


Hashio_ · Fantaisie
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19 Chs

Live long, Die Quickly

"Everyone relax…" Joe called out seeing the tension filled faces of the people around him, especially that of the newcomers.

"As far as I know, it won't be happening anytime soon since the very first one appeared only two weeks ago,"

Hearing joe's words, Fred visibly paled while Gary took a deep breath of relief. Even Aran couldn't help but relax a little.

"With more time, I can consider other options. Just because the doctor can't fix my arm doesn't mean there aren't other doctors that would be able to," Aran thought, watching Joe draw his arm closer to disinfect the visible wounds, and bandage it tightly.

"You mostly have about a day to decide. The rate of infection is still very high," Joe warned, putting down the rest of the bandages he had in his hand on the table.

The moment he was done dressing Aran's arm, he led him to the inner room with one of Greta's men following with a gun behind them. Joe instructed Aran to take his clothes off for inspection, which he did.

Meanwhile, Fred now had a sick parlour to his skin.

"Are you alright?" Gary asked, noticing the nervous movements and sick expression Fred now had on his face.

"I'm alright," Fred replied without glancing at Gary, concentrating completely on the door of the room Joe and Aran had gone into.

Finally, after about five minutes, Joe came out with a soft smile on his face and Aran walking behind him with a grumpy expression.

"He's zombie free," Joe announced in a loud voice looking at Greta as he did, who simply nodded before facing the remaining two.

"Fred, right? You're up next…" Joe pointed out when he noticed that the big guy's mind was somewhere else.


"Fred? It's your turn," Gary said, shaking his right arm as he did so, noting the impatient aura the doctor seemed to have, double in size.

"Arrgh…sorry, my mind was somewhere else," Fred apologized right before he slowly began to step forward.

"What? Is a big guy like you scared of needles or something?" Joe openly teased with a horrified expression,

"Needles? What…"

"I can go first," Gary said stepping forward at the same time as Fred.

"No…" Joe and Fred yelled, at the same time to stop him from walking further.

"I need to get this over with," Fred thought, taking more steps closer to Joe.

"Something's fishy about him," Joe thought prepared to tell one of Greta's guys to get the bag he had on him before they entered when suddenly a loud blaring siren went off.

Instantly, everyone there but Fred, Aran and Gary had a horrified expression on their face including Joe who ran outside along with the rest, the second they heard it, with Fred, Gary and Aran running out after them.

"What's going on?" Gary yelled, in a clearly apprehensive tone, running after Fred with Aran behind him.

"How am I supposed to know?" Aran asked with a confused look on his face.

"He wasn't asking you," Fred replied.

"Nor you, cause it's obvious that you also have no idea," Aran fired back with a smug smile on his face, until he got outside, being the last to step outside amidst the sounds of a blaring alarm.

He stepped out, looking up in the same direction as everyone one else when he saw a huge black floating sign in the sky. 

{Level 2}

"This cannot be happening right now," He thought with dread in his eyes but before he could even think any further, a large transparent screen appeared directly in front of him and everyone there.

{The Apocalypse is here}

Group mission- minimum number of kills required per person in a group(20)

Bonus mission- Find a star sign.

Region- Albany. 

Highest number of Kills wins.

Would you like to participate 



Duration: 1 hour


For half a second, Aran considered picking the no option and simply running away but the second he looked up, he understood that he couldn't.

"You picked yes right?" Gary asked Aran, having already clicked yes, seeing as how picking no would instantly get them killed, going as far as to make them clear targets for other people's kill score since the strange system didn't differentiate between humans and Zombies.

"Of course," was Aran's instant reply as he instantly did so, seeing as how Fred and Gary had already chosen.

"That's good cause I heard people whispering that any time the strange screen pops up, we only get a couple of seconds before it disappears which isn't a good thing," Gary warned, and Aran was still listening to him when he again saw a different screen which he alone could see pop up in front of him.

It had also popped up in front of others as he watched them staring intently at the empty space in front of them but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't see any trace of it.

{Group Mission would start in twenty minutes}

Available groups 

Silver Mansion group(17+you)

Underground basement group (22)

Bikers bar group( 10)

School group( 54)

Health center( 6)




The more Aran stared at his screen the more fear grew in his heart as he suddenly became aware that the screen was practically making each of their locations known. 

"HEY!" a loud voice suddenly roared eliciting different reactions from people around him, especially from those whose mind was far gone and elsewhere.

Arnold the leader, stood there with a look of worry on his face as he looked around at the people around him. Even the younger and smaller children had come out the second they heard the blaring alarm before the screens popped out in front of them.

The only reason that most of the young ones survived in the first level was because, everyone found out that survival kills could be shared with children from the age of twelve and below, and now most of them looked like they were seconds away from fainting on the ground. The trauma of almost dying in the past levels still fresh in their minds.

As much as everyone would like to remain in the mansion, others would be coming. It also didn't help that their group had won the first level, killing a lot of people in the other groups.

"Our numbers are lesser than those of the other groups but unlike before we would be solely targeting Zombies, unless a stray human ventures our way," Arnold began speaking in a deep and clear voice, trying to elicit an aura of calmness that he didn't in any way feel.

At the mention of them committing murder most of the people around didn't even flinch all except, Aran and Gary, with Fred who then instantly accepted the reality of it if they intended to win.

"We have less than ten minutes to leave our hideout. All our goods have been sealed so there is nothing to worry about. Follow the rules. You see any mutation signs, use it. It would keep you alive. Do not mindlessly attract zombies to yourself, especially the intelligent and mutated ones. Remember that you can steal kill scores from other groups by killing them, just in case you run out of time. " Arnold warned one after the other, watching the members of the security team bring out all the guns and weapons they had, distributing it to every single person depending on their ability to carry or use it.

"There are dangers but also great gains to be found. MAY OUR SURVIVAL BE LONG!," Arnold called out for the last time in a loud voice.

"AND DEATH SWIFT!," everyone else called out in response according to the words they had seen on the screen, all except Fred, Gary and Aran who were doing their best to get up to speed with everything that was suddenly happening around them.

Its sad that not everyone can survive

Hashio_creators' thoughts