Well, it's been a couple more years, I'm now sixteen, and I believe that this year, is the year the 'plot' officially starts! Last month Grandpa Max started talking to us about a summer road trip, though I think Penn thinks that it'll just be the three of us on the trip, because she kept smiling like an idiot, I think she's just happy to not have to spend a summer with Gwen this year.
But, anyways, Penn, and I are currently in our last class for the day, History, and she looks bored as all hell, she even started making a paper airplane to through at our teacher. And, if I'm right Vilgax is chasing Xylene towards Earth right now trying to get the Omnitrix.
"Penn, don't throw that." I might as well try to stop her from getting in trouble on the last day of school, after all I've been working hard these last couple years to make sure that she didn't act like Ben.
"*Sighs* Fine, Nico." She may think that I'm no fun, but every time I ask her not to do something that could get her in trouble she always listens to me, unlike when someone else tells her to, then she just mocks them. I wonder why I'm special, is it because I'm technically her brother?
Oh, it's almost time for us to leave, judging by the clock in the room, I may find some of my classes interesting, but history is not one of them. So, even if I am just as bored as Penn, I at least know how much fun we're going to have over the summer.
"And, I just want to remind you all, that I'll be teaching summer school this year, and it's not too late to sign up." The teacher said while looking directly at Penn. I may help her study, but every time she gets this dazed look in her eyes while staring at me, it's pretty strange. So, on average she gets mainly a C+ in her classes with my help, which is still better than failing, but I know she can do better.
"Yeah, right!" Penn said at the implication from the teacher, she's been really excited about this trip, meaning she won't have anything stop her from us going on that trip together.
As the clock ticked down the final seconds of the school day it finally came, the final bell of the day, signaling the end of school. "Yes! Come on, Nico, we are out of here!"
Penn grabbed my hand and pulled me along to the class's door, oh, I just realized I forgot to describe how we both look now that we're older!
With me, I look pretty similar to Kevin, but not in the way you would think, for one, I'm not as tall as Kevin's height of six feet (183 centimeters) but I can't figure out why, I'm 5'7 (170 centimeters) by the way. Maybe, it has to do with me being a demigod? Though that depends on if demigods are supposed to look young and have more compressed muscles.
I say this because I look more like how Kevin was at the start of Ben 10, except taller and a bit more filled out. And, no matter how much I work out in either of my extracurriculars I can never gain more muscle, though I can feel that my body is stronger than it looks. Oh, I should mention that the extracurriculars I'm in are the soccer team and karate club, because Penn, and Gwen wanted me to take part in their activities, and I wasn't going to deny having fun with them.
Wait, fuck, I'm getting off-topic here, I should keep describing my looks. My skin is still a bit darker than Kevin's pale complexion, my hair is black just like his, but my eyes are as red as rubies, kind of like moms, maybe it's a family trait? I also, mostly, wear a red shirt, and a black sleeveless jacket, because it's become a habit of mine to just cut the sleeves off of my jackets and shirts.
Penn, still has the same brown hair, and emerald green eyes, that Ben had. I even gave her a green jacket that's almost exactly like the one Ben had in Alien Force and Ultimate Alien for her last birthday, since it just fits her style pretty damn well. I should also mention that she's a bit shorter than me, 5'5 (165 centimeters).
"Normally, we'd take your money, and beat you up." Oh, for fuck's sake, Cash! Why does your dumbass have to follow the same plot line of bullying a fat kid with glasses? "But, since it's the last day of school, we're going to give you a break, now fork over the cash so we can get out of here!"
Cash Murray, the vertical Stewie head looking motherfucker, and his glasses wearing lacky JT, I've been beating the shit out of them every time they tried to bully someone over the years, and yet they never learn their lesson and keep doing the same bullshit over and over again. Like seriously we are in high school, and they still treat others like we're back in elementary, do they have any brain cells?!
"Cash, leave him alone, before you get another ass whooping!" Like hell, I'm going to let them bully someone on the last day of school, even if I do just want to get this summer started, I'll be damned before I let an innocent person get pushed around for no reason!
"O-oh, looks like we got ourselves a hero. Suppose w-we don't want to back off." He started as he grabbed his left arm, which I may or may not have broken at one point when he tried to bully Penn. And, that was after several beatings that I already dished out to him.
"Listen, I don't have all day, so either leave, or I can turn your family jewels into paste, your call." I said as I walked towards them, Penn at my side ready to back me up if needed, but compared to what we'll have to deal with these guys are just a pebble on the road.
JT grabbed his crotch as he slowly backed away, after the first couple times he knew that when I was in a hurry, or when I was serious, that the beating would be far worse than what I let on. Let it be known that JT here is the one with the brain cell between the two most times.
"C-Cash, maybe we should just leave? I don't want to be sent to the hospital again..." Some would say I'm cruel, but these two did deserve to go to the hospital last time, since they thought it would be a good idea to hit on Lucy, who actually managed to get her parents to move here a few years back.
Though, I still can't for the life of me figure out why it angered me so much to see someone try to get with her to the point that I was fully willing to send people to the hospital. Maybe I'm just really protective of those I consider family, who knows? But, Lucy did seem happy that I was willing to do that, so I guess I did good there.
"I-I-.... Well, fine! It's your lucky day Tennyson's, we'll leave this kid alone, but next time you won't be so lucky!" Says the idiot whose backing away with his hands over his crotch just like his smarter friend.
"Yeah, yeah, keep telling yourselves that. Now, you get out of here too kid, and make sure to enjoy your summer, it feels like it's going to be a good one this year!" I said the first part shooing off the two idiots, the second was to the guy that they were trying to make their latest victim today.
"It's still shocking that you haven't been expelled in all these years, Nico?" Well it's simple my dear, Penn! They literally can't expel me even if they tried to, 'cause I make sure to give evidence that I had a reason to fight them by defending others, I ace all of my classes, even the ones I don't like, and I'm one of the two best players on the soccer team, the max they can do is suspend me for a week or two.
"That's because I know how to cover all my bases, Penn." Sure, my main priority is to enjoy my life to the fullest, but that doesn't mean I can't be cautious too. I don't want to be the first sibling out of my family to be a complete dumbass and get fucked over just because I broke a dudes arm in several places.
I started to hear the sound of an engine come in our direction, it's either Grandpa Max, or someone coming to grab their kids up from school. I didn't have to wait long to figure out what the answer was as I saw the Rust Bucket pull up.
"Come on you two, let's go! We're burning daylight, I want to make it to the campsite by nightfall!" Finally, the words I have been waiting years to hear. We are officially at the start of the series, and soon the Omnitrix will come down to Earth to be found.
Penn, and I quickly headed to the Rust Bucket, I've only been in it a very few amounts of times, so getting to spend the summer in it is going to be awesome! Before we could open the door to it, it suddenly opened on its own, and on the other side was my favorite blonde.
"Lucy! Hell yeah, this trip just got better!" I know for a fact that Gwen is in there too, so having all three of my favorite girls with us on the trip is a win in my book. Though, Penn, kind of looks unhappy, did she just want it to be me, her, and Max this summer?
"NICO!" Lucy practically screamed as she tackle hugged my, gods damn, what is with these girls and tackling me with a hug? After Gwen first did it, it's become another form of greeting for them.
"Oof!" Shit, with Gwen, and Penn it's easier to not get knocked to the ground these days, but because Lucy insisted on making herself the tallest out of the four of us, it's much harder to keep myself up right when she tackles me.
I guess this is when I should describe her looks. I'll start off with her height, she's a staggering 6'3 (190 centimeters), and every time she hugs me it feels like she purposefully shoves my face into her chest. I think she does it just to tease me, since she seems to refuse to prank me directly like everyone else that crosses her path.
Her hair is obviously blonde, though it turns out she can change it whenever she wants, her eyes are a nice shade of purple that reminds me of an amethyst. And, her outfit is pretty similar to her Omniverse counterpart, which is also my doing, since it does look good on her.
"Lucy, get off of, Nico, he doesn't need your oversized utters on him!" Yelled Gwen from the Rust Bucket, ever since Lucy's breast grew, she's been sour around her more often than you would think. Especially when Lucy hugs me, what's wrong with us hugging?
Gwen is the same height as Penn, and other than their eyes those are the few traits they have in common as far as I'm aware. Her red hair has always been a nice contrast from her emerald green eyes.
Her outfit is also rather similar to her original one, just with the cat symbol being a blue belt buckel that I gave her last year. She also wears a black choker that originally was a gift that Lucy thought me giving her would be a good prank, but she refuses to ever take it off.
And, although she's looking at Lucy with an angry face, while she tries to pull the blonde off of me, all I can see is her smiling face, because whenever she's around me, alone, she practically always has a smile. It's probably going to take a bit before we can officially get on the road to start the trip.
(Time Skip, brought to you by, all Penn's aliens being Chaquetrix one's, this is not a joke, it's a warning)
We did finally get onto the road, not without there being an argument on sleeping arrangements, why did the girls all want to be in the same bed as me? Is it because I'm basically a walking talking air conditioner?
At the moment the four of us were sitting at the table, Gwen on the seat closest to the door with me next to her, with Lucy, and Penn across from us. And, Grandpa Max was at the wheel driving, obviously, because out of the five us only two have their licenses, Max and Lucy, who actually did pretty damn well in her driving lessons.
"I can't believe it, I wait all school year to go on this trip with, Nico, and now you two jerks are along for the ride." No matter what I do, I just can't seem to get these three to just get along, it's like their competing for something and they all refuse to give it up to the other.
"Hey! I had mine and Nico's vacation already planned out too ya know. Each activity is color coded, so we never would do the same thing two days in a row." Gwen said, while holding up a schedule, wait, why did she mention me in that? "Now I'm stuck with the tomboy geek, and the blonde bimbo going camping for three months." But, Lucy isn't a bimbo, she's the top of her class?
"Pfft- Nico, would've chosen my plans over yours any day shrimp!" Okay, why are all their plans involving me in them? I am so confused, geez, I hope this summer isn't like this the entire three months, I just want us all to get along!