-writter phantomdemon and becquerl] A retelling of the Ben 10 story with all that entails- cool fights, heroism, world ending threats, magic and freaking aliens! Alongside a more…anime inspired story.

Deusex · TV
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19 Chs

Washington B.C. part 2: The mad genius of Dr Animo

The next day, Ben tried to avoid Gwen as much as possible. Heading out to where he thought he would be alone. Well, alone as he'll ever by with an A.I. permanently fixed his wrist. It was weird, Eunice was mostly silent and usually kept herself unless asked for.

"Hey, Eunice?" Ben asked as the watch's A.I instantly spoke up. "YES USER BEN TENNYSON?"

"Well, I been wonder..how are you doing?"

"PLEASE CLARIFY USER BEN TENNYSON?" Eunice asked again as Ben sign.

"I mean you have been on my wrist for like…nearly 2 weeks and you haven't really given your opinion or anything."


"Please, I've watched enough Anime to know that means you got feelings. Even if you haven't figured that out yet." Ben told Eunice, who was the first time paused for a second clearly processing response with her super computer brain.


"Yeah, I am." Ben said with pride as Eunice add to her user is strange human to her files.

*Why comment here instead of in the chat? Comments are seen by more people and gets lost less. They are more conducive to long term discussion and longer posts.

However he was brought out his thought as he heard someone yelling in the distance. At first he thought they were yelling for help but as he got closer he realise to thing at the exact same time. One, the person was in fact GWEN and two, she not yelling for help.

In fact quite the opposite.

"FUCK YOU! WORK YOU STUPID THING WORK!" Gwen yelled standing in front of a can of coke with her hand out as she try to do something? Whatever it was it wasn't working.

*Why comment here instead of in the chat? Comments are seen by more people and gets lost less. They are more conducive to long term discussion and longer posts.

Ben was about to make his present know and ask her what she was doing when suddenly a small, barely visible spark came out her hand and for a full 5 seconds the can lifted off of the ground before it suddenly fell back down and knocked it over.

"I did it," she said to herself as Gwen's face grow with pride and joy as she begin to literally jump for joy as Ben watch on in shock.

Magic…Gwen had just used magic. Gwen had just used magic! Gwen had just used magic!!

Without thinking Ben ran up to hug her. "THAT WAS AWESOME!" he shouted in her ear as he picking her up off the ground and spinning her around. "YOU CAN USE MAGIC!" Ben shouted in her ear as she squealed in excitement.

Gwen was taken back by Ben suddenly appearance and was definitely not expecting it.

"W-what!?…Ben what are you doing?" She squealed as Ben held on to her tighter, who was not was too caught up with the reveal to listen.

"You just used magic! MAGIC! Gwen, have you been holding out on me! Magic! Wait, can you turn into a cat, or a raven or something! Wait, please tell me you can teleport! Or make food! Ahhh!"

"Ben! Ben stop! Put me down!" Gwen yelled, hitting his shoulder to try and get him let go. Getting the point across, Ben placed her down.

"Sorry, it's just you have magic…that so cool." He yelled excitedly as Gwen giggled in response.

"Yes it is cool I guess." She said as she rubbed the back of her head.

"So how long have you been able to use magic?" Ben asked as Gwen rubbed the back of her head again.

"Not long, I've only figured it out only recently." Gwen admitted looking down at her hand. "I think it had something to do with me touching the Omnitrix."

Gwen the looked up at Ben, who had his head down as he start shaking.

"Ben?" Gwen asked what's was wrong as suddenly in a quiet voice said "can't hold it in anymore" before picking her up and spin her again as he goes "magic!" While Gwen yelled at him to stop, but inside she hope that he didn't.

Later on the two cousins returned from their little trip back to the Rustbucket as the Tennyson spend the rest of this morning, visiting some minor small tourist locations where it is less crowded while planning to go for a resupplying trip to the newly opened: MEGA-MART, WHERE YOU CAN FIND ANYTHING YOU NEED, ANYTIME YOU NEED, FOR A PRICE YOU DESERVE!!!!

"I need some proper cooking supplies for the trip long term. Some electric parts would also be handy for repairs. Newer tools I can use are needed too. Oh, should not forget to get some fresh Octopus, you kids mind reminding me when we are at the Mega-Mart. I am planning to make some delicious stir fry with them." He said to his grandkids who both gave a shiver of discussed, while his back was turned as they made their way though the Mega-Mart.

While they went through the isles, Ben can see that it has the most common products a person might need or buy. Ranging from clothes, food, tools, ingredients, electronics, they even had a pet section of all places!

Soon Tennyson spit up with Grandpa Max goes to look for some fresh octopus instead of canned, Gwen going off to pet some of the animals in the pet store, while Ben went through the cereal alley to check out the TV's but come upon heaven.

Cereal boxes filled with Sumo Slammer cards, the kid from last night even said he got the gold card from them. Ben felt the itch to use the watch, to try and use Grey Matter to game the system and get the rare gold card, could he resist?

But he stop….as remembering Max's words causing him to stop. Heroes were heroes cause they didn't want fame or wealth, but they helped people anyway cause it was the right thing to do. So taking it would be stealing and that was definitely wrong. And a hero should never think of attracting villains, robots or monsters, and endanger others cause of it. Something which he might do if you used the Omnitrix here and now.

With great difficulty, he rushed himself through the racks of cereal and almost run to get rid of the temptation and arrive at your initial destination, the televisions. But when Ben looked at them, they seemed to move. The screens having scrambled snow and the towers of them stacked together seemed to be collapsing forward, RIGHT ON HIM!

Quickly dodging and rolling away from the falling TVs, Ben successfully hide behind a glass counter containing phones, and peeking from behind it to see a sickly weird green man with yellowish eyes, and shoulder-length white hair riding on top of a giant frog? He seemed to be blaring rock music from a recorder attached to a belt while his chest had a speaker of some kind, all the while wearing a weird helmet made of scrap.

At the same time as this, three more figures of the room went through the hole, two of which were clearly not human. One of these is a bipedal, canine-like with predominantly blue and black fur. It possesses a short, round spike on the back of each forepaw, in addition to a third on its chest. It has red eyes, a long snout, and ears. When its mouth is open, two pairs of pointed teeth, one in the upper jaw and one in the lower, can be seen. It possesses cream-colored fur on its torso and blue fur on its thighs that resemble shorts. It has a medium-length tail of the same blue color as well. It stands on its toes rather than on its entire foot.

The second one was a feminine anthropomorphic white cockroach? (Yeah giving Ben had a why boner) with a thin build. Its torso is composed of five thin discs that droop slightly downward. The widest disc makes up its shoulders, the second widest its hips, and the two smallest its chest and waist. There is a gold ovoid inside of the widest disc, where its long, thin neck protrudes from. Its arms and legs are also long and thin with gold joints. Its hands and feet are both composed of two golden claws. It also has a small, semi-flattened head with a yellow, crown-like structure on top. The two tallest points of the crown point to its long, thin antennae, which are white with small gold balls at the tips. Attached to the back of its head are two structures resembling insect wings. The wings are transparent, curve slightly inward, and reach nearly to the ground. It has narrow, purple eyes with bright blue pupils.

The last was somehow the most out of place as she was a girl around Ben's age with long dark brown hair in a ponytail and blue eyes. Her hat is white and pink with a picture of a pink symbol on it. She wears a white tank shirt that reaches her waist underneath a black waistcoat and a pair of denim shorts with white tear details on them. She wears black wristbands with a small pink stripe on both of them and matching black ankle boots with pink laces and soles, and a pair of black socks underneath. She also carries a pink messenger bag around.

The girl looked over seeing Ben sticking his head out, the two locking eyes for a brief moment before turning back to the older man. "Why are we robbing a store in broad daylight again?"

"bEcAuSe rEvEnGeS wAiT FoR No oNe." The green skin man said, his voice sounding like he was now the verge of snapping. The girl rolled her eyes at his answer before going off with her...pets? Ben wasn't sure what to call them. But they have seem to gone off to do some, while the Man moving off from the frog and walking towards the electronics section as he took whatever he wanted from the shelves, putting them in a small sack. When Ben thought about making a move forward, the stranger suddenly turns his head to him.

"DoN'T Be tHe hErO ChIlD, jUsT RuN AlOnG BeFoRe sOmEoNe gEtS HuRt."

"Have ever consider going to military for funding?" Ben asked, a bit of joke but before the man could saything the voice of the girl called out from the isle over. "THANK YOU!! I'VE BEEN TELLING HIM THAT FOR YEARS!!! HEAR THAT GRANDPA?!"

"NoT NoW ChIlD I HaVe rEvEnGiNg tO Do." He said dismissively as Ben heard her let out "AAARRRGGGHH" of annoyance as the older man gave Ben a wicked grin.

"yOu hAvE A SmArT MoUtH BoY, i jUsT As a cOuRtEsY, I'LL SHOW TRUE SCIENCE YOU!" He said before turning walk over to the pet store aisle, Turning the dial, the man let out a gleeful laugh as red beams shoot out of the Device, the beam mutates a hamster and a cockatiel, which both of whom explode out of their cages and stare menacingly at Ben.

"aRiIiIiSe,nOw aNd wItNeSs tHe gEnIuS Of dOcToR AnImO. eLeVaTiNg tHeSe pEtS Of mInE To tHeIr FULLEST POTENTIAL. rIsE AnD EnAcT My wIlL So nOnE CaN StOp mE!" He bellowed raising both of his hands with dramatic effect. "AND WITH MY PETS, I WILL WRITE HISTORY, oR ShOuLd i sAy, PRE-HISTORY!!" He said laughing to himself as pointing one finger towards Ben, which didn't take a Genius to figure out what that action meant as the mutated animals began to chased after him.