
Ben 10: Earth's Mightiest Heroes

Ben is sent to the world of Earth's Mightiest Heroes! With political and cosmic danger on the rise, it's up to Ben and the Marvel heroes to set things straight. | (Ben 10xAvengers EMH/Marvel) | Patreon.com/Firestorm808 | Discord Server: discord.gg/2uP8ka2

Firestorm808 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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27 Chs

The Future is Now

Captain America's eyes fluttered open, the sunlight piercing through the thin veil of his eyelids. He was lying on the ground, and his senses sharpened. He could hear the rhythmic sound of waves crashing nearby. Confusion washed over him as he blinked away the disorientation, trying to understand how he had gotten here.

He first noticed the sky, an expanse of blue dotted with fluffy white clouds. Then, soft voices drew his attention to a couple sitting a few feet away on a weathered blanket. Their backs turned to him. They were an older pair, their faces creased with age. The man was tall, his hair a mix of silver and white, while the woman had short, curly hair the color of autumn leaves, her eyes sparkling like emeralds.

They were whispering. The man noticed Captain America's movement first and gently nudged his partner. Both turned to face him, their expressions shifting from mild curiosity to concern.

"Are you alright, son?" the man asked, his voice steady, with a hint of a Canadian accent.

Captain America pushed himself onto his elbows, feeling the grains of sand beneath his fingers. "I... I'm not sure," he replied, his voice rough from disuse. He glanced around, trying to make sense of his surroundings. "Where am I?"

The woman offered a kind smile. "You're on a beach near Vancouver Island. We found you washed up on the shore a little while ago. Do you remember how you got here?"

His mind raced, fragments of memories flashing through his head—an icy plunge, darkness, a feeling of being trapped. "I was... on a mission. How long was I out?"

The couple exchanged a glance, and the man gave a slight shrug. "It's hard to say. When we found you, you were frozen solid, but you started to thaw out pretty quickly in the sun. We thought you were dead until you started breathing. You're more sturdier than I thought. We were just about to call for help when you woke up."

Captain America looked down at himself, noticing his uniform and shield lying nearby, half-buried in the sand. He reached for it instinctively, feeling a sense of grounding as his fingers wrapped around the familiar metal.

"What's your name?" the woman asked gently, sensing his turmoil.

"Steve," he replied after a moment. "Steve Rogers. But most people know me as Captain America." His status as America's poster boy wasn't exactly a secret. 

Recognition dawned on their faces, and the man nodded slowly. "Well, Steve, you've certainly been through quite an ordeal. Let's get you dried up, and we'll help you figure out what to do next."

Captain America managed a grateful smile, still trying to process everything. "Thank you... for finding me."

The woman patted his shoulder reassuringly. "You're welcome, Steve. You're safe now. We'll make sure of it."


Nathan and Donna guided Captain America away from the beach, each holding one of his arms to steady him as they walked up a gentle slope covered in wildflowers. The sun's warmth was soothing, but Steve Rogers' mind was still racing, trying to reconcile what happened to him.

"Thank you," he said quietly, looking from Nathan to Donna. "I appreciate your help. It's all a bit... overwhelming."

Nathan gave him a reassuring nod. "It's the least we can do, Steve. We're just glad we found you when we did."

With her warm smile, Donna added, "You must have been through a lot. Let's get you inside and make sure you're alright."

As they crested the hill, a quaint cottage came into view. Nestled among the trees, it had a small garden out front. It was a charming, rustic home that radiated hospitality.

Nathan led the way to the front door, opening it to reveal a cozy interior with wooden floors, comfortable furniture, and an array of family photos adorning the walls.

"Welcome to our home," Donna said, gesturing for Steve to sit on a plush sofa. "I'm Donna, by the way, and this is my husband, Nathan."

Steve sat down, feeling the softness of the cushions against his back. "Thank you, Donna and Nathan. I don't know how to repay you for your kindness."

Nathan waved off the comment with a smile. "No need to worry about that now. Let's focus on getting you settled and figuring out what's next."

Donna disappeared into the kitchen momentarily, returning with a steaming cup of tea and a plate of sandwiches. She placed them on the coffee table in front of Steve. "Here, have something to eat. You must be starving."

Steve realized how hungry he was as he reached for a sandwich. He sipped the tea, savoring its warmth.

"So, Steve," Nathan began, sitting opposite him, "what do you remember doing before you woke up here?"

Steve hesitated, the question bringing a flood of memories. "The last thing I remember was the war. Is it still going on? I have to report to the General.

"The couple looked at each other before answering. "If you're talking about World War 2, it's over, son. It's been over for a while."

"What? It couldn't have been that long. I was on a mission. There was a rocket, and then I hit the ocean. Everything went dark."

Nathan and Donna exchanged a look, their expressions a mix of sympathy and surprise.

"Steve," Donna said gently, "I'm not sure how to break this easier, but it's 2010."

Steve went still. "That can't..."

"You've been... asleep for a very long time."

Steve felt a lump form in his throat as he processed the information. Sixty-five years. Almost a lifetime. He looked around the room, taking in the modern touches mingled with the rustic charm. It was a different world, yet somehow, the kindness of these strangers made it feel less alien.

"I understand that it might sound unbelievable." Nathan scratched his head. "Frankly, I'm unsure how else to prove it to you. We have some newspapers, but I suppose a trip to town would be more convincing.

"I see," he said slowly, trying to keep his composure. 

"How about we do that after getting some food in you and a night's rest."

"I'd like that... Thank you. "

Nathan leaned forward, his voice steady and comforting. "Don't worry. We'll help you however we can. You're welcome to stay here as long as you need."

Tears pricked at the corners of Steve's eyes, and he blinked them away, so many things possibly left behind left unsaid. "I don't know what to say."

Donna reached out and placed a hand on his. "You don't need to say anything, Steve. We'll take it one step at a time together."

Days Later

The small town near Nathan and Donna's home was a picturesque snapshot of rural life. Quaint shops lined the main street, colorful awnings fluttering in the gentle breeze. The air was filled with the scent of fresh pine. As they walked through the town, Steve Rogers, dressed in Nathan's old flannel shirt and jeans, tried to absorb the reality of his new era.

Nathan and Donna led the way, their pace leisurely. Steve felt strange emotions at the subtle yet profound changes that had shaped the world during his absence. Nathan glanced over at Steve, noticing how his eyes scanned everything, absorbing details.

"How are you holding up, Steve?" Nathan asked gently, his tone filled with genuine concern.

Steve managed a small smile. "It's a lot to take in. Everything's familiar but different." A Honda Civic drove past them. 'I imagined that Stark's flying cars would have taken off by now.' "I appreciate you both showing me around."

Donna pointed to a charming little diner on the corner. "That place has the best coffee in town. Thought we could start there, get you a taste of 2010's finest brew."

They entered the diner and were greeted by the friendly chime of a bell above the door. The interior was cozy with checkered tablecloths. The waitress, a cheerful woman in her mid-fifties, welcomed them warmly and led them to a booth by the window.

As they sat down, Steve took in the bustling atmosphere. People chatted animatedly, some tapping away on small, rectangular devices that he quickly learned were called smartphones. The technology fascinated him, a far cry from his time's rotary phones and radios.

Nathan ordered coffee for all three of them, and soon, the waitress returned with steaming mugs.

Steve took a sip, savoring the rich, robust flavor. "This is good," he admitted, a genuine smile spreading.

Donna chuckled. "Told you. Some things get better with time."

They spent the next hour walking through the town, stopping at various shops and points of interest. At the bookstore, Steve marveled at the sheer number of titles available, many covering events he had missed. Nathan explained some significant historical moments while Donna pointed out the latest bestsellers.

They watched children play on swings at the park, and couples stroll hand-in-hand. The simplicity brought a sense of peace to Steve's mind. 

Weeks Later

A few weeks passed in the cozy warmth of Nathan and Donna's home. Steve Rogers, gradually acclimating to the modern world, found solace in the peaceful surroundings. He spent his days helping Nathan with chores around the house, learning more about the changes in the world, and occasionally catching glimpses of news broadcasts that hinted at a world still in need of heroes. Hearing about major metahuman breakouts across the globe seemed to cement choice. Seeing the mugshot and name Baron Heinrich Zemo across the TV on the list of most wanted almost made him shatter his mug.

The following day, Steve decided it was time to move on. He knew he couldn't impose on Nathan and Donna forever, and there was a pull inside him to find his place in this new era. After breakfast, he approached Nathan and Donna, sitting on the porch, enjoying their coffee.

"Nathan, Donna," he began, his voice steady. "I want to thank you for everything you've done for me, but I think it's time for me to go."

Donna looked up. "We knew this day would come, Steve. You're not just a soldier but also a good man. From what the news has been lately, the world needs you."

Nathan nodded in agreement. "Do you have a plan?"

Steve nodded, adjusting the straps of the sturdy backpack Nathan had given him. "I'm going to head south and return to the United States. There's unfinished business with an old enemy. I'm not sure how the government will react when they see me. Maybe I'll meet those Avengers."

Donna stood up and embraced him. "Take care of yourself, Steve. And remember, you always have a home here with us."

Nathan shook Steve's hand firmly, then pulled him into a brief, heartfelt hug. "Stay safe out there, and don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything." They helped Steve get a basic satellite phone with only calling available. His odd jobs around town helped him earn enough cash for the journey.

With his shield in a knapsack, Steve set off down the winding road that led away from the cottage. 

The Next Morning

Nathan and Donna sat at their kitchen table, the warmth of the early sun filtering through the lace curtains. The remnants of breakfast lay on the table. Now that they were alone and secured, they pressed a button on their watches, revealing the actual forms of Nathaniel Richards, aka Kang, and Queen Ravonna Renslayer.

Kang leaned back in his chair, a thoughtful expression on his face. "The first phase is complete."

Ravonna sipped her coffee, a serene smile playing on her lips. "This was much more enjoyable than we anticipated."

"The adjustments we've made to the timestream seem to be integrating well," Nathaniel said. Steve is on his way to the US. If my calculations are correct, he will meet with an old friend."

Ravonna nodded. "Despite his involvement in destroying humanity, he's a kind young man, just as history said." She set her cup down and reached across the table to take Nathaniel's hand. "I must say, this rural home, this era… it's a wonderful respite from the constant chaos of our Empire Flagship. There's something about it that soothes the soul."

Nathaniel smiled, squeezing her hand gently. "Steve Rogers would make a fine soldier in my empire, but that's not what he needs to be right now. In any case, I can agree with the atmosphere. It makes me forget about the wasteland from which I had to bring humanity. The silence here isn't oppressive; it's tranquil. I've found it… grounding."

Ravonna's gaze wandered to the window, where the garden they had tended together bloomed vibrantly. "Do you think we'll ever grow tired of this simplicity?"

Nathaniel followed her gaze, his expression thoughtful. "Time has a way of making even the most extraordinary things feel ordinary. But this place, this life we've carved out for ourselves—it's a rare kind of ordinary. One that's filled with small, meaningful moments."

Ravonna looked back at him, her eyes filled with affection. "I cherish these moments with you, Nathaniel. Whether tending the garden, watching the sunrise, or simply sharing a meal. It's a different adventure I wouldn't trade for anything."

Nathaniel's smile widened, and he leaned forward to kiss her hand. "Nor would I, Ravonna. I suppose you are right in some way. This feels like a home, and I will do anything to ensure our future continues."

They sat in comfortable silence for a few moments, savoring the peace. The sound of birds chirping outside and the distant hum of the ocean waves filled the air.

"Do you think Steve will be alright?" Ravonna asked softly, her concern for the man evident.

"He'll be fine," Nathaniel replied. "Besides the implants, we have a scouting team behind him."

Ravonna nodded, reassured. "Now that Steve is on his own, I suppose it's time for us to return to our ship."

Nathaniel stood, pulling her to her feet and into a warm embrace. "Well, there's no need to rush. Steve left the cottage a few days ahead of our estimates."

Ravonna giggled and dragged the man to the couch to relax.


Steve traversed Canada with a mix of hitchhiking and walking. Nights were spent under the stars, the crackling of campfires comforting. His funds were better spent on food than lodging. Time in the military gave him sufficient survival skills in the wilderness. He passed through small towns and bustling cities, meeting people kind enough to offer directions, a warm meal, or a resting place. He worked odd jobs, helped a local farmer with his harvest, and even lent a hand at a community center.

He encountered travelers, and each conversation added a piece to the puzzle of this new world. Soon, he would know that the world was still as strange as it used to be.


The small town of Elkford was quiet. Its residents went about their daily lives, enjoying the peaceful ambiance surrounding them. Steve Rogers walked through in a simple flannel shirt and jeans. As he strolled down the main street, he noticed the friendly faces of the townspeople. Children played in the park, and shopkeepers chatted with customers. 

Suddenly, a blood-curdling roar shattered the tranquility. Steve's senses went on high alert as he turned to see a massive white beast tearing through the town, its fury unleashed upon everything in its path. Cars were overturned, windows shattered, and people screamed in terror as the beast rampaged.

Instinctively, Steve sprang into action. He dashed toward a group of children frozen in fear near the park, scooping them up and carrying them to safety behind a sturdy brick wall. "Stay here, stay low," he instructed, calm but authoritative. Turning back to face the chaos, he saw a group of figures emerging from the treeline.

The first had a primal appearance. He stood over 6' with a heavily muscled physique. His most distinguishing feature was his wild, mane-like blond hair and sideburns, giving him a distinctly feral look. He wore a tan and black bodysuit with fur accents.

The second was covered in a red and black full-body suit with black patches around his eyes, sides, and shoulders. Only his white, expressive eyes were visible, conveying a surprising range of emotions despite the lack of a visible mouth or eyebrows. He had katanas strapped to his back, various firearms, and an assortment of grenades and pouches. 

The third also had a towering figure with a monstrous physique. His skin was unnaturally pale, contrasting starkly with his long, flowing blond hair. His costume was primarily red with silver accents, including a prominent red chest harness and shoulder pads that add to his intimidating presence. The most distinctive feature was the retractable carbonadium tentacles from his wrists. 

The last was a tall, slender woman with an athletic build. Her most recognizable feature was her extendable, razor-sharp adamantium fingernails. Her costume resembled traditional Japanese attire with modern combat gear. Her long, dark hair flowed freely, styled in a high ponytail.

"Out of the way!" Sabretooth growled, his eyes gleaming with predatory excitement. He lunged at the Wendigo, claws extended, while Deadpool fired his guns recklessly, bullets ricocheting off walls and cars.

Omega Red unleashed his lethal carbonadium coils, lashing out at the beast, while Lady Deathstrike's adamantium claws sliced through the air. The Wendigo roared in pain, its attacks becoming more frenzied as it fought back against its attackers. Cars overturned, and walls came crumbling down.

Steve moved swiftly, focused on protecting the townspeople. He guided a panicked couple out of the line of fire, then shielded a group of elderly residents with his own body from an explosion, ushering them into the safety of a nearby building. "Stay inside and keep away from the windows," he ordered.

As Steve rushed back into the fray, Deadpool's distinctive voice rang out above the chaos. "Hey, ugly! Over here!" Deadpool paused mid-shootout to strike a dramatic pose, then resumed firing with gusto.

Steve managed a tight smile despite the situation. He needed to draw the Wendigo away from the civilians. He grabbed a piece of rubble and hurled it at the beast, shouting to get its attention. "Over here, you big brute!"

The Wendigo turned its blood-red eyes toward Steve, growling menacingly. It charged at him, and Steve braced himself, ready to dodge at the last second. Just as the creature reached him, he rolled to the side, causing the Wendigo to crash into a parked truck, buying precious seconds for more townspeople to escape.

Weapon X continued their assault, keeping the Wendigo occupied, but their collateral damage was immense. Buildings crumbled, and the town square was left in ruins.

Deadpool somersaulted off a rooftop, landing beside Steve. "Nice move, dude! You should consider a career in monster baiting. It's all the rage."

Steve shot him a look. "I don't know who you are. Just focus on taking that thing down without hurting anyone else."

"Aw, you do care!" Deadpool responded with mock affection. "Don't worry, I'm a professional. Sort of."

His eyes gleamed with predatory excitement. Sabretooth growled, "Time to bring this beast down." His claws extended, and he lunged at the Wendigo, slashing at its thick fur and drawing first blood. The Wendigo howled in pain and fury, swiping back with its massive paws.

Deadpool, perched on a nearby rooftop, fired his guns with reckless abandon. "Hey! Have you ever considered therapy? It's great for anger issues!" His bullets peppered the Wendigo's hide, causing little more than irritation to the giant creature. "Come on, big guy, just take a little tranquilizer nap, and we can all go home!"

Omega Red moved in with deadly precision, his carbonadium coils extending and wrapping around the Wendigo's limbs. "Hold still, beast," he hissed, his grip tightening. The Wendigo thrashed, pulling Omega Red off his feet and slamming him into a wall, but the Russian mutant held on, his eyes filled with cold determination.

Lady Deathstrike darted in with lightning speed, her adamantium claws slicing through the Wendigo's flesh. "We need to weaken it," she called out, dodging a swipe from the creature and countering with a slash of her own. Her claws aimed at vital points. Passing out from blood loss was also on the table. 

The Wendigo roared, driven into a frenzy by the relentless assault. It lashed out wildly, its powerful blows sending Sabretooth flying into a parked car, crumpling the metal like paper. Sabretooth shook it off with a snarl, leaping back into the fray. "You're gonna pay for that, furball!"

Deadpool somersaulted off the rooftop, landing beside Omega Red. "Need a hand, comrade?" he quipped, slicing at the Wendigo's tendons with his katana. "Or maybe a coil? Those things are nifty!"

Omega Red grunted, tightening his grip. "Just keep it distracted."

Lady Deathstrike seized the opportunity, her claws flashing as she attacked the Wendigo's arms. The beast howled, its movements growing more sluggish as blood poured from its wounds. "It's slowing down," she said, her eyes narrowing. "We're close."

The Wendigo, sensing its impending defeat, let out a final, desperate roar and lashed out with a ferocity born of survival instinct. It broke free from Omega Red's coils and charged through the town square, scattering debris in its wake. The beast crashed through a line of trees, retreating into the dense forest that bordered the town.

"It's getting away!" Sabretooth roared, shaking off the remnants of the car he had been thrown into.

Deadpool turned to the others, his eyes gleaming behind his mask. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go, X-Force!" He took off after the Wendigo, his swords at the ready.

"Not our name!"

Omega Red and Lady Deathstrike followed close behind, their eyes locked on the retreating form of the Wendigo. "This isn't over," Omega Red muttered, his coils retracting as he ran. "Not by a long shot."

The four mutants plunged into the forest, their pursuit relentless. Should Weapon X have killed everyone to get rid of witnesses? Maybe, but they weren't explicitly told to do that. They just needed to catch the Wendigo. In any case, they were sure Department H would get involved and commence phase 2. 

Breathing heavily, Steve looked around at the devastation. The town was in ruins, but miraculously, there were few fatalities. He had managed to protect the townspeople from the worst of the chaos. As he helped a group of firefighters extinguish a burning building, the townspeople emerged from their hiding places with gratitude and relief evident on their faces.

One of the town's elders approached Steve, her eyes filled with tears. "Thank you, young man. You saved us all."

Steve nodded, his expression solemn. "Just doing what I could. Ensure everyone gets to safety and that the injured are cared for." Despite better judgment, he promised to follow them and stop the creature after he tended to the people.

A/N: Special thanks to Jebest4781, Charles, vividlearner744, and Seana!

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