
Ben 10 redux

[co-writter phantomdemon and becquerl] A retelling of the Ben 10 story with all that entails- cool fights, heroism, world ending threats, magic and freaking aliens! Alongside a more…anime inspired story.

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19 Chs

Swimsuit by becquerl

Ripjaws leapt out of the river with a splash and gently deposited the waterlogged Boy Scout on the rocky riverbank next to his equally drenched and bedraggled fellow Scouts. He did a quick headcount, then turned to the Scoutmaster watching the whole thing with a gobsmacked expression on his face. "Is that everyone? I didn't see any other canoes turning over."

The Scoutmaster jumped slightly, Ripjaws' question knocking him out of his stupor. "O-oh, uh, no that was everybody. Thank you so much, I had no idea this fork of the river got so rough! You really saved our bacon. Uh..." The Scoutmaster swallowed as he finally started taking in the large amphibious alien's... alien appearance. "W-who, no, what are you again?"

Ripjaws proudly pointed at his chest with his webbed thumb. "I'm Ripjaws! I-its cuz of the uh..." He opened his mouth slightly, showing off the massive snaggleteeth in his jaw. "Well, you get it."

The Scoutmaster gulped. "Uhuh, right. Well, Mister Jaws, I'd love to give you a reward for helping all of us, but my wallet was in my canoe when everything went down. Um, literally." He scratched his head and looked over his exhausted, bedraggled troop. "Maybe if you can come down to the ranger station I can-"

The Scoutmaster was cut off by the strange hourglass symbol on the fishman's chest abruptly turning red and beeping loudly. Ripjaws jerked upright at the noise. With a "Nevermind! Gotta go!" tossed over his shoulder, the alien sprinted to the river and dove in, disappearing as fast as he had appeared to save them all.


*a quarter mile down the river and up a secluded creek*

A small portion of the creek flashed red, right before Ben's head popped up above the surface of the water. He spat out a mouthful of the silty creek water before wading over to the little muddy beach and pulling himself out of the water. He looked down at his soaked clothes and sighed.

"Man, just barely didn't make it." He looked up and jerked his head back from the fluffy pink towel that had appeared right in front of his nose. "Ack!"

"Well, are you gonna take it?" Gwen lowered the vaguely familiar and slightly crumpled towel enough that she could glare over it at her cousin. "You should dry off before you catch a cold, you know."

"Right." Ben grabbed the towel and started rubbing it on his head. From under his soft, fluffy covering he heard a faint rustling of a plastic bag being sat on the ground in front of him. "I brought that swimsuit you grabbed at the store before you s-slipped. Hope you didn't mind that I got it for you. O-oh, and try not to get that towel too dirty. I don't want any stains on my bath towel, buster!"

Ben froze. No wonder the towel looked familiar. And -he sniffed the towel surreptitiously- that nice smell coming from it was definitely Gwen's shampoo. (He would know, since he's been waking up with her hair all in his face for the last few days. (It was kinda nice...)) Abruptly he realized that he'd been frozen for maybe a little too long and pulled the towel off his head.

Gwen huffed and turned around, sending the hem of the thin sundress she normally wore on the way to the pool swishing around her thighs. "Done already? Hurry up and get changed so we can go swimming. We're obviously not going to be able to go to the pool this summer, so this is as good a time as any. Oh, uh, Grandpa Max is off parking the Rust Bucket so it'll be just us for a bit." She turned her head to the side and Ben got a flash of her bottle green iris before she twitched and looked away from him again.

Ben shrugged and gently set Gwen's towel on a relatively clean rock before starting to change into the new swimsuit.

"So, how did it go? You practically dove out the door when we saw those canoers from the bridge." Gwen's voice caused Ben to pause with his pants and boxers halfway down his legs. He looked up just in time to catch Gwen's head twitching forward.

"Uh, oh, it went great! I turned into that fish guy from the other day, you remember him? Anyway, I was able to get all of them out of the river just fine. Canoes were toast, though." Ben looked down again and stepped out of his pants, then started pulling on his new swimsuit. "Thought of a cool name for it too! 'Ripjaws.' Whaddya think?"

Ben looked up again to see Gwen's head twitch forward once again. Now that he really looked, there was also a bright red flush on the back of her neck and she was starting to breathe heavily. Hmm... Suspicious. "W-Well! It's not any worse than the other names you came up with."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Ben frowned and started trying to adjust the trunks. Geez, these ones were tight in the crotch too!

"All I'm saying is that I wouldn't let you name our-" Gwen coughed,

"Your kids without some good convincing. A-anyway, was that all?"

Ben finally gave up on trying to make the bulge in his trunks less obvious. "I'm done, you can look now." He ignored Gwen

immediately whipping around to look at him and took off his shirt.

"The Scoutmaster wanted to give me a reward for saving them but he didn't have any thing to give me, and then I had to run away because of the timer. So I didn't get anything for it." The hero frowned down at the Omnitrix. "Again."

Gwen swallowed some drool and wiped her mouth. Her hero wants a reward, huh? "Well, I'm sure you'll get something eventually. Hey, I've got a question." She made sure Ben was looking at her before she pulled off her sundress in a quick move, revealing her old and, more importantly, too small purple and lavender swimsuit.

Gwen pushed her chest out to accentuate the material of her swimsuit stretching across her B-cups, then gave Ben a moment to tear his eyes away from her rock solid nipples tenting out the material. She licked her lips at the sight of her cousin's package already starting to swell up and stiffen, then turned around to show off how her large bottom had gobbled up the seat of the one piece and turned it into more of a thong.

Gwen wiggled her hips a little, showing off how her plump buttcheeks jiggled freely and enjoying the sensation of Ben's dazed stare locked onto her ass. After letting him enjoy the sight for a bit, she reached back and tugged the material of her suit out of her ass to try and properly seat it on her butt (and if she held it out just a bit longer than necessary so a certain dweeb could get a glimpse of certain holes he'd eventually be taking advantage of, who could say?).

Once she was sure Ben had gotten a good eyefull, Gwen finally looked over her shoulder, batted her lashes and asked her question, "Do you think this makes my butt look big?"

A big thank to becquerl for the helping me write this one. Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. And please Like it, Add to library, I tagged this book, come and support me with a thumbs up!Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me! And your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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