
Chapter 24: Division

"Sunny, come on, GET UP!!" Sweat rained down Sunny pale face.

Her nose bled, and the fresh bandage around her head was soaked from her bleeding: creating a red patch.

"Zeep, booo!!" Bee hovered over the three, furrowing his brows.

"Seriously?" Miko looks up to Bee cocking her head. "It been half a day: It's natural for us to be worried!" Miko argued.

"BING, Zip!" Bee throws his hands in the air, turning his back from Miko, that stomped her feet.

"How do we supposed to know that?!"

"What?" Will gazed at them in the corner of his eye.

"Bulkhead, Optimus, and Acree have led Megatron goons away: How? He doesn't know." Will gaze back at Sunny.

"We need Ben and Sunny out of here...Bee." Bumble Bee's blue oval eyes look to Will's brown. "I'm leaving everything up to you." Bee nods.

Suddenly a voice rang around the room.

"Intruders have entered our carrier! If I don't see an Autobot scrape to its bolts! Your heads will be an ornament on this ship display!!! "

"Was that Megatron? He sounds piss." Miko states the obvious.

"Beep! Zoom!" Bee waved for the two to follow.

Will stood to his feet with Sunny in his arms.

"Let's find Ben." Will states as they raced out of the room and down the hall. "Do you know where Ben is?"

Will questioned.

"Zing! Beep."

"No, he was hoping we did." Miko translated.

"Fire!" A few Vehicons block the end of their hall. They begin firing an army of laser beams at them while Bee shoots right back.

"This way!" Miko turned into another hall on their Left while Will and Bee followed.

Will's heart raced as he kept his head down and held Sunny closer to him.

'I feel her.' A voice fazes into his mind. 'Her heat.'

"Who the hell are you?!" Will pants.

Will and Miko turn a corner into another hall while Bee continues covering for them.

"What?!" Miko pants.

"Not you!"

'Do you feel it?' The voice comes back as a faint heat fills his heart. Will grew curious about this heat until something dawned on him.

Suddenly Will gains second wind, and he bursts down the hall.

"Will?!" Miko called, surprised by his out of nowhere burst of speed.

Will pants grew, but he didn't care. He turns a corner before throwing Sunny on his shoulder.

The heat in his heart grew as his steps grew closer. He stumbles before catching himself.

'Ben!' He called out within his mind.

He noticed the door down the hall, and his instinct told him to open it.

"BEN?!" He raced to the door before an explosion blew him back.

Will drops Sunny, hitting the wall. Fire scorch the floors as Will cough in a daze. His wandering eyes land on unconscious Sunny on the floor by his side and on the door blowing smoke.

Suddenly a bright figure flew out, crashing into the wall beside the two. A green flash filled the hall until vanishing.

"Will?!" He heard a voice call from his ringing ears. "Will!" Someone turned him over, and he noticed worried Benita above him. "Come on, I need you to get up!"

"....Ok." She helped him to his feet. "Sunny." Benita noticed.

"Ok, just help me get her up. We must jet!" Benita and Will wrapped Sunny arms around their shoulders.

Heavy stomps quaked the metal floor from the hazing door in front of them. A purple light was seen behind the smoke until revealing SoundWave.

"Oh, my god!!" Will cursed before he and Ben carried Sunny far from Soundwave, but he only followed them menacingly and quietly.

His steps quake as Benita and Will's breaths grow rapid. With the children's focus on taking down the hall, Metal tentacles grew from Soundwaves back, nearly touching the ceiling.

"Sweet Jesus!" Benita shouts, taking a peek behind them. "He's got tentacles!"

"Just run!!" They continued bolting down the hall until the humming of an engine and blasters: stopped them in place.

Bee vehicle form drifts to their line of sight, going top speed down the hall towards the two. Blasters reveal themselves beside the hood of the car firing, past the kids and at Soundwave.

Soundwave fires back until a portal engulfs him.

Bee reaches Will and Benita and drifts to a stop right in front of them. The doors open, revealing Miko in the driver's seat.

"Get in!" She shouted just as an army of lasers rushed for them. Will hops in with Sunny in the back while Benita the passenger seat.

The doors shut while Bee sped away down the hall past the hazing door.

"What was that?! You could've gotten yourself killed!" Miko glares and looks back at sweating Will.

"Good news, we found Ben." Will looks back through the rear window at the army lasers following them while Benita waves to Miko, who lands her eyes on her.

"That's good and all, but after Ghostfreak and that brawl with Sunny. Your sure not increasing your chances!"

"Wait, Ghostfreak back!!!" Benita exclaimed.

"I'll explain later after we get out here!" Will replied as the radio flared.

"Beep! Beep!"

"Hold on!" Miko translated as Bee took a sharp turn, and the beams crashed against the wall.

"Wait! We can't leave yet!" Benita exclaimed.

"Why not?!" Miko questioned.

"Just trust me. Take a right!" Ben commanded while Bee followed. "Take a Left." Bee followed once more.

"I hope this is not a crazy scheme of yours." Will hoped looking after Sunny.

"You make it sound like it's a bad thing." She lightly giggled, getting Miko and Will's attention. "It's down this hall."

"Ben!" Benita ignored them as Bee slowed down to a door that led to a single hall and a door.

"Ok, I'm going in. Bee, Will, and punk hearty. I need you to take care of Sunny, and here are the directions to the carrier power core." She grabbed Miko's hand and began writing on it.

"Wait, don't tell me you're doing what! I'm thinking you're doing!" Miko exclaimed as Ben finished writing. The Omnitrix chirp signaling it was ready for use.

"Sweet, right on time." She grins until looking back at Miko and Will's confused stares. "If I take longer than three. Blow this place sky high." She reached for the door, but Will grabbed her wrist.

"Ben, What's the meaning behind this?" Will questioned while Benita blankly looked into his eye, deciding to tell him or not.

" Due to Megatron's failed attempts on getting the Omnitrix off me, in that room holds a teleporter to the Null Void." Will's eye grew dark. " It leads to a mining yard. You'll know when you get to the power room."

"What did he do?" Will grinds his teeth, but only for Benita to place a hand on his.

"I'm fine." She gently breaks from Will's grip. " And besides, the Omnitrix is a girl's best friend." She cracks a smile at everyone before getting out. They watch as Benita enters a giant door.

Bee backs out into the main hall.

"Beep! Zoom!" Miko looks at her hand.

"Take a right, pass two halls." Bee takes off down the hall. Miko looks back at Will, staring out of space. "Will? Will!"

"Uh? Yes?" He snaps out of it.

"What is that all about?"

"Ben believes if Vilgax has access back onto Earth, it will spell trouble for everyone. Not only that, he has knowledge about the Omnitrix." Miko's mouth gaps only for her close it back.

"I think I know how Optimus baited Megatron." Will nods as Bee drifts into the next hall, only for five dark purple mustangs to follow.

They began firing lasers at them, Will and Miko duck from their onslaught. Bee dodges their line fire as Will hiss.

Will snaps his fingers, getting only a spark from his fingertips.

"Come on. Come on!" Will continued getting Miko's attention.

"What are you doing?!"

"Providing cover!" Will snaps once more as his arm engulfs Nova. "Yes!" Will roll the window down. "Give Bee directions! I'll handle them." He peaks from the window aiming his fist at the Vehicons.

He began firing fire beams back at them, causing them to dodge his onslaught.

"Right!" Miko shouts, causing Bee to drift in the direction she asks him to go.

Will continued his shooting until He hiss, and his shifted hand flexed while steam hazed from between the cracks of his magma.

Miko noticed his pain look.


"Focus on the road!" Will shouts at Miko before providing more cover fire.

Will land a hit on a Vehicon, causing it to spin out of control and crash into another. Leaving three on their tail.

"Take a right!" Miko commanded. Bee drifts into another hall with the Vehicons on their tail.

Will narrowly dodges a beam, taking cover back into the seat. His shift hand flexed once more like he was reloading.

"Here!" Will's eyes drew to Miko's voice. He noticed an object flying at him before he caught it.

"A Snicker Bar?!" Will exclaimed.

"Just eat the dang thing!" Miko focuses on giving directions. Will took a few bites before his veins pulsed, causing Mars Prowess to shimmer.

He peaks out the window, gathering energy within his palm; forming a fireball before launching it. The ball came to impact the Vechicons, releasing a fiery explosion that shook the vehicles from the hall.

"Ok, what was that?" Will questioned, staring at the candy in awe.

"You need it more than me. Have you seen yourself?" Bee adjusts the head mirror for Will, only for him to gulp.

Dead veins appeared across the boy's face, and his only brown eye gave a slight hue of a blind eye that he currently has with his right.

He eats half the eaten bar and replenishes some of his energy.

"No way..." Miko peaks from the driver wheel, getting Will's attention.

Bee stops on a platform giving the children a view of the machine that stored a large chunk of a purple rock crackling purple electricity every now and then.

Bee chirps getting the attention of Will.

"Do you know what that is? It doesn't look safe."

"It's Dark Energon." Miko's fingers begin tapping on the wheel anxiously. "Safe is beyond that thing, dictionary! Just welding it makes anyone crazy strong and psychopathic!"

Bee chirps once more.

"Calm down?! We should blow this place to Kingdom come!"

Will places a hand on Miko's shoulder.

"We will. Let's hold out till Ben give it: a say so."

A noise of a portal opening made Will and Miko cocked their head through the rearview mirror. Bee turned the car around, facing the portal.

Soundwave steps out of it, towering over Bee, while the portal closes shut.

Bee opens the doors to the car. The children got out without question as they did this. Bee shifts to his bot form, facing Soundwave.

"Bee?" Miko questioned while Bee took a stance ignoring Miko.

"Stand back!" Will grabs her wrist, getting distance from the giants.

Bee rushes, throwing a series of punches and kicks, only for Soundwave to block and dodge them.

Bee threw a hook, but Soundwave parried, headbutting Bee in the face and causing him to stagger. Soundwave finished it with an uppercut knocking Bee off his feet.

He flew across the platform, coming to a hard landing on the ground, causing Will and Miko's legs to wobble.

"Can you do something?!" Miko questioned as they watched Bee stand to his feet with a glare and his fists ready.

Bee rushes Soundwave once more, fainting a hook to a spinning kick. Soundwave steps back as Bee's heel breeze passes: inches from his chin.

Bee threw fast series of punches while Soundwave re-direct his strikes until giving a strike of his own with Bee's quick footwork: he bobs and weaved: landing a hit.

Soundwave staggered to the side, Bee threw another hook, yet Soundwave caught his arm.

Bee's arm shifts to his blaster in mid-counter, but Soundwave metal tentacle pulls his joint, causing Bee to shoot the ceiling.

Soundwave clocks Bee onto his shoulder and finally onto his back.

"Look after her!" Will gives Miko unconscious Sunny, then rushes to Bee's aid.

He ran a far distance, Will noticed Soundwave tentacles pulling Bee's blaster from him toward Bee's head.

'Come on!' Will's head flexes, but nothing. Bee blaster hums to life as Bee's arm struggles for dominance. 'PLEASE, just this time!!!'

Will's heart raced like the last echo, and a voice appeared.

'I'm sorry.'

Will shifts HighRoller giving a battle cry gaining Soundwave's attention. From the great distance, Soundwave pauses, letting HighRoller leap, landing a strike on him.

Soundwave staggers from Bee's grasp, letting him get some distance.

HighRoller steps back and stands by Bee's side.

"You alright?!"

Bee chirps, shaking his hands until raising his fist.

"You're welcome."

"Impossible." A recorded voice draws their attention to Soundwave landing his screen face to HighRoller. "You're supposed to be dead!!" Starscream recorded voice screams.

HighRoller and Bee ready themselves side by side.

"You're time has come!" Megatron recorded voice said while nine tentacles pour from Soundwave back. "This nightmare will come to an end!" A male recorded voice shouts before Soundwave rushes the two.

A metal Tentacle swipes Bee, but he rolls from the attack.

Soundwave punches HighRoller, but he sidesteps, barely dodging it.

HighRoller continued dodging and blocking his fast as a bullet series of attacks until Soundwave used a tentacle to pull him off his feet. Soundwave metal tentacle planted onto Highroller's face, but Bee steps in clocking, Soundwave in the jaw.

Soundwave quickly recovers before a Metal tentacle drives onto Bee's chest, knocking him off his feet.

Highroller fire a beam while on his back, but Soundwave leans to the right, dodging the beam that hits the glass containment containing the Dark Energon. A blue forcefield protects it.

Soundwave turns to Highroller, unleashing a metal tentacle at him, but Highroller rolls to the side and onto his feet.

"Shit, he's way out of my league!" HighRoller readies himself once more.

Soundwave approaches HighRoller before Bee leaps onto his back, grabbing a hand full of Soundwave's metal tentacles.

This distracted him while HighRoller rushes, striking Soundwave on the cheek. Soundwave backhands Highroller, but Highroller ducks from his attack.

Bee chirps once more before riping all nine from Soundwaves back.

Soundwave staggers to a knee giving HighRoller an opening.

"NOW!!" Miko yells from the top of her lungs while HighRoller rushes him.

Bee chirps urgently, getting to his feet.

As Highroller drew closer.

"Laserbeak eject." Soundwave robotic voice states as a drone-like bird exit from his chest cavity while a red light glows from its red eye before releasing a beam.

Highroller staggered to a stop, but Bee tackled him from his sudden death.

The drone flew past their heads, soaring around the room. HighRoller and Bee stood to their feet, watching the bot until its sight landed on them again, releasing another beam.

HighRoller and Bee roll from each other and onto their feet.

They continued dodging the series of beams, and it went from one to five as time with by, decorating the floors with burnt line marks.

"Bee!" HighRoller shifts into vehicle form, roaring past the beams while Bee fires at the drone.

The drone dodges a few before the last hit its propeller.

"You got it!!" Miko cheered. As the drone spun out of control, heading for the containment of Dark Energon. "OH! NO! NO! NO!" It crashes through the force field, protecting the containment.

An explosion occurs, throwing everyone to the ground while red lights blink. The carrier alarm entered their eardrums.

"Ugh!" HighRoller sits up, dazed. His eyes landed on the glass containment that smashed in. The dark Energon spiked.

Bee comes to his view. He chirps, pulling Highroller to his feet.

"Let's go! Let's go!" Miko shouts, now walking with a conscious Sunny toward Bee that transformed into his vehicle form.

Highroller looks back to Soundwave face first on the ground while his back: hazed purple smoke.

Bee honks his car, horn bringing Highroller back to reality. They rolled out, leaving Soundwave shaking in pain with a clenched fist.


Bee drifts into the hallway with Highroller in vehicle form on his tail. Driving down the shaky hall, four Dita's were currently run down the same hall: oblivious of their arrival.

They slow down, and HighRoller opens the doors.

"Get in!"

"I'm glad you're here!" They all say.

The Dita's got in the car, but one of them rolls across the hood of the Highroller's before entering the driver's seat.

The three Dita's all look at the one on the driver's seat.

"I always wanted to do that!" She shrugs, but the carrier's; strong shaking gathered their attention.

Bee took off with Highroller following right after.

"Any luck?" HighRoller adjusted the volume on his radio.

"Everything went according to plan!" Dita one replied.

"I was nearly squashed into a smoothie!"

" Vilgax founded the teleporter before I blew it up."

"These past few days feel lonely without you." The fourth Dita kiss the backseat of the driver's seat.

"Will?" Dita one blushed at his silence before the rest screamed.

"WALL!!" Highroller drifts into another hall after Bee: inches from smashing into the wall.

He regained control.

"I miss you too." HighRoller spills out, causing the four to blush.

An explosion erupts as purple explosions burst from the doors along the hall; they dodge all of them before making it back to the landing pad.

The sun's rays blind them, their eyes adjust to the blue skies, and the unsettling heat welcomes them.

"So, did the Autobots set you up with this?" Dita three questioned as she threw on her seatbelt anxiously.

Highroller and Bee speed up as the engine roars over the explosion spreading across the ship.

"Uh, Miko, Sunny, and I snuck from the base to get you."

"Seriously?" Dita four questioned. "DO YOU HAVE A DEATH WISH?!" The three Dita's winced from the sudden outburst.

"It's fine now, just following-" They noticed Bee drive off the carrier.

"Did he-?!" Dita three bites her lip, trembling.

"Oh, yeah! Don't slow down!!" Dita two bounce in her seat.

Highroller increases his speed, reaching up to 194mph. The momentum brought the four Dita's against their seats.

"You can't be serious?!" Dita one held on the driver's wheel.

"It's the only way, Ben. Do you have any ideas?" Highroller replied nervously while Dita two laughed like an absolute psychopaths in the background.

"Please, don't! Don't do it!" Dita three closed her eyes as they raced off the platform into open skies.

"HAAAAAAAA!!!" Highroller and the three Dita scream in horror while Dita's two laughter only grow louder.

They heard a massive explosion behind, causing the car to flip.

HighRoller vehicle slowly flips on its hood as they eyed the far distance from the sandy hills. Something loud as if the Earth's gravity pulling something heavy was heard coming right after them.

"PLEASE!! NO!! NO!! NOOOO!!!" Dita three screams her head off while HighRoller's heart tempo increases like a beating drum.

'I'm sorry.' Voices drown his head.


'Would you help me?'

A blind light takes his sight.


Through the eye of Highroller one last time, he floated into a quiet part of space.

Slowly flipping, he noticed his right arm and his legs were gone. Wires spark oil spills into space, floating like a piece of art while his breaths grow dire.

Darkness filled his right eye. He only sees from his left, watching the stars shine so brightly.

He blacked out once before reopening them. One of the stars grew close, blinding his vision before Highroller closed his eye.

"Hello?" A voice states. "Can you hear me?"

Highroller's eye opened to bright light once more shining down on him.

"Excellent." Highroller heard his voice once more. He turned his head to the side, noticing a being like Greymatter, staring daggers back at him. "My name is Azmuth." He touched his chest, introducing himself. "I'm here to help you...but I can do so much." He clears his throat. "Most of your limbs are missing; a few of your components are fried and beaten to mush. I'm sorry."

No emotions were shown on the battered Highroller, yet his eye only shook.

Azmuth continued looking Highroller dead in the eye before pacing around the table, mumbling to himself.

HighRoller watches until he quickly paces himself back to Highroller's head.

"But, there is one way." This gained HighRoller's attention. "I've been working on a project that can host living entity DNA, giving a user access to their capability. It is called the Omnitrix. My current goal is to create an understanding among all organisms across the universe. Some signs of DNA are conscience. I'm only asking, would you help me?"

A bright light blinds him.


Highroller's vision regained while Dita's screams and laughter filled his hearing.

Highroller noticed he was flipping out of control: seeing the carrier is nearly inches from crashing into them and Bee was growing close to the ground.

A ground bridge appears in mid-air, consuming Bee and Highroller.

Highroller tires hit the multi-color ground, following Bee, which remained in the lead.

Bee reaches the end of the tunnel with Highroller after him.

Bee drifts away from the portal into Autobots HQ, coming with a clean stop while HighRoller races out spinning, out of control.


"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Highroller spun until crashing into the side of Max RV and came to a complete stop.

"HAHAHAHAHA, YESSS!!!!" Dita two cheers nonchalantly, giggling.

The other Dita's were frightened to their core.

"Is...everyone alright?" The Dita in the driver's seat questioned, keeping her eyes on the wheel.

"I'm..fine." The fourth Dita shooked.

"Is-is it over?" The third Dita kept her eyes closed.

"Will?" The first Dita questioned.

"Ye-Yeah." Suddenly the airbags activated, hitting Dita one and two while Dita three and four held their face and chest in pain.

"Hey?! Hey?! Everyone fine?!" Jack cries out, making it to the driver's window.

Everyone raced over to the crash as Ralph and Jack helped the Dita's out.

"I'm never going to get kidnapped again." The first Dita states before all four merge, and the Omnitrix times out.

Benita groans before Ralph helps her.

Highroller shifts back to Will on his back, panting like he was running out of air.

"Will?!" Gwen raced to his aid with Max behind her.

Gwen noticed his dead veins covered his face, his good eye nearly on the brink of becoming blind. Will clawed at his throat while a few tears rained from his eyes.

"Will?! PLEASE, don't do this to me!!!" She screamed.

"Out of the way, Gwen, give him some air." Max pulled her back as they watched Will squirm.

"Ratchet!" Optimus called, watching Ratchet grabbing something.

"I'm already on it, Optimus!" Ratchet called.

Gwen whips out the Charmcaster spellbook, quickly flipping through the pages, pouring tears.

"You're not dying on me!!!" Gwen roared until finally, she came to a stop. "Per tactum Dei da illi sanitatem!"

She reaches her hand out as a pink orb shoots from Gwen's palm and towards Will.

The orb attached a stream of light to Will while hovering by his side; His sickly veins disappeared while his brown eye shifted back to live.

Will quickly sat up, taking as much air as he coughs up a storm.

"IDIOT!!!" Gwen trembles and this gets Will's attention. "You snuck out of this haven to get yourself killed again!! DO YOU HAVE FUCKING DEATH WISH!!!"

Will's eyes widened as Gwen slowly approached Will as a pink firey aura oozed out of her.

"Wo-Woah! Wait-" Will back up until his back hits the RV. "Gwen!?"

"Gwen, my ASS!!! The more you use that power of yours! You ignored ALL LOGIC TRYING TO PLAY ''THE HERO''!!!" Tears rained from Gwen's eyes before glowing pink while her voice echos the room. "AND WE'VE BEEN OVER THIS!!!"

Gwen crouched in front of Will, causing him to hide behind his arms in fear.

"Look at me!" Will hissed. " LOOK AT ME!!!" Will slowly pulled his arms from his eyes, seeing Gwen's lips shaking and her aura and glow disappear. "I've found...a healing spell." Her voice shook as She wiped her tears before falling to her knees. "If you didn't sneak out like that...this wouldn't have happened." She breaks out into a sobbed as Will look at everyone behind her.

The Autobots and Max gave Will a firm gaze while Jack, Miko, and Ralph gave embarrassed looks.

"If you want someone to blame, that would be me." Everyone turns to Sunny, standing to her feet with a grunt. "I convinced him to come along because just with me protecting Miko will put her at risk. Why not increase the chance?"

"A broken arm with a broken arm doesn't fix a broken arm." Acree comments.

"What makes you think of taking Miko up there?!" Bulkhead argues.

Miko goes to open her mouth, but Sunny, continued.

"Do I really have to answer that?" Sunny raised a brow, causing Bulkhead to growl.

"No, Bulkhead." Optimus voice calmed Bulkhead down while Optimus land eyes on Sunny, looking indifferent.

"I don't know, what your past is, but I will not allow you to bring risk to my family. I must ask you to leave." Will staggered.

"Is that right?" Sunny questioned Optimus firmly, gazing back at her.

"NO!" Will stood to his feet, feeling refreshed. "If you throwing her out, I'm leaving too!" Everyone gazed in shock. Even Sunny.


"No!" Will cut Optimus off. "She has been a thorn in my side ever since we met, but these past few days. Sunny's changing for the better! It may not seem like it, but if Me standing telling you any of this, tell you something. I'm leaving if you throw her out!"

"Me too." Benita stood by Will's side.

"I am too." Max stood behind Will and Benita, placing a hand on their shoulders.

Gwen hesitates before standing to her feet with dry eyes, siding with her family.

Optimus silently stared at the family before opening his mouth.

"The Forever Knights-"

"We have it covered." Benita crosses her arms. "I got their location in here." She points to her head.

Optimus continued staring before answering.

"Old Friend."

"Yes, Optimus?" Ratchet questioned.

"Open the ground bridge to their previous location where we got them." The Autobots and the humans with them staggered at Optimus order.

"Yes, Optimus." Ratchet hesitantly begin activating the ground bridge.

"Jack, give them the devices." Optimus orders while Jack approaches them with a small case: revealing the buds Will, Gwen and Sunny used during the encounter with Ghostfreak. "Think of this as a gift from us."

"Yeah, no hard feelings" Max nods."Everyone in the RV." The children then entered the RV leaving Will last.

He looks back at them before closing it.

Sorry about the wait. It's been hard these few month, I'm trying catch up everything I miss.

Please enjoy!

Kghost2015creators' thoughts